The art of good teaching


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Further to the recent thread on here about what makes a good lesson, I've just had a blog published which covers what I consider the key components.

I hope you enjoy it, and thanks to everyone who contributed to a lively debate which gave me a wide scope of ideas and thoughts to utilise it.

Just one question.....what's Jezz up to?


Nice work.
Good read and i agree fully.

Especially the point about 'trust', if you don't fully trust your pro you'll never commit 100% to the techniques he's showing you.
Its all part of the next GM experiment

Being....what's better out of wet bunkers....a "handmade by goblins" priceless wedge thrown into the test mix (think Jezz'z putter!) or a rake wedge??


Answers not on a postcard.....

Winner gets my car....the blue one.... :)

Very interesting read and much of it correct in my view, but the overall point of a good lesson is positive benefit afterwards, clearly endorsed by the pupil who ,after a lesson went out and won a comp and lost a stroke.Now that for me makes a good lesson and a good teacher.