Tee Height for PW / SW?



How bizarre to state someone is wrong based upon the opinion of Ben Hogan.

FWIW 'In_The_Rough', I agree that there are without doubt circumstances when you may choose not to use a tee with a SW... or other clubs for that matter. Depends how your confidence is that day, how you're striking the ball, the condition and quality of the tee box, etc, etc, etc...

To say that Ben Hogan says so and therefore any other opinion 'is stupid' is stupid.

I didn't say that.

Clearly though, your knowledge, experience and skill exceed Hogan's so maybe I should agree with you.
I will stop using tees now that I have seen the light and you two Oracles have spoken. My eyes have been opened - thanks.


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 28, 2013
Peak District
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You miss the point... because it works for you and is your preferred option, does not mean the same for everyone else.

If someone has greater confidence using no tee with their 56* - 60* wedge from a perfectly mown tee box, then to call them or their decision not to use a tee 'stupid' is a somewhat strange conclusion.

Most pros always use a tee, but not all. Are those that don't 'stupid'?

Also, I wonder if the number of pros using a tee would reduce if they were playing a 100 yard par 3 and using their 60* wedges...? Most likely IMO.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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If the tee condition is like a fairway - then fair enough - if at address you get the same mental picture and feeling then good. Otherwise I would generally use a tee peg - though pressed down so far it's almost imperceptible.


Not sure what point I am missing.

Ben Hogan said it is the right thing to do. 99% of professional golfers use tees on par 3's.

But two mid handicap golfers from the Midlands in the UK are saying that they must all be wrong and it's better to hit it off the deck? With a 60 degree wedge on a 100 yard par 3 no less?! :) And are advising people who are just starting in golf to do the same?

Are you serious?

Do you really think that tee height is the issue here?

And I apologise if the word stupid seemed unkind. Perhaps ridiculous would have been more polite.


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 28, 2013
Peak District
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The handicap point is irrelevant - my approach to golf is the same now as it was when I maintained a category 1 handicap for a few years in my late teens. 15 years on however and other commitments mean I'm lucky to play ten times in a year so I fail to maintain what I consider a particularly good handicap. I was very pleased with my recent 77 when I played Nefyn for the first time, though.

Anyway, I'll try and explain just once more as you dismount your high horse...

I'm not recommending anyone use or not use a tee when playing a sand wedge into a 100 yard par 3, but rather calling out your unfounded and less than well delivered conclusion that anyone who fails to use a tee in such a situation is 'stupid'.

I won't repeat points from my previous posts but suffice to say that it's down to the individual and what they feel comfortable doing. There is no right and wrong here, it's a personal choice.

FWIW, I would likely use a tee if hitting my PW... but would be unlikely to use a tee for a 56* - 60* wedge, assuming a very nicely presented tee box. That approach is neither wrong nor stupid, it is simply the approach that suits me best.

Ps. Your "99% of professional golfers" conclusion above is, again, irrelevant. A more helpful metric would be the percentage of professional golfers who would choose to tee up their 58* or 60* wedge for a 100 yard par 3 from a very nicely presented tee box. You don't have the stats to answer that question but we all know it would not be 100%. Again, to re-emphasise my point... there is no right and wrong here, it's a personal choice.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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The handicap point is irrelevant - my approach to golf is the same now as it was when I maintained a category 1 handicap for a few years in my late teens. 15 years on however and other commitments mean I'm lucky to play ten times in a year so I fail to maintain what I consider a particularly good handicap. I was very pleased with my recent 77 when I played Nefyn for the first time, though.

Anyway, I'll try and explain just once more as you dismount your high horse...

I'm not recommending anyone use or not use a tee when playing a sand wedge into a 100 yard par 3, but rather calling out your unfounded and less than well delivered conclusion that anyone who fails to use a tee in such a situation is 'stupid'.

I won't repeat points from my previous posts but suffice to say that it's down to the individual and what they feel comfortable doing. There is no right and wrong here, it's a personal choice.

FWIW, I would likely use a tee if hitting my PW... but would be unlikely to use a tee for a 56* - 60* wedge, assuming a very nicely presented tee box. That approach is neither wrong nor stupid, it is simply the approach that suits me best.

Ps. Your "99% of professional golfers" conclusion above is, again, irrelevant. A more helpful metric would be the percentage of professional golfers who would choose to tee up their 58* or 60* wedge for a 100 yard par 3 from a very nicely presented tee box. You don't have the stats to answer that question but we all know it would not be 100%. Again, to re-emphasise my point... there is no right and wrong here, it's a personal choice.

Maybe just me, but when I see a player otehr than a low handicapper chuck a ball onto the deck when he's going to tee off and not use a tee peck then I'm afraid I just think he's being a wee bit of a show off - sorry - that's just the thought that comes into my head.


Tour Winner
Oct 26, 2009
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I am amazed that this debate is still going on over a comment I made over using a tee for a PW/SW. I must stress that it is for these 2 clubs only where I would not use a tee. Mab thanks for defending me while I was away:thup::) I also agree that the handicap is irrelevant, I might be an great ball striker but have a pants short game as being the reason why I play off 8. There really does seem to be a lot of anamosity on here at times lighten up folks lifes to short for petty squabbles.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I was not showing off when I played of 18 and didn't use a tee on all short par 3's. I just felt that my steep swing didn't lend well to a ball perched on top of a tee peg.

it still doesn't suit my wonky swing so I tend not to use them.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 20, 2012
st helens
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i have played golf for over 40 years and have never used a tee peg for such a lofted club off the tee area,but to be honest i haven't played many 100 yd par 3's,do you use a tee on the fairway from 100 yds in ? so why do you use one from the tee box,a few years ago i had the fortune of playing a few holes with LAURA DAVIS and she stood on the tee box pulled out her 7i and made a mound in the ground ( like a small divot) she then placed her ball on this grass tee and hit her driver,she informed me she had not used a tee for years,as others have said it worked for her but probably not for you,if you feel the need to use a tee then use one,but don't have a go at people who don't.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Maybe just me, but when I see a player .... chuck a ball onto the deck when he's going to tee off and not use a tee peck then I'm afraid I just think he's being a wee bit of a show off - sorry - ..

not just you - but that's another issue entirely

I respect a players decison to make their own decision, with whatever club - but personally I have seen far to many 'green circles' in the middle of my clubs not to want to take any steps available to avoid this.

A clubhead making contact with the ball has absolutely no regard to whether the ball is on a tee or not, only the golfer.


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 28, 2013
Peak District
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Maybe just me, but when I see a player otehr than a low handicapper chuck a ball onto the deck when he's going to tee off and not use a tee peck then I'm afraid I just think he's being a wee bit of a show off - sorry - that's just the thought that comes into my head.

Ha ha, I do agree with that... regardless of handicap. It looks unnecessarily showy and rather unfortunate for the individual if the shot is a poor one.

For me, there would be no chucking the ball on the deck; it would be placed with care, that's for sure.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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do you use a tee on the fairway from 100 yds in ? so why do you use one from the tee box

I don't use a tee for a 230yd fairway wood to a par 5 either. I sort of agree with you but not a good argument imo.

Maybe just me, but when I see a player otehr than a low handicapper chuck a ball onto the deck when he's going to tee off and not use a tee peck then I'm afraid I just think he's being a wee bit of a show off - sorry - that's just the thought that comes into my head.

I'm guilty of this, but only when I'm having a bad day and have given up caring!


Head Pro
Jan 22, 2013
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I’m not yet at the stage yet where I could sacrifice any advantage, so if there’s a chance a tee will improve things I’m going to use it, not least because rightly or wrongly there’s a mentality in thinking your chances of hitting a good shot have improved.
Turns out, I was teeing the ball to high, creating essentially a perched lie, and not adjusting ball position accordingly.

Foolishly, I was teeing the ball the same for the PW/SW as my 5I (another par 3 shot on the course, which has been flying brilliantly). I went out to the course midweek and teed the ball just ever so slightly above the ground with better results. Tried a few of the deck (just for fun) – worked okay, probably a bit more inconsistent in terms of ball flight, but that’s just my skill level!