Target Practice


Assistant Pro
Oct 7, 2016
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Hi all,

Just thought I would share this plan I've put together mainly to have something to aim at during practice and rounds for myself.

I have it on google docs if anyone wants a copy.

Be interested in your views on this too.

Targets are based over one month so the aim is to complete all by the end of each month.



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Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Very wide ranging and comprehensive, good luck with it

Not something I’d choose to follow as it appears to rely so much on replication from a similar single start point (especially putting) I rarely find two putts the same, so getting 20 inside x feet in a row doesn’t really benefit unless you know that’s the putts you’ll face on the course (unlikely) and would also give me a sore back
I’d go from a clock-face start with between 6-8 balls at varying distances of 20,30,40 and lower the consecutive target number, that way its giving a different line/pace of putt every time, you need to stand up to walk to each putt so it’s easier on the back and you only have one shot attempt from each different putt which replicates the game on the course. Then go round the clock again but change the distances so if 12 o’clock was a 20’ it’s now 40 for second rotation etc

Bunker practice seems like something I’d like to do because they’ll all be different lies etc, but again you might want to mix it up measuring up & downs out of 10 rather than simply where the bunker shot ends up

I’m not good enough to shape shots like that (& that may mean you’re less inclined to consider anything else I’ve written) but it seems a good drill with a manageable number of hits

Do you only give yourself one attempt at each discipline? If so what happens if it takes 2 hours to hit 6 consecutives draws/fades/straights with a 7 iron, or get 20x30’ putts inside target, you won’t have time to complete the whole program (some of that putting might take half your allotted time alone) If you only have one attempt what happens if you break the sequence on the 2nd shot on several tasks

Anyway I'm sure the plan makes sense for you so good luck

Shooter McPowick

Head Pro
Apr 2, 2016
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Worth a go, it can’t hurt.

I read an an article saying the best form of practice is random practice. Perhaps use those drills butin a random fashion. I’ve found my little bump and runs with a 9i to be most beneficial when I have 3 different targets and I never chip to the same one back to back. All the 9i bump and runs I hit on the weekend we’re to within 3 feet


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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I used to get caught in the 'low putt count hype' thinking that the fewer the putts the better the score.

Imagine hitting GIR on every green and walking in with 36 putts.....its a level par round.
I'm not saying you'll GIR in reg 100% of the time, but putting numbers can be a little deceiving.
If you walk in with 28 putts but are always on the green in 2 more than you should be it won't shouting about having just 28 putts. If that makes sense?


Tour Rookie
Apr 4, 2013
Hi all,

Just thought I would share this plan I've put together mainly to have something to aim at during practice and rounds for myself.

I have it on google docs if anyone wants a copy.

Be interested in your views on this too.

Targets are based over one month so the aim is to complete all by the end of each month.


Looks comprehensive.

Similar to what Slab said, I suppose it's good to mix it up so might be best to keep changing the target you are hitting at.
But I've emailed it to myself and would be good to hear how you get on with this.

Dread the thought of hitting draws now as well. Used to be good at shaping the ball. Couldn't do it to save my life now.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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I loved random chipping practice.

Mixing up shots by selecting the “wrong” club. If you would normally hit a 56 try a PW and vice versa. Try bad lies with a 9 iron and long chips with a 6 iron. It’s lotsof fun and cheaper than range balls. Allot need is a good practice chipping area. I’ve been lucky at my past two clubs which had huge areas that were well kept.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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This looks distinctly like the practice schedule from the "Scratch Golf" youtube channel video on the same subject

It's comprehensive and I've got a trimmed down version of that (well something similar) that I work on. Depending on what I'm working on, it's perfect to have a structured practice drill and able to chart progress going forward