Swing Width


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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We all hear it and are told it by well meaning playing partners from time to time but I have never heard it put this way before.

I too have had this experience, when trying out a club at a range I was told to try and keep more width in my swing, I never really knew what it meant.

Then I saw this video

I suddenly realised this was me, the reason for my lack of power despite good ball striking. I started working on that on the range instant 10 yards or more.

I think I have heard of these guys before but not seen any videos until now.

This worked for a while until about 6 holes into my round last Monday when suddenly my swing went all weird. During our round Franco said my good swing was "graceful" and what I started doing bore no resemblance.

I remembered back to working on my game and my swing sort of returned for the last 9 holes, if a bit patch.

Out on the range today I could hardly hit a ball, it was scary! Then I thought back to this video after doing a few swings away from the ball. Instant impact, back to nailing it!

So thats two videos now I can thank! I would recommend them to anyone struggling as they have turned my swing around!