Swing Video


Medal Winner
Jan 17, 2012
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Hi chaps, still quite new here so go easy! Only been playing since the start of November and had my 3rd lesson today so thought i'd show you my swing, this was right at the beginning of the lesson an it clearly shows pretty drastic left knee movements so we worked on that and my spine angle today. Any comments/critique/tips more than welcome..like i said though go easy!



(No idea how to upload it properly...help)


Tour Winner
Oct 26, 2009
Midlands/North West
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Not an expert by any means but looks to me like a weight transfer problem you appear to be doing a reverse pivot. Pretty good really to say you only started in Nov. Have you checked out Mark Crossfield on You Tube loads of his vids will be helpful to you. Stick with it and it will improve, good that you have got lessons in straightaway as well to stop any bad faults getting to far set


Medal Winner
Jan 17, 2012
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Not an expert by any means but looks to me like a weight transfer problem you appear to be doing a reverse pivot. Pretty good really to say you only started in Nov. Have you checked out Mark Crossfield on You Tube loads of his vids will be helpful to you. Stick with it and it will improve, good that you have got lessons in straightaway as well to stop any bad faults getting to far set

Yes i have, i'm a keen watcher of all his videos might upload my swing an see if he helps at all. Will keep an eye on some videos and look for some front on to see what i can pick up from him. Thanks for the comments guys! Thought it'd be best to get the lessons in before i go an purchase my first real set of shineys! (custom fit booked next friday) :D


Tour Winner
Oct 26, 2009
Midlands/North West
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Yes i have, i'm a keen watcher of all his videos might upload my swing an see if he helps at all. Will keep an eye on some videos and look for some front on to see what i can pick up from him. Thanks for the comments guys! Thought it'd be best to get the lessons in before i go an purchase my first real set of shineys! (custom fit booked next friday) :D

No worries. As I said it is not bad at all really. Bob is the best person on here to give you advice I am sure he will be along later. Be careful going the custom fit route to early as your swing is only in its infancy and is likely to change over the coming months as you improve, basically what suits you now may noy in a years time so just be aware before you leap in. I am nearly 6ft 3" in height and I bought a off the shelf set to start out with, my coach made a few adjustments himself loft/lie etc but it was not a full custom fit like when I went for my Pings


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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What a good swing :)
My tip would be ....patience.
Dont try and change too much too quickly
Stick with what your pro tells you and practice hard.
If you can keep a "video diary" by filming your swing once a week, that will help you see if what you are working on is actually changing.
What you think you are doing isn't always what you are doing.

If I was to ask one thing, it would be.......
Do you ever hit it to the right?


Medal Winner
Jan 17, 2012
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What a good swing :)
My tip would be ....patience.
Dont try and change too much too quickly
Stick with what your pro tells you and practice hard.
If you can keep a "video diary" by filming your swing once a week, that will help you see if what you are working on is actually changing.
What you think you are doing isn't always what you are doing.

If I was to ask one thing, it would be.......
Do you ever hit it to the right?

Cheers again lads, have filmed my swing from behind but not for a few weeks and havn't been sent that yet, early stages of my lessons were all about getting the club head square and correcting my over the top swing path. But yes that's my main problem hitting it right, I have slowly corrected it and improved but by no means as consistent as I'd hope. Will be sure to get a clip down the line as soon as possible.