swing up on the backswing ..


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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intresting video here. why would we all not swing in this manner if its so easy to get into the correct position at the top of the backswing?


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Yes but what is the correct position at the top off the backswing? It will be different for different people. A tall person will have a higher position than a short person. It will also be different for different arm lengths. Plus it will be different depending on your hand to elbow, elbow to shoulder ratio. So as I said at the beginning what is the correct position at the top?


Nov 16, 2011
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This was actually exactly what my Pro said almost at the beginning of my first lesson - and it's true.

It will certainly get the club in the correct position at the top of the backswing - and is a great way to check that you are getting it there - but it is a diabolical way of actually doing it and hoping to have a decent downswing - which is really what the backswing is all about. In fact, the downswing really isn't the most important thing eitherr. The entire purpose is to have the club hitting the ball at desired centredness on the clubface with optimum speed, angle of approach/attack, clubhead path and club face angle for the intended shot. These are the true Ball Flight 'Laws'. If any of these differs between one shot an another, then the ball flight will change. Ball flight is really only the result of the values of the 5 ball flight factors/laws.

In 'swing algebra' nCentredness at mSpeed with oAofA, pSwingPath and qFaceAngle = Flight!

Here's an explanatory article - and another set of 9 arrows http://www.majorgolflesson.com/ball-flight-law/
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Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
This was actually exactly what my Pro said almost at the beginning of my first lesson - and it's true.

It will certainly get the club in the correct position at the top of the backswing - and is a great way to check that you are getting it there - but it is a diabolical way of actually doing it and hoping to have a decent downswing - which is really what the backswing is all about. In fact, the downswing really isn't the most important thing eitherr. The entire purpose is to have the club hitting the ball at desired centredness on the clubface with optimum speed, angle of approach/attack, clubhead path and club face angle for the intended shot. These are the true Ball Flight 'Laws'. If any of these differs between one shot an another, then the ball flight will change. Ball flight is really only the result of the values of the 5 ball flight factors/laws.

In 'swing algebra' nCentredness at mSpeed with oAofA, pSwingPath and qFaceAngle = Flight!

Here's an explanatory article - and another set of 9 arrows http://www.majorgolflesson.com/ball-flight-law/

Very good Foxy however slightly let down by the fact that the linked article is referring to the OLD ball flight laws :mad:



Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Yes but what is the correct position at the top off the backswing? It will be different for different people. A tall person will have a higher position than a short person. It will also be different for different arm lengths. Plus it will be different depending on your hand to elbow, elbow to shoulder ratio. So as I said at the beginning what is the correct position at the top?

suppose your right! i have a dodgey oul swing anyway so i wouldnt know a correct position at the top if it hit me over the head. i was just posing the question to see what you all thought! cheers for your input!


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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I can think of a few pros who've shown me this. If it was that easy, why bother to make a backswing at all? Lift the club, cock the wrists and turn to the top, then hit it.

If only. As someone who struggles to fix their backswing, I wonder how these thoughts are supposed to help?