Swing Rebuild! Help!


Tour Rookie
Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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It looks like your trying to get your downswing going before you have finished your back swing.
I.e your hips are going forward why your arms are still going backwards.

Thats only my apinion so someone may say im talikng rubbish ;)


Aug 5, 2011
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Its on my comp at home, will post it later. Here is one of the early ones from last night. I feel like it drops in alot more on line now.
(As I said before I know the backswing is abit flat and its something I need to address tonight as I was really moving forward in that department.)

Let me know what you think.


Thanks, you certainly would benefit from setting the wrists earlier than you do, by the time your left arm is parrallel to the ground your wrist set should ideally be complete- if on plane that should help with being less flat- someone posted the swingyde vid, its a pretty cost effective aid to help you imo


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 27, 2012
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Thanks, you certainly would benefit from setting the wrists earlier than you do, by the time your left arm is parrallel to the ground your wrist set should ideally be complete- if on plane that should help with being less flat- someone posted the swingyde vid, its a pretty cost effective aid to help you imo

Cheers, yeah I have heard thats a good piece of kit. Im not sure if you could slow the video down to see the movement much as to me it doesn't look massive at all but in previous videos I was probably an inch above the screen throughout the whole downswing. Im definitely not coming over the top as much.

Just makes me think there is so much still to do.

As always appriciate your help lads.


Tour Rookie
Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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Just makes me think there is so much still to do..

just learn one movement at a time, if you try and correct 4 or 5 things then you will never get it. work at it like puzzle.
for instance:
learn the correct take away path and then just hit the ball.
then learn upper body rotation then hit the ball
the wrist hinge and then hit the ball

and so on and so on. each new movement your learning could take a long time to learn.
im not saying learn these movements but just this is how the puzzle would come together.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Work on the back swing with your pro. Get the club in a good position. I use to get it pointing across the line at the top and there were so many things that needed to happen to get it back. Add in a lift from swinging too far, a slide and too much from the inside and it had to all be "on" to play well. I am hitting like never before. A combination of going to a one plane swing and a better takeaway and I am so looking forward to a stellar 2013. You have to do it in the right order. You cant do it in bits and pieces. My advice would be to sit down with the pro and discuss what you've done to date, what he thinks needs to be looked at and get a plan drawn up. The backswing is key.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 27, 2012
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Yeah I agree with both of the above... I am not trying to take on too much but its hard not to want to see improvements straight away. Its the long term I am looking at and I am actually glad of the snow because I can get out of my weekend rounds just to practise.

I am going to keep focus on the backswing as its not natural just yet clearly. I can practise this in door just making sure I am taking it back on the right line.

Im currently paying 6 a day at the range though so cant keep this up for too much due to funds. (12 days out of 14 so far)

Cant wait to get out in the garden...

As far as I know if I can crack the backswing and slot movement I will be happy... I know I will never have a perfect pro's swing but one thing I have noticed straight away is when you drop it in the slot its near enough impossible to slice it.

Im not in any rush to speed it up yet but when I slow to roughly 50-60% I hit it well everytime... its that slow because I really have to think about the swing - the funny thing is there doesn't look like much of a difference in distance taking into account how much slower the swing is.