swing rebuild driver and iron


Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 20, 2011
Ellesmere Port, Cheshire
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having looking, reading and listening to what i have been told to why i slice i have spent last cpl days hardcore practicing my new swing with the driver and iron,

what i have changed so far is that on my down swing i have my shaft pointing at the target my wrists are hinged compared to my old swing where they where flat, after doing this i feel my swing is tighter still need to get used to it and make it automatic and not have to remember, but i feel im alot more inside with the swing,

at the range i have had alot more sucess but timing is an issue and i can top and fluff the ball or just nip the ball and it ethier goes low strait right of i over reach and goes low hard left

my irons i sometimes swung differently dont know why but sub consiously i did a differt to the norm and looking at videos and reading about various swings it looks a little like a stack and tilt

obviously lots to work on my left heel coming off the ground on the back swing but in myself i feel there is some improovment and cant wait to get out on the course tomorrow to try it in a real situation heres the video driver and iron normal and slow motion


im hoping you guys see an improvment lol


Journeyman Pro
Nov 1, 2007
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Have you been to have lessons at all? two things I notice are 1) lots of up and down head movement 2) You lift the club with you hands and arms rather than turn.

And im sorry but this looks nothing like stack and tilt.

You can only go so far with your knowledge of the swing sometimes the wrong way? please go and get some lessons.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Agree with Doh here. Swing definatly doesn't look like a stack and tilt swing.

Stack and tilt involves keeping your weight forward, both at address sand through the swing. On your take-away and back swing your left heel is lifting (alot) transfering your weight onto your right foot which is definatly not a S&T principal.

On your down swing you seem to be starting it with your arms rolling forward taking you off plane. Your left heel doesn't get back to the floor until a fraction of a second before impacting the ball and you don't appear to be shifting your weight to your left side until after the ball has gone.

Try starting your down swing with your legs rather than your shoulders. Start your down swing by planting your left foot and getting your weight moving forward so you're hitting against your left side.

I'm sure more exprianced members will tell me I'm wrong but that's the beauty of this forum :D


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Hi great on you for trying to sort your swing. But please get lessons before your grove the wrong things. Not having a go or owt. Just that I did it the hard way and its so hard to get rid of faults when their ingrained.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Your head's going to explode if you try and get any more swing thoughts.
Sorry to say but your swing now looks contrived and doesn't flow.
My advice is to get the fundamentals right using half swings.
Get the club traveling towards yout target at impact with a square clubface will be a great start.
Then, build on the basics and monitor the ball flight, not just in a net, on the range.


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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agree with all the above, get Lessons Richie, I know they arent cheap 1 to 1, you could look at local clubs/ranges for group lessons as they can work out very cost effective

I have stopped trying to mess with my driver swing until I can afford a couple of lessons as I know I will just ingrain bad habits


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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just started lessons as I've lost the ability get a ball off the tee (I think you know him bob, Jim Bennett).

been hanging them out left, then 'correcting' to get it back - just been making it worse and now left with a lot of work to do.


Tour Winner
May 17, 2011
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Richie I was just watching a few other videos you have just wanted to say I admire your persistence and perseverance. Your willingness to take things on board and work on it will make you a teachers dream. Good luck finding a pro near you.

One thing though. Try keeping that left foot planted. It's throwing your balance off big style. Just watch some of your vids where you lift the foot less you appear to get better balance. Also flow through the swing rather than try and hit the skin off the ball this will also help balance.