Swing post posture changes (Video & Pics included)

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Evening Gents

Had a quick 5 minutes spare at the end of tonight's 9 holes so decided to do a couple of videos.

I wanted to check how the improvements I've made to my posture were working along with my previous swing changes (Weight transfer forward at the start of the down swing).

Here's the videos:

Side on

Down the line ...... Sort of (Apologies)

I feel at address my posture is a lot better and I feel more connected through the swing. As examples, below are some pictures of my old posture as compared to my current posture.

Old posture:

New Posture:

I know the camera angles are slightly different, however, with my current (new) posture my hands hang more naturally at address and don't appear forced away from my body. My posture in general looks and feels more relaxed.

My wrists also feel more relaxed at address and makes taking the club away on plane much, much easier.

As for the videos, as always please feel free to make any comments/critisisms/suggestions you think will help to improve my swing (Apart from the shoddy practice net that was the only one available tonight :rolleyes: )

Muchos Kudos in advance


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I actually think the new position looks quite good with the arms hanging straight down. How does it feel to you when you hit the ball. Is it more balanced. How have shots been without the net - straighter

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Your hands seem to be a long way away from your groin matey, you look like you are almost reaching.

Maybe a little Brendy, I can see what you mean. However it's a massive improvement from my old posture. I feel more connected now throughout my swing, rather than my arms dictating throughout the swing.

I actually think the new position looks quite good with the arms hanging straight down. How does it feel to you when you hit the ball. Is it more balanced. How have shots been without the net - straighter

The new posture Homer feels a lot better. I feel more balanced and a lot more comfortable over the ball. My lower back also doesn't seem to ache as much after a round as it used to.

As for the shots. The ball contact is massively more consistant. My ball flight is also consistantley better, nice and straight and a lot more controllable.


Aug 5, 2011
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Looks very good now and I'll tell you what, no way do you look like an 18 h/capper, you're set up is single figs all the way, get working on the short game and turn 3 from the edge into 2.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Looks very good now and I'll tell you what, no way do you look like an 18 h/capper, you're set up is single figs all the way, get working on the short game and turn 3 from the edge into 2.

Well I know my putting can be improved. As I put in another thread I feel my current putter has been my achillies heel when it comes to putting from outside 10 or so feet.

To this end I went to see my pro who suggested that my current putter was a touch too short for how I make my stroke. Tried one of his stock Yes putters at the length he suggested and I was much more consistant.

Suffice to say I have a new putter due this week and will be investing in one of Bobs contraptions next week.


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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From my perspective the hands look a bit too low at set-up, with the swing plane then very flat.

Still a little bit too much tension at set-up, which is making the swing a bit mechanical, rather than flowing. But good positions where it counts. The finish looks a little bit artificial (very high hands).

But overall it's looking good and there's no way I'd want to play you off your 18 handicap! :eek: ;)

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Thanks for the feedback Monty.
As for my hands being low at address, there are probably 2 factors for it.
1st – My knee flex
2nd – Having arms like an orang-utan
My new address posture feels massively better than previous. My low arm position may be the result of me having naturally long arms. Combine that with my knee flex and that's probably why my hands are low at address, although I'd be happy to hear other opinions as to why this is!
As for the finish, I have heard this said  before about it looking artificial. All I can say is it honestly isn’t. If you check out a  previous swing video  of mine you’ll notice my hands finish in the same, high position. That’s just how I finish my swing, albeit now with better posture.
Thanks to all for taking the time to look.


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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My low arm position may be the result of me having naturally long arms. Combine that with my knee flex and that's probably why my hands are low at address, although I'd be happy to hear other opinions as to why this is!

I was trying to work out why your hands looked so low, as the rest of your posture looks really good, with great spine angle and nice amount of knee flex.. I didn't think of long arms! ;) There's always a reason!


Tour Rookie
Aug 6, 2007
Croydon, Surrey
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From my perspective the hands look a bit too low at set-up, with the swing plane then very flat.

Still a little bit too much tension at set-up, which is making the swing a bit mechanical, rather than flowing. But good positions where it counts. The finish looks a little bit artificial (very high hands).

But overall it's looking good and there's no way I'd want to play you off your 18 handicap! :eek: ;)

Summed up above me's thinks. Get your hands a bit higher at the top of the B/S. Make sure that you are not shut at the top as this seems to be reflected your finishing position. You do not appear to fully turn on the down/through swing, hence the club at finish is rather verticle.

Looks a bit useful for an 18 HCP though!

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I don't quite get what you mean there Matt. I've added a few more pictures to try and highlight my movement.

When you say

"You do not appear to fully turn on the down/through swing"

Do you mean body, hips, both?

Here are the pictures

Starting at the top with my back pointing toward my target:

I start my down swing by shifting my weight forward, settling my hips and letting my arms drop:

Through Impact my weight continues forward forward onto my left had side. My hips also continue round:

After impact my wrists continue to roll over. My hips are now nearly pointing down the line of the shot:

As my swing comes towards its finish, my fore arms have nearly rotated over. My hips are now pointing down the line of the shot:

Swing comes to a finish with my right shoulder directly over my left foot:

Just curious to see what you mean by not fully turning?

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Gareth, as I said earlier...

And if you're now hitting it well and straight, dont fix anything.

I have no intention to Bob.

I'm hitting it better now than I have done and it will take something a bit special to make me change my current swing.

I was just curious to see what was meant, but as you say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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There are a few issues with the swing that I can see that may need addressing if things start to go wrong, but as you say, why worry?

Golf is all about how you hit it and where you hit it.
If you can do both well...happy days :)

Give me a shout if you start hitting it left or start topping it. :eek: :D

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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There are a few issues with the swing that I can see that may need addressing if things start to go wrong, but as you say, why worry?

Golf is all about how you hit it and where you hit it.
If you can do both well...happy days :)

Give me a shout if you start hitting it left or start topping it. :eek: :D

Very Kind of you Bob. Thanks for the offer :D


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Nowt wrong with your swing. If its going where you want as you want. Then it right for you. I dont, really know why peeps say change this or that. When it works for you. You only have to watch the pro's on TV, they all have a different swing from each other. The only constant they all have is the same posture at address. I have long arms to, My wrist to ground measurment is only 32 inches. Keep it up it looks good and your hitting it well.