Swing change


Head Pro
Oct 29, 2013
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Just wondering if anyone has done a swing change where nothing feels comfortable but you’ve come out the other side.....
I know what I’m doing is the right thing but my old swing got it straight and forward most of the time although distance was a big issue.
It just feels a mile away and a bit depressing to be honest.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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I can't help but I can tell you you are not alone. I've had a steady winter, scored regularly around the 34 point mark in stableford comps. Had a lesson a couple of weeks ago to try and break through to the next level and some key changes were made. Scores of 22 and 24 have followed ☹. Off to the range tomorrow to keep trying but for how long will depend if improvement becomes more visible.

I'll be following this thread with interest.


Head Pro
Oct 29, 2013
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I can't help but I can tell you you are not alone. I've had a steady winter, scored regularly around the 34 point mark in stableford comps. Had a lesson a couple of weeks ago to try and break through to the next level and some key changes were made. Scores of 22 and 24 have followed ☹. Off to the range tomorrow to keep trying but for how long will depend if improvement becomes more visible.

I'll be following this thread with interest.

I hear you, hit 3 rounds in 80’s at a shorter course for me (winter) but I’ve also hit an 81 at my own course,nett 58, which in all honesty is a bit harsh for other players of in a comp, my battle is in my head 😫


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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I'll also be following closely, since returning to the game in November I have so much inconsistency in my swing, I can hit the ball literally off the course and I'm not talking distance, unbelievable how my old strong point used to be accuracy and short game, now I have no idea where the balls going off the tee. If I have an inspired short game day I can score low 70s, but stick a scorecard in my hand and my swing falls to pieces.

Considering biting the bullet and doing a full rebuild and seeing where it takes me. Just need find a pro that is willing to work with someone that wants a full change of everything.

Deleted member 3432

I'll also be following closely, since returning to the game in November I have so much inconsistency in my swing, I can hit the ball literally off the course and I'm not talking distance, unbelievable how my old strong point used to be accuracy and short game, now I have no idea where the balls going off the tee. If I have an inspired short game day I can score low 70s, but stick a scorecard in my hand and my swing falls to pieces.

Considering biting the bullet and doing a full rebuild and seeing where it takes me. Just need find a pro that is willing to work with someone that wants a full change of everything.

Any half decent pro would enjoy the challenge of working with someone with a bit of talent.

It may take time but if you put the work in you will see positive results.

Biggest problem most people face is they want instant results on the course without putting in the necessary work on the practice ground or range. Its sometimes necessary to go backwards for a spell to go forwards longer term.


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Oct 4, 2018
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Any half decent pro would enjoy the challenge of working with someone with a bit of talent.

It may take time but if you put the work in you will see positive results.

Biggest problem most people face is they want instant results on the course without putting in the necessary work on the practice ground or range. Its sometimes necessary to go backwards for a spell to go forwards longer term.
I think You're right about enjoying the challenge I just need find someone I trust in to work with, spent the last 2 days looking at options in and around my area, think I'm nearly there with making a choice of who as I've decided to go ahead an do it now whilst I am still relatively at the start of my return to playing.

Fully expecting it to take a while and if it means writing of this golfing season to do it I'm fully accepting of that. I only live 10mins from my club, and work right near a range so opportunity to practice is always on hand and I will certainly put in the hours to do it.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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When giving a lesson there are several things I always try and do

1. Find out what does the golfer wants from the lesson (for example cure the slice)
2. Explain why the ball slices, out to in swing and normally open clubface.
3. Chat about how to improve the ball flight by changing the swingpath/clubface/grip
4. Film the swing if necessary and let the golfer see the swingpath
5. Give the golfer drills to help with the faults.
Lastly and most importantly.......
Make sure the golfer knows exactly what was wrong, how to fix it, what I changed and why and what will happen if he/she goes back to the old swing


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I think You're right about enjoying the challenge I just need find someone I trust in to work with, spent the last 2 days looking at options in and around my area, think I'm nearly there with making a choice of who as I've decided to go ahead an do it now whilst I am still relatively at the start of my return to playing.

Fully expecting it to take a while and if it means writing of this golfing season to do it I'm fully accepting of that. I only live 10mins from my club, and work right near a range so opportunity to practice is always on hand and I will certainly put in the hours to do it.

If you were a pretty good golfer before I doubt you would need a full rebuild.
Just a few tweaks would probably get you back on track


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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If you were a pretty good golfer before I doubt you would need a full rebuild.
Just a few tweaks would probably get you back on track
Literally the swing is all over the place Bob no consistent feels, no consistent moves and no one consistent miss pattern. I can easily miss one way right and then way left in the same hole. It's only chipping and putting that's preventing a cricket score most rounds. It's almost like having full swing YIPs at moment. 🤔

Lessons are needed indeed and will commence from next.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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If your left hand is weak and your right is strong, you hands will be working against each other. Sometimes the left wins (block/slice) and sometimes the right wins (pull/hook)
Two very different results caused by one thing a poor grip. A simple fix.
Ball goes straight, the old confidence returns the swing becomes free and easy........ 5 handicap
£15 please ;)


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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If your left hand is weak and your right is strong, you hands will be working against each other. Sometimes the left wins (block/slice) and sometimes the right wins (pull/hook)
Two very different results caused by one thing a poor grip. A simple fix.
Ball goes straight, the old confidence returns the swing becomes free and easy........ 5 handicap
£15 please ;)
I hope it is just a grip thing, but it's feeling like a lot more than that at moment. But indeed a good place to start, £15 bargain when can you next fit me in 😉


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I hope it is just a grip thing, but it's feeling like a lot more than that at moment. But indeed a good place to start, £15 bargain when can you next fit me in 😉

If you're missing it left and right it certainly wont be the swingpath, (It could be the aim but very unlikely.) so it must be the clubface.
The grip controls the clubface. Fix the grip, fix the clubface.
Check yours in the mirror



Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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If you're missing it left and right it certainly wont be the swingpath, (It could be the aim but very unlikely.) so it must be the clubface.
The grip controls the clubface. Fix the grip, fix the clubface.
Check yours in the mirror

View attachment 27002
I'll get checking tonight Bob after work and gym is done, should be able to get to the range for about 5pm use the mirrors and hit a few balls.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Just wondering if anyone has done a swing change where nothing feels comfortable but you’ve come out the other side.....
I know what I’m doing is the right thing but my old swing got it straight and forward most of the time although distance was a big issue.
It just feels a mile away and a bit depressing to be honest.
It is one of the biggest challenges when you make a swing change and don't see the results on the course to resist going back to what you had before and "worked". You've made the change because what "worked" wasn't good enough. Stick with the changes, lower expectations on the course for a bit, work hard on any drills you've been give down at the range and be patient. Once it clicks and you see the results of the changes it'll fall into place.


Head Pro
Oct 29, 2013
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I'll also be following closely, since returning to the game in November I have so much inconsistency in my swing, I can hit the ball literally off the course and I'm not talking distance, unbelievable how my old strong point used to be accuracy and short game, now I have no idea where the balls going off the tee. If I have an inspired short game day I can score low 70s, but stick a scorecard in my hand and my swing falls to pieces.

Considering biting the bullet and doing a full rebuild and seeing where it takes me. Just need find a pro that is willing to work with someone that wants a full change of everything.
Your a pretty competent player though, I started playing at age 35......
Like Bob says, you probably just need a couple of tweaks, a hacker like myself is a different ball game 😂


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Brian, you have to stick with it, lets not forget you are offshore half the time so it will take longer. Having played with you i don't see any reason you can't improve massively.

The main thing going to Marty is you need to keep track of what you are going, set goals and things you want to work on and stick to them remind him what you are doing and keep a note of what your are doing and things to work on for next time.

I've been to some of the other guys around here and TBH they were no better than Marty, just more expensive. One wanted to give me Ernie Els swing, which was just a waste of 6 months lessons and a year of my golfing being crap... he was the highest thought of Pro and The SGU top Coach, was great with Kids who had full flexibility but no imagination how to help a 40 something guy with limited movement and talent;)

Stick with it.


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Oct 17, 2018
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It would be interesting if there were a rate my golf coach comparison type thing. The pro at our place is excellent, if a little on the expensive side which is why a lot go to others locally who are cheaper. For comparison our pro is £45 an hour and affordable golf offer one hour for £17 and there are loads of variations in between. The thing is you really need to commit to these guys, what if they aren’t great?


Has Now Found His Wedgie
Sep 3, 2007
Kingdom of Fife
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Just wondering if anyone has done a swing change where nothing feels comfortable but you’ve come out the other side.....
I know what I’m doing is the right thing but my old swing got it straight and forward most of the time although distance was a big issue.
It just feels a mile away and a bit depressing to be honest.

Yep, been at it all winter after a very bad couple of years (https://forums.golf-monthly.co.uk/threads/time-for-a-change.99143/#post-1939095 ). Have stuck with it, the "new" grip is no longer alien, and pretty stable. The club is moving on a much better swing plane, occasionally hit a loose one and let the loop back in at the top, mostly with woods. But in general, a much, much better swing now, genuine lag, distance is back, can play wedge shots again, and am hitting 30 points and up more consistently now. Casual knocks have become very exciting at times, shot two over gross on the front 9 last week, and 4 over on the back a day later. Very much enjoying my golf again and looking forward to the coming months. It isn't all the way there yet, it 's been a long slog with a lot of practice, but even as it stands right now, I'm in a far better (and happier) place than I was in October last year. Keep pushing through, it feels bad at first, it can be frustrating when those odd squirts right pop up, but the end result is much better. No longer have a duck hook, now playing a baby fade.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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It would be interesting if there were a rate my golf coach comparison type thing. The pro at our place is excellent, if a little on the expensive side which is why a lot go to others locally who are cheaper. For comparison our pro is £45 an hour and affordable golf offer one hour for £17 and there are loads of variations in between. The thing is you really need to commit to these guys, what if they aren’t great?
I've thought that. Why is there not a Checkatrade type website for golf pros? All you have now is trial and error and word of mouth. Could take people a lot of time and wasted expense to find the right pro.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I've thought that. Why is there not a Checkatrade type website for golf pros? All you have now is trial and error and word of mouth. Could take people a lot of time and wasted expense to find the right pro.
Partly because it's a teaching exercise. Not everyone responds to the same style of teaching and although the Pro should be able to adapt, not everyone is going to walk away with the same progression or experience. So some will say they're brilliant and some will say they're rubbish.
I get it with driving. Some people soak it up and pass in weeks, some are like concrete and it's impossible to get through.
One says you're good, one doesn't.
Doesn't make you bad at your job.