Mike et al,
From experience moderating on another forum new users are made to read and accept a short agreement regarding registering and useage for the initial 10 (or whatever fixed amount) posts, this certainly cuts down those amongst us who are only out to make money out of the forum.
Restricting the for sale section inaccessible for the first 10 posts etc will prohibit such posts and by them clicking agree on the agreement and if they try to post links to sales on the lounge section then they are out.
Two posts today have already tried selling and its annoying that people are only out to take advantage of a group of folk who are not all experienced in knowing what is acceptable and what isnt.
From experience moderating on another forum new users are made to read and accept a short agreement regarding registering and useage for the initial 10 (or whatever fixed amount) posts, this certainly cuts down those amongst us who are only out to make money out of the forum.
Restricting the for sale section inaccessible for the first 10 posts etc will prohibit such posts and by them clicking agree on the agreement and if they try to post links to sales on the lounge section then they are out.
Two posts today have already tried selling and its annoying that people are only out to take advantage of a group of folk who are not all experienced in knowing what is acceptable and what isnt.