Started Hooking and Pulling - What can i try?


Assistant Pro
Apr 8, 2016
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I've been playing fairly well since the turn of the year and handicap has been steadily coming down, however the last 2 rounds i've played i've started hooking drives massively off-line (talking 30 yards, and losing about 50-70 yards distance to boot) and pulling Irons about 20-25 feet to the left of target, so normally just enough to miss the green or find the bunkers.

All i've been working on recently is having a flatter wrist at impact as previously i was cupping my wrist and leading to a loss of distance, this was more with the irons that the driver and woods. I used to be around 130yards total for a 7 iron, but am now up to around 155, and the distance increase is throughout the bag, so happy with that, and the contact is more consistant, just there is a pull/hook.

My average drive is normally a 5 yard fade, with about 230 carry, 260 total - but this has turned to about 180 carry with a 30 yard off-line hook

I've got a lads trip away at the weekend, so look for some ideas to try on the range before then to fix - i can't get in to see my pro as he's away this week

Any ideas i can try, or why it might have been happening?



Journeyman Pro
Nov 1, 2007
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Whenever things go wrong for me I always go back to the basics, grip, stance, posture and alignment and make sure they are ok before looking for other reasons that things have gone wrong.


Assistant Pro
Apr 8, 2016
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Whenever things go wrong for me I always go back to the basics, grip, stance, posture and alignment and make sure they are ok before looking for other reasons that things have gone wrong.

I should have added, i did go to the range last night, and checked all of the those, and had my usual PP take a look as well, and all seems to be ok there - and the hooks and pulls were still there, even aiming massively right of target (20 yards they would end up 5 yards left of target.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Sounds as if it could be either a strong grip (right hand too far under the grip)
Lack of rotation through impact.

As your friend has checked your grip, I'd go for the lack of rotation, especially if you are aiming right and missing left.
What happens is your body stops turning and your hands flip the club past you.
Try aiming straight and keep turning hard through impact.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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guess one thing you'd need to be sure of were the pals just checking that set-up and grip 'looked' similar to the way it's always looked - as that might not be the same as it all being in the shape it perhaps should be

could be that whatever you worked/working on (to try to achieve the flat left wrist at impact) has removed some compensations in the swing that all balanced out stuff to produce the previous decent impact/shot results

what exactly(how) were you working to, in order to achieve 'the flat left wrist into impact?

at set-up when you look down at grip, in both hands do the 'v's formed by forefinger & thumb point to around the right ear?


Journeyman Pro
Nov 24, 2013
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Sounds as if it could be either a strong grip (right hand too far under the grip)
Lack of rotation through impact.

As your friend has checked your grip, I'd go for the lack of rotation, especially if you are aiming right and missing left.
What happens is your body stops turning and your hands flip the club past you.
Try aiming straight and keep turning hard through impact.

Sorry to hijack.

Would this be the same for a 50-60yard pull? A bit like the op ive gained quite a bit of distance lately. The bad shot was always a fade/slice. Now along with the better contacts comes the straight pull miles left. Mainly with hybrid, and 5+6 irons.

Thanks :thup:


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Sorry to hijack.

Would this be the same for a 50-60yard pull? A bit like the op ive gained quite a bit of distance lately. The bad shot was always a fade/slice. Now along with the better contacts comes the straight pull miles left. Mainly with hybrid, and 5+6 irons.

Thanks :thup:

Hard to say without seeing the swing.
It could be lack of rotation on the backswing, followed by a throw at the top. This means the swingpath is going left.

Try the drill below where you hit the ball without hitting the headcovers

[video=youtube;KsrovFJ3o9I] OUldKvQT7ZWYEmPOyW[/video]


Assistant Pro
Apr 8, 2016
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guess one thing you'd need to be sure of were the pals just checking that set-up and grip 'looked' similar to the way it's always looked - as that might not be the same as it all being in the shape it perhaps should be

could be that whatever you worked/working on (to try to achieve the flat left wrist at impact) has removed some compensations in the swing that all balanced out stuff to produce the previous decent impact/shot results

what exactly(how) were you working to, in order to achieve 'the flat left wrist into impact?

at set-up when you look down at grip, in both hands do the 'v's formed by forefinger & thumb point to around the right ear?

I've been using a credit card in the back of the glove as a piece of instant feeling, and using the smash bag a lot to get the feeling of the straight lead arm, wrist and club all in line.

Yes the V's in the grip are pointing to towards the right ear

I went to the range for a couple of hours last night to figure this out, and getting there slowly - i think you are right there were some compensations in the old swing to hit target.

I think bobmac was right, as i started turning harder through impact the miss is nowhere near as far left, now only 10-15 yards rather than 30-40. I also feel like the club is coming even more from the inside, so the good shots are 5 yard draw to target, which i have never had.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I went to the range for a couple of hours last night to figure this out, and getting there slowly

cool that stuff improving - good luck with it all

just speaking of rotation generally - as don't know what is happening in the swing motion -

many folks that hook/pull hook
the lack of rotation issue starts in the lower body when from transition the pelvic forward angle is lost starightening up some & the legs straighten up some
- lose that pelvic angle coming into the strike it's pretty much bio-mechanically impossible to turn/rotate/clear the left hip/glute out of the way
so the hips stay very much square into the strike - left hip/glute doesn't clear then upper body can't rotate forces the arms to wrap round, hands to roll over and there it goes ....starting leftfield & screaming a good bunch more leftfield