So I didn't renew my GM subscription.....


Journeyman Pro
May 1, 2009
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Thanks for the replies, I do feel a little guilty if i'm honest but I found myself taking less and less time to read the mag as the year went on. I tend to not look at the instructional pieces and am not going to book a golfing holiday, so that reduces the volume to read quite significantly. It does mean that my bathroom breaks are significantly shorter nowadays :eek:


Assistant Pro
Feb 20, 2012
North Lanarkshire
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I dont have a subscription however i buy this and another scottish publication monthly, i like the fact i can take this down the range if there s a tip i like.

the only dowside is that i have boxes in the garage of old magazines and my current wife is going mental and telling me to get rid.

Every silver lining and all that


Tour Winner
Sep 1, 2011
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not to take up an offer with another publication, but i felt that the magazine just didn't interest me that much when you compare the variety of resources online. This is a personal view, but I found over the last 12 months or so, I spent less and less time reading each copy and spent more time online reviewing courses, clubs, being on this forum etc

Have others taken the same view, or is it just me?

BTW this is not a knock at the GM team as the magazine is a fine publication.

I think magazines are better in print, IMO you can flick thro them more easily. Have recently renewed GM subs, gives me good VFM


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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For me the strengths of the print mag are the news, columnists, gear reviews and tour stories.

The bit I get least from is instruction. It's common to all instructional mags that they have to pitch the material at a wide audience, so as a long-time player, a lot of it is stuff I've heard a lot before and aimed at newer or higher handicap players.. I don't blame GM for that - they have to play the percentages in terms of giving readers what they want.

Also, trying to teach a dynamic acitivity like the golf swing via a static format like print is tricky. Youtube etc have a big advantage there.. you can see what they are teaching happening in real time.

I do check out the GM Youtube channel and its good to see more instructional videos and gear reviews on there... this is surely the way forward as ipad and the like will uiltimately lead to magazines having a genuine blend of static and interactive content.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I think there is only so much any printed format can achieve and to be honst the instructional side is well down the list of features I look at. I like the GM reviews both equipment and courses and there is no doubt they do run some very interesting features and interviews. Of course it is still the only mag with its own pages dedicated to forum members!

Every magazine seems to be cyclical in terms of major previews, get ready for the season instruction, new gear etc but the quality of the GM writing and the layout makes if superior to the others in my opinion. I love being able to casually flick thorugh the magazine whenever I have a few odd moments and usually take the previous one to the club for members to enjoy


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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I've been getting my father in law's copy when he's done with it which is great but a bit annoying reading the Open build up issue weeks after DC won it! :)

So have just taken out my own subscription - was planning to buy a box of z-stars anyway so decided to get them via a GM subscription.

I think most magazines are repetitive over time. I used to subscribe to Trail magazine but eventually was barely reading it. I expect the same will happen to GM at some point.....


Tour Winner
Apr 24, 2010
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i think the last few issues in particualr have been excellent

i meant to subscribe after they kindly picked me for thw G20 fitting last year, but i never liked the Zstars (poor excuse) so i have just been buying off WHSmith each month - i dont knwo whether Mike/GM get more out of me thsi way or via subscribing


Tour Winner
Sep 26, 2010
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Subscribed again last year using a special offer from EGU.

I think the content is very good, covering a wide range of topics in the sort of depth you'd expect for an enthusiasts magazine that is nevertheless aimed at a broad market, and this month particularly the Masters coverage is excellent.

Like many others I like to have a real magazine to read. It tends to follow me around the house so I can pick it up and read something when I want.

I agree that it is inevitable that the instructional stuff seems a bit repititious to experienced players but overall it's hard to find any real dislikes with the mag.