
Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2008
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went out today for my firsat round since being laid up with man flu for 3 weeks. Used my skycaddie for the first time, bear in mind I am a 24 h/c and was playing a course that I don't know that well,I found the GPS invaluable and def money well spent, I went round round with a bloke who plays off 8 and he could not believe how accurate it was and also how far out the markers were on the course, he is now going to buy one.

As I said my round was very good and it was down to not guessing the distance and picking the right club.

Very pleased with the kit.



PS I am crap with gadgets , but it was easy to use.
So how did you do?

Also played today and shot 23 over! Not great but OK considering I was guessing most of the distances with my new irons, the lofts are less savage than my old DI7 but im hitting them about 5-10 yards further.

shot a 94 which is a very good round for me. Like U I am still guessing distances, so you sound pleased with the new irons, I take it they are going well ? Have You noticed much diff with them ?

Got my 2.5 yesterday and with a bit of luck I'll get to use it next tuesday. Looks a good piece of kit and I can't wait.

It does distances in miles so I'll always know how far away from my club I am!!!!!
I don't mean to be rude but surely these sat nav things are a total blag! Don't get me wrong, I'm new to the game and need all the help I can get but surely using your own eyes and brain are a massive skill and a huge part of the game!

Sorry, I Don't want to start a row, I just think its mental!
Actually they are a great help. They speed play up as you are not referring to yardage charts or looking for yardage markers and give you a clear understanding of how far you hit each club (soon sorts fact from fiction) which makes clubbing easier. It is a great confidence boost to stand over a shot knowing you have got the right club in your hand. Anything that goes wrong then is down to the numpty swinging it.

Ask anyone on here who has any of the makes and models and most will say it has helped their game enormously. I wouldn't be without my SC5. I have even used the yardage chart the club produces and modified it with my own yardages from my SC so I have a detailed reference for each hole to use in competitions where these machines are banned.
All the Gps is doing is giving you info that already exists but in a more concise and usable form. It gives you a yardage to the front, middle and back of the green (accurate to 1 yard) and it gives yardages to bunkers,ditches and the like. This info is already in the course planner. it takes the guess work out of the equation.

Imagine you're playing a club match at a course you havn't played before. Its all square going down the last and you've hit a good drive. There's a pond in front of the green. if you have yardage markers you've got to pace out the distance, do the maths and then work out the club. But how far is the carry over the pond? How deep is the green? GPS will give you all that and, assuming you know how far you hit each club, you'll have a more accurate idea of how to play the shot.

You've still got to take wind and elevation into consideration as well as playing the shot so its not doing it all for you.
I'm not saying they dont work well just that I think they're a bit of a blag. As for speeding up play, me and my usual playing partner get round in 3 hours and I'm gutted when its the end of the round!Why would I want to spend less time playing the game I love?
I've never used one and don't really want to but maybe one day I will and my mind will be changed. (If I knew how to insert a smiley face I would!)
I think you need to try one before you write them off. If you are gutted when you finish and rush round in 3 hours why not slow down and enjoy the surroundings a bit more. A slower pace might even improve your game.
I don't rush it's just how long it takes me. I'm not writing them off as such, as I said, I'm not saying they don't work well, they just seem like a blag. personally I find the challenge of golf extremely satisfying when I achieve something and if I was achieving these things with the help of sat nat or the like then I would feel a bit of a fraud!
People who have/use these gadgets seem to be awfully defensive!
I do not have one but played once with a member who was using one-In my opinion it was far better than either using the course yardage markers and/or your own eyes.

Imurg---Over here the systems are not allowed in inter club matches but would be helpful during your practise round at the away venue. Our club are allowing their use in club competitions.
I'm not saying they dont work well just that I think they're a bit of a blag. I've never used one and don't really want to but maybe one day I will and my mind will be changed.

Ade. Picture the scene....

You are playing a great course for the very first time. The course looks immaculate, the weather couldn't be better, you are well up for it and looking forward to a cracking round.
You cream one off the first tee, best drive you've hit in months! I told you you were up for it! Get to your ball which is sitting in the middle of the fairway just begging to be hit and try to work out the yardage. Now you're not quite sure whether the 150 markers are to the front of the green or middle (you've not played here before remember) and your scorecard doesn't tell you (not the first time that's happened!). You've got a lake to get over to hit the green.
"Those markers must be to the middle of the green, they always are" you think to yourself. Haven't played many golf courses have you??
On that basis, you work it out to be "about" 165 yards to the pin. Flat out 6 or an easy 5? You decide that because you're pumped up you are going with the solid 6. Couple of practice swings....bloody hell you feel good. Take your stance, hit the swing you've ever put on it and you strike the ball sooooo sweetly. It takes off like an exocet straight at the flag and.....splosh! You're in the lake. Jeez, how did that happen?
Now at this point, if you think to yourself "Never mind, I hit it really well, so it doesn't really matter" then I don't think you will buy a SkyCaddie.
If you think "you fecking idiot, I couldn't have struck that any sweeter. I'm going to struggle to score on this one now" and feel like lobbing that bloody 6 iron in the lake...might I suggest you will, at sometime, buy a Skycaddie?
;) ;) ;)
I played at Princes with Jon. Paid the green fee, went to the first, hit a 3 wood middleish fairway. Got to the ball, now where's the 150. There isn't one. Should have bought a stroke saver, but the pro never said anything. Damn.

Luckily Sam had an SC5, and we spent most of the round shouting out for a yardage.

It would be a shame to play a nice track, and completely mess up your day by playing poorly due to a lack of yardage markers. That is what convinced me.

I also don't really see what satisfaction I would get from pacing out a yardage. It isn't fun, it is slow, and it isn't accurate. The skill is in seeing the shot in your mind, and executing it, not pratting about calculating distances. The pro's don't do it, so why should I.
After reading this thread and doing a bit of research I'm sold, just a few questions.
Is the SG5 worth the extra over the SG2.5?
Where's the best place to buy from? Onlinegolf do the SG5 for £273 with a free travel case.
I'm not saying they dont work well just that I think they're a bit of a blag. I've never used one and don't really want to but maybe one day I will and my mind will be changed.

Ade. Picture the scene....

You are playing a great course for the very first time. The course looks immaculate, the weather couldn't be better, you are well up for it and looking forward to a cracking round.
You cream one off the first tee, best drive you've hit in months! I told you you were up for it! Get to your ball which is sitting in the middle of the fairway just begging to be hit and try to work out the yardage. Now you're not quite sure whether the 150 markers are to the front of the green or middle (you've not played here before remember) and your scorecard doesn't tell you (not the first time that's happened!). You've got a lake to get over to hit the green.
"Those markers must be to the middle of the green, they always are" you think to yourself. Haven't played many golf courses have you??
On that basis, you work it out to be "about" 165 yards to the pin. Flat out 6 or an easy 5? You decide that because you're pumped up you are going with the solid 6. Couple of practice swings....bloody hell you feel good. Take your stance, hit the swing you've ever put on it and you strike the ball sooooo sweetly. It takes off like an exocet straight at the flag and.....splosh! You're in the lake. Jeez, how did that happen?
Now at this point, if you think to yourself "Never mind, I hit it really well, so it doesn't really matter" then I don't think you will buy a SkyCaddie.
If you think "you fecking idiot, I couldn't have struck that any sweeter. I'm going to struggle to score on this one now" and feel like lobbing that bloody 6 iron in the lake...might I suggest you will, at sometime, buy a Skycaddie?
;) ;) ;)

Thats the only time I can see them being useful. I played the Belfry and they have then fitted to the buggies.It was good to see the lay out of the hole etc but realistically I play my home course most of the year round or local courses I already know and can count trips to brand new courses per year on one hand so I cant really warrant spending this kind of money. I can honestly say distance wise my eyes rarely deceive me too, its my swing that does that !!!! ;)
I didn't think I would use it much round my own track, as I have been a member there for 7 years.

However, I do use it every time, and when I forgot to charge it recently, really missed it. Getting the yardage from the 150's isn't the same, as they don't tell me what the distance is to the front or back, which I find really useful.

Most golfers come up short, so if the pin is at the back, 150 to the middle means invariably a 7i, as I am frightened the 6 will be long, the 7i is only 150 if I flush it, so 9 out of 10 will be short, some not even on the green. If the pin is at the back (blue flag), I can be two club lengths short sometimes. Not with SG5. I am hitting the back of the greens more consistently using it (ok, I go through a few too, but that is better than always being short).

I don't often need to use the other features on my home course (carry over bunkers etc, as I do know if I can carry these).

I am looking forward to medal play with it next year. I genuinely think this is the one bit of kit I have bought which will knock shots off my h/cap.
Anyway can we move on or can we have some bad press about this thing please before im tempted to go out and get one!!!
Ademac, I was in your boat when I first started playing. Once you get to a half decent level (or like me so competetive) you start to get picky with yardages.

Smiffys storey was so true. This has happended to me a few times and cost me a good score, if not a few quid.

There is nothing better than hitting a ball pin high and holding the green, I used to always miss short because of guess work and then have to scramble for par.

I will be getting one after xmas, just not sure which one, but the 2.5 is the leader ATM.