Shot Scope or other shot trackers


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Aug 24, 2020
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Thinking about purchasing Shot Scope. Does anyone have one that can provide an unbiased review? Most reviews on Youtube are just ads. Or if anyone has any other recommendations for shot tracking that would be great.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I bought V2 ( I think it was) and it was crap

First lot of tags didn't hardly work so they replaced the whole kit. The second batch worked better but missed loads of shots, when I emailed them the answer was to take more practice swings and swish the clubs round more, near the ball. I dont play golf that way and when I bought the system I expected it to work with my swing and not alter my swing radically to suit their system.

The newest system may be better but I spent enough and never hardly used it.

The Dog.

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May 19, 2021
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I have v3 plus tags and it’s great. I always forget to register the putts so have to go onto the online dashboard after every round to clean it up a bit but I enjoy this process and it has certainly helped my golf. The distances to green and hazards are great and the shot tracking is a bit of an added bonus. Can post a few pics if it helps.


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
I've recently bought V3 but I've only just it a couple of times so far. It's easy to use and you can make adjustments to your round afterwards.
The watch is light, unobtrusive and easy to use and read.
Just be aware if you have particularly thick rubber at the top of your grips. It can be sod to screw the sensors in. And also you'll realise you can't hit the ball as far as you thought. :whistle:;)
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Sep 15, 2020
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Funnily enough chatting to my PP about Shot scope recently. He has the G3, no complaints from him as it does the job telling him to yardages for front, middle and back. Courses easy to set up on the app and load onto the watch.

He's a bit of a Shot Scope nut as his previous watch was the V.2. He said it was bulky and the battery was average as you would have to recharge it after every round. The club tags were a novelty and he never used them.

My advice would be get a Garmin. Great watch.


Apr 10, 2010
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I've recently bought a V2 from Amazaon Warehouse - got it for £68 & I have to say that so far it's brilliant.

I can only speak from the 10 rounds that I've used it for, but it hasn't missed one shot via the tagging & the GPS is excellent. It constantly alters the front, middle and back of the green readings dependant on where you are on the course ie if you're on the wrong fairway it gives a reading for the front of the green that you're playing towards and not the front of the green as seen from the correct fairway. This is great as you might not have to carry the bunkers and play a different type of shot than you normally would.
I've also got to praise the customer service - the mapping on my course was a little out as the club have decided to change the numbers on the holes ie what was hole 7 is now hole 1 (don't ask!!). I contacted shotscope via email and the remap was done within 48 hours and an email confirmation to say that they'd done it. Pretty impressive to be honest, particularly as it's not a major golf course.
I will say that the V2 is bulky and not the sleekest unit (this is much better on the V3 by the looks of it), but for what I paid, the service and the stats that I get from it (I'm REALLY bad at greens in regulation I've found out) there's no complaints from me


Head Pro
Jul 28, 2009
Alwoodley, Leeds
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I bought a V3 a few months ago, and have used both with and without the tracking. GPS distances seem accurate, although that does depend on the accuracy of the mapping of the course. If you find that the distances are out you can request them to remap the course, which takes a few days. IT hasn't missed many shots, mainly when I don't take a practice swing. As I'm trying to make my pre-shot routine more regular, and trying to make sure I take a practice swing, this isn't an issue. The watch is light and unobtrusive, which as someone who never wore a watch for golf previously, is great. The screen is nice and readable, which seeing as I wear varifocals for everything except playing golf, was the most important thing for me. I can make out everything, including the hazard yardages. One round uses up about 40% of my battery, so the claimed 2 rounds per charge seems reasonable, although I don't wear it as an everyday watch


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Aug 24, 2020
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I have v3 plus tags and it’s great. I always forget to register the putts so have to go onto the online dashboard after every round to clean it up a bit but I enjoy this process and it has certainly helped my golf. The distances to green and hazards are great and the shot tracking is a bit of an added bonus. Can post a few pics if it helps.
That would be good cheers.


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Aug 24, 2020
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It was mainly for shot tracking and data/stat collection really that I was looking at it.

I have an Apple Watch and use Golfshot at the minute for GPS distances and I can track fairways, putts on that but I'm really into collecting my data and stats (probably because of my job) and analysing it to help increase performance.
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Assistant Pro
Aug 12, 2016
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Agree with the points that Tiger & Dai added above. I have the V2 and it barely missed a shot - when it did, it was pretty easy to update your round on the app (I haven't used the online portion though, as home pc is busted & work laptop security doesn't allow us to do too much non-work related stuff or download non-work related software).
However, it is bulky & it does seem to have to be recharged after each round (it was better when I first got it though).
I have looked at the V3 but can't justify it at the moment


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Something else to consider is the strength of the GPS signal you get.
I've found all shot trackers to be useless at my course
We have a few GPS dropout zones where the signal diminishes and the units can't pick it up.
If an ordinary GPS works well then you shouldn't have an issue but if it fails to turn over to a new hole every now and again the V3 might struggle.


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Sep 10, 2019
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I'll say what I say on most of these posts about this sort of tech. Unless you are a really good player and plays golf to the exact digit, they are a total waste of time. Too much faffing about on the golf course during the game, then messing around editing etc.. afterwards. As for analysing data to increase performance, really? Not sure it does. I have had them all, Garmin with the sensors, the shotscope, I ended up selling them on after a couple of weeks more hassle than it was worth. I am an 18 handicapper mind, so unless you are a really good golfer who is capable of improving their performance based on data I wouldn't bother. Then there is the added woes of malfunctioning, forgetting to charge etc etc.

Give me a Bushnell watch with nice big yardages on the face and no need to touch anything any day of the week, and just concentrate on hitting golf shots.


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Aug 24, 2020
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I'll say what I say on most of these posts about this sort of tech. Unless you are a really good player and plays golf to the exact digit, they are a total waste of time. Too much faffing about on the golf course during the game, then messing around editing etc.. afterwards. As for analysing data to increase performance, really? Not sure it does. I have had them all, Garmin with the sensors, the shotscope, I ended up selling them on after a couple of weeks more hassle than it was worth. I am an 18 handicapper mind, so unless you are a really good golfer who is capable of improving their performance based on data I wouldn't bother. Then there is the added woes of malfunctioning, forgetting to charge etc etc.

Give me a Bushnell watch with nice big yardages on the face and no need to touch anything any day of the week, and just concentrate on hitting golf shots.

I think thats a rather cynical view to be honest.

I data analyse for my job, and I'm a bit of a stat geek. I'd love to see all my stats and data come the end of the year.


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May 29, 2020
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I’ve got the V3 and did used to do the gps and track. Recently got some g425s though that have built in arccos so I’m using that until the subscription is up.

I love the shotscope and found the watch really comfortable and easy to use. I much preferred having that than having it on the phone with the arccos. Stats wise I think they’re pretty similar in what they give, I prefer the non subscription model of shotscope though.

Northern Monkey

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Mar 18, 2021
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I have the V3 and have no complaints at all. Tracks my shots well, is easy to edit afterwards and has helped me with what I need to improve. The big bonus with it as compared to other trackers for me is that there’s no subscription fee


Jun 5, 2016
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I'll say what I say on most of these posts about this sort of tech. Unless you are a really good player and plays golf to the exact digit, they are a total waste of time. Too much faffing about on the golf course during the game, then messing around editing etc.. afterwards. As for analysing data to increase performance, really? Not sure it does. I have had them all, Garmin with the sensors, the shotscope, I ended up selling them on after a couple of weeks more hassle than it was worth. I am an 18 handicapper mind, so unless you are a really good golfer who is capable of improving their performance based on data I wouldn't bother. Then there is the added woes of malfunctioning, forgetting to charge etc etc.

Give me a Bushnell watch with nice big yardages on the face and no need to touch anything any day of the week, and just concentrate on hitting golf shots.

Yeah I would disagree with this also. Throughout the round there is no need to fiddle with anything other than press one button to record how many putts you have each hole, the rest of the time its a GPS watch with front/middle/back yardages and hazards. I regularly have lessons and the data helps me really focus on what to work on rather than an anecdotal conversation with my coach. I enjoy the editing process as well as it help me reflect on the round.

I'm a big fan, been using it a few months now and dropped 3 shots.


Assistant Pro
Apr 18, 2012
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Just resurrecting an old thread, wondering if there are many people who had the V2 and upgraded to V3. £129 offer currently for upgrade so I just wondered how much better the V3 is?

It certainly looks sleeker but after reviews. I hadn't used mine for a while but back using it particularly given Shotscope plans for increasing the stats shown included strokes gained analysis.