Shallowing attack angle drills


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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So been back using my swing pro to work on my tempo and still a bit fast but getting there.

I have noticed from the results that I am hitting very down on shots; between 7 and 10 degree in general which when my strike is not bang on occasionally means I get Fats. I usually take large divots when I do get a good strike.

I use the towel drill now and again for ball 1st contact but this doesn't really address steep attack angle ( in fact it probably promotes it) Shaft lean at impact is usually 2-5 degrees forward so that's ok I think?!?.

Are there any good drills any of you use for shallowing AoA?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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as ever could be a bunch of reasons you so steep into the ball
also as ever there's a bunch of drills to 'shallow out' the downswing but really depends to what would be more help as to what's taking place on the way back to the top then how transition starts in the current swing motion

set-up posture folks height, arm length how far ways from the ball folks are plus the angle of the body turn with the way the armswing works is stuff that plays into the 'plane' and AoA

things to look at when you checkout your swing motion obviously good dynamic posture into that making sure that there is some secondary tilt (trailside shoulder tad lower than the leadside - that secondary tilt at most with driver to least with the wedges then shoulders someways around horizontal)
if the body motion as it moves into the backswing tilts instead of rotating everything gets a ways too steep going back then coming down oftentimes the destructive tilt comes along with the hips sliding laterally with the trail hip getting a good ways 'high' so no real hip turn - with hip turn the trail butt check rotates more towards the lead heel so gets closer to the target doesn't move away from the lead heel/target

if the armswing lifts up and away from the body motion it also will then be a ways too steep - you'd notice the gap between the elbows at set-up will have increased a considerable amount with the trail elbow lifting up some and pointing back a ways behind the heel line also the elbow would have moved back deep so fromt dtl viewpoint would be the furthest part beyond the buttline - trail elbow ideally would point more vertically down to the ground and from the dtl viewpoint would be more inside the bodyline over the trail front pants pocket

whatever club being used at set-up the shoulders are at a 'certain' angle to the forwards spine line so that near 90º angle shoulder and forwards spine lean feels like it's being maintained through takeback to backswing to the top copuled with the armswing going back keeping the elbows equidistant

good ways to feel that in practice is to make a bunch of swings with a 6 or 7i with the clubhead some 3 feet off of the ground swinging back through that same 3 feet up point - posture doing this will naturally be taller not much of a spine angle which allows the shoulders to keep the 90º angle to the spine a ways easier and also is easier to keep the elbow distance more constant with the trail forearm folding 'up' more vertically so trail elbow points down to the ground
make a bunch of easy swings like this feeling the above then bend forwards from the hip sockets to get club behind the ball and make a swing through ball 'feeling' the same kinda stuff that was in those 'up' rehearsal swings
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