Sculpture of Jack Nicklaus


Oct 8, 2008
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I am hoping someone can help me.
Twenty years ago I made a full-size sculpture of Jack Nicklaus, to commemorate his being voted 'Golfer of the Century'. The bronze copy went to Ohio, but the artist's working model (made of resin and glass-fibre) was given to friends to look after. Unfortunately they didn't value it as much as I had hoped. Ten years ago they sold it at auction, without my knowledge.
I am now keen to locate the current owner to discuss my borrowing it to make a copy from, but so far I have had no luck.
Has anyone seen the sculpture anywhere?
It is around six feet in height and portrays Jack at the end of a full iron driving swing. The cast was originally painted brown, but it may be a little tatty by now as the resin it was made from is unkikely to weather very well, not without ongoing professional maintenance. Indeed, being mere resin it may already need repair. Whatever, I am happy to reward the person who passes on information that leads to my locating the sculpture I made.
Have you seen it - in a clubhouse, a shop, a garden, or maybe a shed?