Saturday at Last


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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It's Saturday at last, it's been a long week ( I've been working away all week) and I've got a semi final to play this morning in our winter knockout comp. The weather yesterday afternoon and during the night has been horendous but the sun is shining at the moment and the wind has dropped.

The lighter mornings are now really making a difference and it's only three weeks to our first 'summer' competitions. Yeaha!

Well must get a move on, here's hoping I can play half decent golf today.

Hope you all manage to get out at some stage over the weekend to hit the wee white ball.

Lucky you Dave.
I have been stuck at home for the last fortnight after having a fall on the stairs. I should be more careful at my age. I am on painkillers now and hope to be back on the course by the time the weather warms up.
Best of luck for today.
Lucky you Dave.
I have been stuck at home for the last fortnight after having a fall on the stairs. I should be more careful at my age. I am on painkillers now and hope to be back on the course by the time the weather warms up.
Best of luck for today.

Don't worry gov. you'll not be the only one sitting this sunny morning out. It's laundry and housework for me too.
Well the optimism of early morning turned into the blunt reality of a blustery day. Needless to say I won't be needing to keep a weekend free for any final this winter! The wind was very strong and combined with very wet fairways and rough(fairways ! who am I kidding, only hit about 4 of them) it made things so much harder to judge. Beaten by worthy opponents though so Its hard to complain when they mastered the conditions better than we did.

Ah well, there's always the summer hole and hole comps to enter soon.