Rules Q


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Apr 6, 2007
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You need to read the Definition of Nearest Point of Relief and be clear on what it says before you try to look at these two parts to Rule 25.

It's quite simple, is not open to interpretation.

save yourself a lot of grief and don't put it in the bunker in the first place ;)


Tour Winner
Sep 26, 2010
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In accordance with clause 1 except

it's the exept that makes me question the interpretation of this rule in addition to the wording including not nearer the hole for the second part, but not specifically for the 2st part.

Rules are written very specifically why would you mention not nearer the hole for the 2nd bit if it was applicable to the 1st bit which uses the word except and in hazard for nearest point.

This bit
in accordance with Clause (i) above, except that the nearest point of relief must be in the bunker and the ball must be dropped in the bunker or, if complete relief is impossible, as near as possible to the spot where the ball lay, but not nearer the hole, on a part of the course in the bunker....

Ok, I see where you are coming from and as DCB says it is all about understanding the definition of "nearest point of relief" and its significance.

So the key words in the clause you have referred to as I see it are as follows

"nearest point of relief must be in the bunker". Reference to "nearest point of relief" inherently and automatically indicates that the ball can't be dropped nearer the hole. Definition of "nearest point of relief" makes that clear.

"If complete relief is not available". Definition of "nearest point of relief" is based on complete relief (part (ii) of the definition of "nearest point of relief" refers to "no interference by the condition from which relief is sought"). So in this situation the Rule is replacing the requirement to drop at the nearest point of relief in order to allow you to drop at the point that affords "maximum available relief".

As "nearest point of relief" no longer applies, to avoid confusion, this part also specifies that the point of "maximum available relief" also can't be nearer the hole. If it didn't you could argue that the point of "maximum available relief" could be nearer the hole.

Hope that's a bit clearer.


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 10, 2010
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O.k I'd be tempted to interpret it that way.

However, I still like to get it checked out because I'm think the reason I thought you could drop nearer the hole in that circumstance was due to a conversation with someone who is a rules official about when could you drop nearer the hole (like a quiz question type thing) and I think I was given 2 or 3 situations (drop zone, this and maybe another I don't remember it was a while ago).