Rooney wants to leave Man Utd


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Aug 29, 2011
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I think Moyes coming in is either going to be the end of Rooney or a blessing in disguise if Moyes decides to make him top dog again, trouble is he feels second best to rvp, but if he got his confidence back he might actually rediscover his form. But if he's just seeking another pay rise then we can ditch him for all I care, no one is bigger than the club, and if we can move on from fergie we can certainly move on from rooney, and with talk that ronaldo may be on his way back to the club then it wouldn't be such a big loss anyway


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Jun 25, 2012
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I think Moyes coming in is either going to be the end of Rooney or a blessing in disguise if Moyes decides to make him top dog again, trouble is he feels second best to rvp, but if he got his confidence back he might actually rediscover his form. But if he's just seeking another pay rise then we can ditch him for all I care, no one is bigger than the club, and if we can move on from fergie we can certainly move on from rooney, and with talk that ronaldo may be on his way back to the club then it wouldn't be such a big loss anyway

Moyes has always said Rooney isn't an all-out striker and he would be/is a better attacking midfielder so why not play him behind RVP with a free role to play left or right?

Balls in air time, personally I don't think Rooney wants to play for him so its offload time.

Doon frae Troon

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Mar 5, 2012
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If Moyes goes to Utd then Rooney will be a gonna, have they not faced each other in court over a book that Rooney wrote with Moyes suing him? an unworkable relationship. Why do Celtic fans keep going on about the Barca result it drives me potty there is a lad at college exactly the same, good result yes but was 1 game. Notice they do not mention the 2 results against Juventus in the knockout round:whistle:

Or the 9 games they have lost this season in the SPL


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Jul 10, 2012
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So Utd give Madrid back the same amount they got for him originally for a player that is nearly 4 years older and by the time the season starts will be approaching 29. If I were Madrid and that got offered I would snatch Utd's hand off. Cant see Utd forking that out though

Not saying he is worth £80m at his age,but he is still arguably best player in world (obviously & Messi) guaranteed goals & shirt sales so I'm sure PSG or some Russian side would pay it.


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If Madrid do get that for him then that has to be one of the best transfer deals ever to recoup that amount of money for a player that will be nearly 29

Rooney will go. Having held the club once to ransom they weren't let him do it again. I have no idea where he will end up but they will need deep pockets although what they pay for Ronaldo will be partially offset by the sale of Rooney. I think you could argue that Ronaldo has been the best player in Europe and has outscored Messi in the CL so don't see the argument about him being too old.


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Oct 26, 2009
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Rooney will go. Having held the club once to ransom they weren't let him do it again. I have no idea where he will end up but they will need deep pockets although what they pay for Ronaldo will be partially offset by the sale of Rooney. I think you could argue that Ronaldo has been the best player in Europe and has outscored Messi in the CL so don't see the argument about him being too old.

He is too old to be paying £80 mil for him. How much will Utd get for Rooney £20-30 mil? still a huge outlay for a player of that age. I would be inclined to look elsewhere, got to be a new superstar in waiting somewhere


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Jul 10, 2012
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£80m was just a figure I come up with because some one probably would pay it & that's who utd would be bidding against. & to pay it for a 29yr old would be crazy as their would be no sell on value. But when you ear figures like £60m for Bale then maybe it's not too crazy. (I know he's only 23)


Money List Winner
Feb 4, 2010
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It will depend on length left on his contract (1 year i think) and also his desire to move on, if ronny wants to come back to Manchester that will have a bearing on negotiations. There is no way united will pay 80mill for anyone. If it is only 1 year then 40/50 will be top whack. If rooney can be off loaded for 25, that sounds a decent bit of business.


Head Pro
May 19, 2011
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No way is Ronaldo worth £80m at 29 - if we bought RVP for £24m also age 29 then that might make Ronaldo worth £40m - Bale isn't worth £60m maybe £50m.

I watched Rooney score his first hat trick at OT against Fenebache(??) - he had desire then. Now he's greedy no motivation and living on a reputation he never lives up to. How any Premiership footballer paid £250k/week can need sending to America for fitness training is beyond me - the idiot smokes too! really professional. He's held us to ransom once its time to say goodbye if he doesn't want to play for us and a place. Good riddance
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Tour Winner
Oct 26, 2009
Midlands/North West
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No way is Ronaldo worth £80m at 29 - if we bought RVP for £24m also age 29 then that might make Ronaldo worth £40m - Bale isn't worth £60m maybe £50m.

I watched Rooney score his first hat trick at OT against Fenebache(??) - he had desire then. Now he's greedy no motivation and living on a reputation he never lives up to. How any Premiership footballer paid £250k/week can need sending to America for fitness training is beyond me - the idiot smokes too! really professional. He's held us to ransom once its time to say goodbye if he doesn't want to play for us and a place. Good riddance

Pretty much bang on there. America for fitness training:rofl: the most unhealthy nation on earth and they send someone with more money than sense out there, Beer,Burgers,Tex Mex and Steaks here I come. Is there not any fitness centres in the UK where he can go rather than some jolly in the sun


Money List Winner
Feb 4, 2010
north yorks
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well said marka! It was fernanache I was there too. Just got back from the celebrations and farewells today and Rooney asked not to play??!! Final straw I was more than happy to pass him onto some else after a 2nd transfer request ransom demand! But after not wanting to play today of all days I'd pack up his kit order a taxi and send to the Eurostar terminus ASAP!