Relief from ditch diggings


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Sep 9, 2019
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All about drainage ditches are currently being emptied and the spoil from them left on the edges having been smoothed by the tractor, presumablyto regrow grass in time.

Would these workings be classed as abnormal conditions and hence anyone would get relief from them?

Thought was my initial thought was no, because they are not going to be removed by the green keeper, but the committee member I asked pointed me at rule 16 and said you would get relief.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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As the spoil is not there by design and is presumably currently bare earth, they should be treated as an Abnormal Course Condition (ie GUR)


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Sep 9, 2019
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Herein lies the problem..t'committe have taken the approach of rule 16 covering the issue and have not used a local rule. I understand if there is a pile of earth, clearly dug out and awaiting further developments, but smoothed earth that is, clearly to me, going to become part of the general area once it's regrown surely would be just a 'play it as it lies' scenario....


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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Herein lies the problem..t'committe have taken the approach of rule 16 covering the issue and have not used a local rule. I understand if there is a pile of earth, clearly dug out and awaiting further developments, but smoothed earth that is, clearly to me, going to become part of the general area once it's regrown surely would be just a 'play it as it lies' scenario....
That would seem to be what the committee have decided. (Until a committee member lands on a wet muddy patch ;))


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Sep 9, 2019
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No, I have an email that states that all such areas are subject to relief. My issue is when would we know at what point we don't? They haven't told us as a whole that we get relief.... Every time I land in a piece of bare earth can I assume it's ACC?


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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No, I have an email that states that all such areas are subject to relief. My issue is when would we know at what point we don't? They haven't told us as a whole that we get relief.... Every time I land in a piece of bare earth can I assume it's ACC?
No. They are required to define it clearly with either stakes or lines.


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Dec 16, 2020
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This is such a common issue - a Committee failing it's responsibility to accurately mark the course and to inform everyone about current local rules in place. A player seeing some recent work and smoothed bare ground has no basis for deciding whether this is intended to be ground under repair. And while email advice to membership can have a useful rule, it is not a substitute for a local rule. Sometimes such work (drainage/irrigation systems) is too extensive to white line or stake but that can be dealt with by just describing the nature of the work and affirming it is GUR until notified otherwise. IMO, it is also useful to subsequently post when that temporary local rule is no longer in effect.


Active member
Sep 9, 2019
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This is such a common issue - a Committee failing it's responsibility to accurately mark the course and to inform everyone about current local rules in place. A player seeing some recent work and smoothed bare ground has no basis for deciding whether this is intended to be ground under repair. And while email advice to membership can have a useful rule, it is not a substitute for a local rule. Sometimes such work (drainage/irrigation systems) is too extensive to white line or stake but that can be dealt with by just describing the nature of the work and affirming it is GUR until notified otherwise. IMO, it is also useful to subsequently post when that temporary local rule is no longer in effect.
Could not agree more. Can I put you in touch with our committee?!