Recent lesson


Head Pro
Jun 8, 2011
Holywood, N. Ireland
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Had a recent driving lesson on a trackman and just thought I'd share it to see what people thought of my swing etc and in case it helped anyone. I'm struggling with getting my hands as high at the top of my backswing as the pro would like just doesnt feel comfortable. Overall though my driving has improved considerably. Bad shot still goes right but good ones are going straight down the middle.

All thoughts welcome


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Nice apart from the right arm very laid off on the swing on the left. You get it more vertical on the second swing... Toms has his leaning towards the ball so not sure why you'd be compared to him unless that's what you're aiming for?


Head Pro
Jun 8, 2011
Holywood, N. Ireland
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Nice apart from the right arm very laid off on the swing on the left. You get it more vertical on the second swing... Toms has his leaning towards the ball so not sure why you'd be compared to him unless that's what you're aiming for?

Not sure if you can hear the sound in the clip but in it the pro talks about my arms being too far behind me in my backswing and said I needed to lift my arms more vertically to achieve a better top of the backswing position. He gave me toms as an example of something to visualise - probably gave me an extreme example to help correct my movement. The adjustments in my backswing were mainly to make my clubface more neutral at the top.

I assume when you say my right arm is laid off you mean my right forearm at the top of the backswing?! mine points to roughly 11 o'clock instead of vertical (12 o'clock). Toms right arm points to to 1 o'clock. Is that what you mean?

I really dont feel comfortable bringing my arms back so vertically but I might just need time to adjust to it. Feels very difficult to avoid an ott swing from up there.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I assume when you say my right arm is laid off you mean my right forearm at the top of the backswing?! mine points to roughly 11 o'clock instead of vertical (12 o'clock). Toms right arm points to to 1 o'clock. Is that what you mean?

Yes, that's it.

If you were to pick up a cup of tea on your right hand and pour it over your right shoulder your right arm would just flex UP and over your shoulder... you wouldn't lean it to the right first and throw the tea around your shoulder. This is known as 'keeping your arms in front of you'.. your right forearm doesn't really ever get wider than it's position it's already in on your body. It's fairly common for the revere to happen though where the elbow flys out a bit... 4-5" away from your ribs and then gives the appearance of being more like Toms.

When you lay the club off (at 11 oclock as you say) it makes the club stay under plane and often causes over-run in the swing... eg: an overswing, as your left arm gets very narrow to your head (vertical when viewed face on)

If you look at someone like Camilo Villegas you can see how far away from his head his left hand is at the top... that's width and depth (full shoulder turn) notice his left arm doesn't even swing up to 11oclock when viewed face on!! Narrow swings get right up to 12oclock!
It's not the same for everyone.. so you have to find your own way... but laid off as you are is hard work, especially for consistent striking.


Head Pro
Jun 8, 2011
Holywood, N. Ireland
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your right forearm doesn't really ever get wider than it's position it's already in on your body. It's fairly common for the revere to happen though where the elbow flys out a bit... 4-5" away from your ribs and then gives the appearance of being more like Toms.

cheers for the reply but I'm a little confused by this comment. When you say the elbow flys out is that to the right behind or in what direction?

also in the picture attached (right half) would you (or others) suggest thats what I should be aiming for? if not then where would you suggest changes?



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Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Your elbow is just fine.... I was saying it's fairly common to see the elbow a little more 'chicken winged' but where you have it (vertical) is perfect.

The position on the right is great. I like the way you angle your shoulders better with a little more tilt towards the ball... on the left they are a little flat and are almost forcing your head out of the way... not a good thing. I can't see your swing from the front as it's too dark to see.

Be careful if you are thinking about raising your hands higher that you don't just lift out of your forward tilting posture and just go 'standing up on it'... you've still got to turn the chest to the right whilst maintaining your inclination towards the ground, and not just lift the arms.


Head Pro
Jun 8, 2011
Holywood, N. Ireland
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It's strange I was trying a few swings last night looking at my reflection and the problem definitely occurs only with the driver. My irons appear to have a straight right forearm with my natural swing but for the driver I have to consciously think more about rotating my right forearm to get into a good position.

thanks for the feedback.....see you can play nice :)