Pushing irons


Head Pro
Apr 3, 2012
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I have a quick question if I may. I hit my driver, hybrids and wedges straight (or as straight as I can but generally good for my level of play). However, I seem to hit my irons all out to the right. Its not a slice but a straight push. It gets worse the longer the iron. Generally I would be aiming a whole green to the left to even land on the right side of the green. It actually seems worse with tee shots too with some of them going 50 feet right of the green with a 7 iron. I have checked my aim and that seems fine.

Without posting a video of my swing, anybody have any initial thoughts on what this could be. It never used to happen, its only been the last couple of months but I want to get it sorted before winter sets in and get my irons going again.:confused:

many thanks.


Head Pro
Apr 3, 2012
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Shot shape before this was straight with maybe a very very slight draw. Grip I believe is okay as everything else goes straight. Ball position is centre of the stance to one ball forward of centre. The only thing I can put it down to is the swing. I will try to work on that tomorrow.

Many thanks for the replies.

Deleted Member 1156


pop along to your nearest range that has a teaching pro and get him to have a quick look. Chances are it is something pretty simple if the rest of your game is OK and he may be able to sort you out quite quickly.

TBH, people on here have the intention of trying to help but without being able to clearly see your swing, grip, alignment etc it is purely guesswork and could end up causing you even more problems. Get a trained eye to check you over :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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pop along to your nearest range that has a teaching pro and get him to have a quick look. Chances are it is something pretty simple if the rest of your game is OK and he may be able to sort you out quite quickly.

TBH, people on here have the intention of trying to help but without being able to clearly see your swing, grip, alignment etc it is purely guesswork and could end up causing you even more problems. Get a trained eye to check you over :thup:

So dont partake in any Golf forums and see a Pro every time you have a problem. I suggest D4S just puts up a notice saying this and removes himself from the Forum. Otherwise it gets a bit boring reading the same old response !!!!!!

Deleted Member 1156

So dont partake in any Golf forums and see a Pro every time you have a problem. I suggest D4S just puts up a notice saying this and removes himself from the Forum. Otherwise it gets a bit boring reading the same old response !!!!!!

And people who reckon they can sort out everyone's swing problems by guessing at what the problem is are likely to cause more problems than they cure. Are you serious about trying to help people improve? If so, give them sensible advice rather than your own opinions, what fixes one problem for you won't necessarily work for someone else. If you have any knowledge of the golf swing you should realise that.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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And people who reckon they can sort out everyone's swing problems by guessing at what the problem is are likely to cause more problems than they cure. Are you serious about trying to help people improve? If so, give them sensible advice rather than your own opinions, what fixes one problem for you won't necessarily work for someone else. If you have any knowledge of the golf swing you should realise that.

Agree 100% about trying to find the cure without seeing the swing is guesswork, and as you say, what works for one may not work for another.

Shot shape though you can do without seeing the swing.
If shots before were a slight draw and now they are straight right then the chances are high that the club face has become a little more open at impact.
Whether or not that is a grip, ball position or swing issue is another thing entirely, but knowing what's causing the new shot shape may help the OP identify what else may have changed.


Head Pro
Aug 23, 2010
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And people who reckon they can sort out everyone's swing problems by guessing at what the problem is are likely to cause more problems than they cure. Are you serious about trying to help people improve? If so, give them sensible advice rather than your own opinions, what fixes one problem for you won't necessarily work for someone else. If you have any knowledge of the golf swing you should realise that.

Agree. A video from down the line and from the front should help though.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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And people who reckon they can sort out everyone's swing problems by guessing at what the problem is are likely to cause more problems than they cure. Are you serious about trying to help people improve? If so, give them sensible advice rather than your own opinions, what fixes one problem for you won't necessarily work for someone else. If you have any knowledge of the golf swing you should realise that.

This guy came to the FORUM and asked for help, (Now the next bit may surprise you) that's what people do on forum sections called 'Ask the Experts'. As an 'Expert' I gave him some free of charge good advice, if he tries what I suggested he will probably have a FOC fix as well. If it does not fix the problem then I will try and help him some more and it wont cost him a brass farthing.

The ball pushing straight out to the right is due to the swingpath and clubface pointing in that direction at impact, I am serious about that as it cant be anything else. It's not an opinion, not something that only works for me, it's called cause and effect.

You seem to have some kind of problem with me giving advice as this is not the first rude comment I have received from you. I am not sure what cause has effected this but I really am no threat to you.
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Deleted Member 1156

This guy came to the FORUM and asked for help, (Now the next bit may surprise you) that's what people do on forum sections called 'Ask the Experts'. As an 'Expert' I gave him some free of charge good advice, if he tries what I suggested he will probably have a FOC fix as well. If it does not fix the problem then I will try and help him some more and it wont cost him a brass farthing.

The ball pushing straight out to the right is due to the swingpath and clubface pointing in that direction at impact, I am serious about that as it cant be anything else. It's not an opinion, not something that only works for me, it's called cause and effect.

You seem to have some kind of problem with me giving advice as this is not the first rude comment I have received from you. I am not sure what cause has effected this but I really am no threat to you.

Rude? No. Try succinct and to the point.

And as an 'expert', you should know better than to make guesses without seeing all the evidence. If the OP's woods, hybrids and wedges are going straight, why should his irons go right? With all due respect to the OP, he is a 25 hcp and may or may not have a good understanding of the golf swing. Does he understand the difference between a slice and a block? I don't know and neither do you. I agree with cause and effect but it's pretty fundamental to the problem to understand what the issue actually is. As I said before, guessing at the problem and suggesting cures for something that may be wide of the mark is not doing the OP any favours. Long term it could do more damage.

Shiny, as an 'expert' myself, do yourself a favour mate, invest a few quid in a lesson and get a trained eye to see what you are doing wrong. Despite what others are saying on this thread, it is the best bit of advice you will get.

Good luck and hope you resolve the issue quickly :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Rude? No. Try succinct and to the point.

And as an 'expert', you should know better than to make guesses without seeing all the evidence. If the OP's woods, hybrids and wedges are going straight, why should his irons go right? With all due respect to the OP, he is a 25 hcp and may or may not have a good understanding of the golf swing. Does he understand the difference between a slice and a block? I don't know and neither do you. I agree with cause and effect but it's pretty fundamental to the problem to understand what the issue actually is. As I said before, guessing at the problem and suggesting cures for something that may be wide of the mark is not doing the OP any favours. Long term it could do more damage.

Shiny, as an 'expert' myself, do yourself a favour mate, invest a few quid in a lesson and get a trained eye to see what you are doing wrong. Despite what others are saying on this thread, it is the best bit of advice you will get.

Good luck and hope you resolve the issue quickly :thup:

What has his understanding of the terms 'slice or block' got to do with it? All the clues are there if you look for them, he has been hitting a draw and now he is pushing the ball. The change from his draw to a push is due to a change of clubface direction, its become open. As I have said, he is creating a straight push due to the clubface being open and the swingpath going right.

NOW!! the reason he is opening the clubface and swinging to the right is something I cannot see and it's something he needs to sort out himself. I, along with a few others have suggested to him that he should check his grip first and I still believe that to be the place to start. I dont believe I have guessed at anything.
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Head Pro
Apr 3, 2012
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Wow, back to basics for me then. I will try a few of the suggestions before I tap my club pro over the weekend. If not a lesson is on the cards for monday.

Deleted Member 1156

What has his understanding of the terms 'slice or block' got to do with it? All the clues are there if you look for them, he has been hitting a draw and now he is pushing the ball. The change from his draw to a push is due to a change of clubface direction, its become open. As I have said, he is creating a straight push due to the clubface being open and the swingpath going right.

NOW!! the reason he is opening the clubface and swinging to the right is something I cannot see and it's something he needs to sort out himself. I, along with a few others have suggested to him that he should check his grip first and I still believe that to be the place to start. I dont believe I have guessed at anything.

Brilliant! A brief description with limited knowledge and a lot of guesswork.

Deleted Member 1156

Wow, back to basics for me then. I will try a few of the suggestions before I tap my club pro over the weekend. If not a lesson is on the cards for monday.

This reply just sums up the thread. "A few things to try........"

Shiny, book a lesson mate, honestly that is your best option!


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Brilliant! A brief description with limited knowledge and a lot of guesswork.

I keep telling you it's not guesswork, it's logic and you dont seem to be able to disprove it. Look, you just dont want to listen and have some kind of silly grudge, OK, if thats what you get off on then so be it. Why are you not able to just give your opinion and leave others to theirs rather than dragging the thread into a squabble. Maybe I know the answer to that one though.


Tour Winner
May 16, 2011
South West Surrey
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Seeing as the OP asked a 'quick question' and wanted 'initial thoughts' from the forum, having someone say just check grip and ball position is perfectly reasonable. Along with alignment, grip and ball position account for majority of problems, therefore it's good solid advice.

Telling someone to see a pro is always going to be the stock answer to any swing issue. Kinda makes this part of the forum redundant if that's the case. However, that's usually the best course of action, but it does no harm to take 30 seconds to check grip and ball position before taking the step in seeing a pro.