Pulling Irons


Head Pro
May 24, 2013
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Hi all,

Can any of the golfperts shed some light on the most common reasons for pulling shots consistently?

A bit of background first. I used to have a chronic slice in all shots. Went to a pro and sorted out my iron game but didn't touch on the driver and basically stopped using it (taking 4 iron off the tee).

A few months ago I decided it was time to try and sort out my drives, so I went to my pro again and got a few lessons in. Slice turned into intentional pulls to overcompensate for it at first, then we corrected that and I was driving beautifully. 4/5 drives arrow straight down the middle with a slight bit of draw. Was hitting my 3 wood off the fairway straight too.

At this point a slight pull started to creep into my iron play occasionally off the tee (presumably as a result of the driving tuition) but I managed to correct it.

It has steadily got worse however and I am pulling iron shots to the left consistently. They're going straight, just landing about 30' to the left of where I'm aiming (depending on distance of course -). It's definitely not my aim since I have checked this with alignment sticks (read: laying irons down on a quiet course fairway to check aim point during a game with a mate! :D).

Clearly I need to go back to my pro, but sadly I won't have the money for lessons for 3 weeks or so. In the mean time I'm going to hit the range and see if I can identify something that's causing the problem with a camera.

So, with all that said, can anyone tell me what the common cause of consistently pulling shots is? Could I be over-rotating my wrists through the swing so the club face is closed, and have slipped back into an out-in swing making it go straight and to the left of where I'm aiming?

Not going to the range till Saturday, so want to try and get some ideas of what to look for before I get there.

Thanks all!



Head Pro
Jul 4, 2011
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No expert but I guess you need to work out if its a pull or more of a hook.

Straight pull left would mean that face to path is neutral, so at a guess you are maybe a bit OTT and swinging left of target and releasing normal. If you held off the release then you'd see the slice come back.


Ball starts off left and then curves further left, would probably indicate you are getting a bit handsy and flipping hands or releasing too much. While the swing path was at the target.

There are guys on here who really know what they are talking about though, so hopefully they can help. Why don't you post a swing vid and maybe they can fix you?


Head Pro
May 24, 2013
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Thanks for the response. The resulting flight path is definitely a pull and not a hook. The ball goes straight (not even a draw) rather than curving, just at a different angle to where I'm aiming.

I've been PM'd with the suggestion that my shoulders might be the culprit, which is very useful. Feet pointing correctly (due to alignment sticks) but potentially twisted at the shoulders.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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If its a straight pull then your clubface will be pointing left at impact and your swingpath will also be left.

You may be aligning yourself left and making a good swing, or, you may have a shut clubface and be swinging out to in.