Tour Winner
My wife don't worry about players behind us, she likes to keep up with play in front, which means she rushes a few shots and marches round until we catch up. In this heat it's a bit draining.
Definitely agree that level 5's even on a poorer day gives you something achievable. I'm off 13 and so a level 5 is net 77 (+7) and while it's a 0.1 in competitive golf I find trying to keep to that or ideally a shot or two under gives me a better focus than parI am off 11 and I count my score in my mind against level 5's
That way unless I am having a particularly bad day I am usually in front of the card. I understand that it is total of the actual numbers
on the card that make the final score but it gives me something positive to focus on even if I'm heading for a score outside buffer.
A golfing mate off 6 counts to level 4's or par and generally feels negative about his game as he needs to be having an exceptional day to be
In front.
Golf for most of us is leisure and pleasure and if you can achieve more of the latter by any means which doesn't affect anyone else, I say crack on!!