Poor customer service and Consumer rights

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But it can be repaired, and I bet the T&C small print will state they reserve the right to alter spec and make changes as an when they feel fit.
Again I believe that the provisions of the CRA trump any manufacturers warranty or Ts&Cs. It is the retailer’s responsibility to replace the product with the identical model - or something you agree to accept in its stead - or to have it repaired to its ‘as new’ condition. They can have one, maybe two, goes at this but if you are still not happy…new of same or equivalent you are happy with, or money back.

As mentioned, Dean Dunham on LBC is your go-to guy. Try phoning in. He advises on all sort of stuff little and large.
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If you buy a putter that looks great to your eye then that’s what you should get .
Putting a different shaft in is not what you paid for.
So if they can’t put it back to the way it was when you bought it ,they should give you your money back .
I am a bit suprized at this as the golf companies are usually pretty good with this sort of thing.
As looks and feel play a lot in choosing a putter.
To be fair to the person I'm dealing with, they've been great but like most customer services dept they can only do so much.
Not if they want repeat business!
Indeed. I recently had reason to contact a retailer over a pair of walking shoes that were 9 months old but not walked that much…and the sole and upper of the left shoe were separating. I was asked by retailer support to send some photos, and with no push back whatsoever they agreed that the issue was unacceptable and offered a replacement pair or a voucher to be used in the store. I chose latter and gave them a great review. And I’ll be back.
TBH, seeing as some vinyl wrap car exotica (to a point of stupidity in my mind) I would perhaps take some compo, then get it vinyl wrapped professionally. You and no one else would notice anything different.
Sometimes it’s not about compo.
Just getting what you paid for is key.
But if they have stopped doing the combination he has, getting some compo would pay for the vinyl wrapping, so hes not out of pocket and has the putter look he wants thats probably also more robust.
I'm not a compo chaser by any means, I'm just voicing a way to have the putter look he wants without him being out of pocket.
Another way, would be to accept them reshafting it but say to them I want you to have it wrapped in the same colouor/finish the original had.