Tour Winner
I had the delight of playing this morning with two 6 handicap golfers and it was a total pleasure to watch. I'm off 12 and because there were a few lads who didn't turn up I offered to mark the card for them. It was brill. I know they are not pro standard or even near it but they were both twice as good as me and never missed fairway. The total for the day
was 3 two's and 42 points. I've played with Rabbits who have scored that with shots on every hole and two on a lot of holes. These guys had 5 shots to play with, both on the same holes and came in 7 under par. That is good golf by anyone's standards. I really enjoyed this morning.
was 3 two's and 42 points. I've played with Rabbits who have scored that with shots on every hole and two on a lot of holes. These guys had 5 shots to play with, both on the same holes and came in 7 under par. That is good golf by anyone's standards. I really enjoyed this morning.