Playing with decent players


Tour Winner
Jul 31, 2009
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I had the delight of playing this morning with two 6 handicap golfers and it was a total pleasure to watch. I'm off 12 and because there were a few lads who didn't turn up I offered to mark the card for them. It was brill. I know they are not pro standard or even near it but they were both twice as good as me and never missed fairway. The total for the day
was 3 two's and 42 points. I've played with Rabbits who have scored that with shots on every hole and two on a lot of holes. These guys had 5 shots to play with, both on the same holes and came in 7 under par. That is good golf by anyone's standards. I really enjoyed this morning.
Played with a scratch handicapper a while back. It is great to play with good players as it ups your own game. The main thing I noticed, it is not outstanding golf but they just consistently hit greens and make putts.
bloke today (club captain actually) plays off 10 now but was off 5 in his youth went round in 4 over gross. straight and simple I would describe it as. It was a pleasure to watch and highlighted how with a steady swing this game can be conquerable :)
Played with a +1 handicapper a few weeks ago in a comp. Great player who hit it an absolute mile.

Only thing was he never stopped complaining, said he couldn't remember the last time he 'really' enjoyed a round of golf :confused:
The main thing I noticed, it is not outstanding golf but they just consistently hit greens and make putts.

+1 to this. This was exactly my experience when I played with a couple of scratch golfers (actually one was +1, the other +2) - 1 round with each. Yes, their ball striking was exemplary but they rarely put themselves in any trouble, hit lots of GIR and made a high % of putts. They also were able to attack the pins when the opportunity presented itself and thus made a number of easy birdies. It just seemed very easy...
I regularly play with a mate off scratch.... He has gone from 14 to scratch in 18 months..... Like as has been said above.... Nothing special..... But a consistent repeatable swing... I was as long if not longer off the tee on some holes.... He was every bit as wild as me in places but his ability to get a score was scary...... It brings your own game on too though which is a huge plus.....

I think the repeatability of the swing is the key issue though..... It rarely has them in the cabbage.....
I've played two rounds with a 2 handicapper over the past few weeks. The first a bounce game on the PGA National and he shot -2 and the other day a comp on the Derby and he shot -4. He's 17 and has been playing just under 4 years. Awesome to watch.
Ive always found it a joy to watch cat 1 players, more often than not everything seems effortless and consistency that I can only dream of. Highly recommended if you haven't done so and get the chance, don't be put off by the stereotype aloofness a few have.