Playing in Competitions


Assistant Pro
Mar 3, 2012
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I've been playing generally well recently apart from a wee blip last week which I seem to have resolved.

Today I entered my second comp ever the first one was a nightmare as I seem to fall to pieces off the first tee as soon as I play against strangers. I duffed my shot on the first today and ended up with an 8 (par4) after that my game was over I couldn't recover and walked onto the 2nd very nervous. Hit a 7 followed by a 9. It was game over by then.

My issue is nerves I lose all memory how to swing and just hack round like an idiot. Hit 114 today that's how bad I was.

This afternoon I feel like ****, I love the game I just get the nerves.

Any help appreciated.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Too many people do this to themselves week in/week out.
Treat the Comp like you're going out for a game with mates - don't put yourself under pressure.
Most people do - what's the worst that can happen?
You get 0.1 back on your handicap.
Is that really worth worrying about?
Just go out and play Golf - add up the score at the end and put the card in.
Whatever will be will be!


Tour Winner
Dec 13, 2012
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Don't fret about it mate. I played my best long iron/driver game today, and still walked off with a cricket score! Can't putt to save my life. Just take a breather and slow it down, play for yourself and don't worry about others around you. Even single figure players hit duffs now and again. I'm a new member this year and in my first comp was bricking it on the tee, now it doesn't faze me at all.


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 18, 2010
Old fella I was playing with today said to me after I missed a putt , don't worry son were not playing for a row of houses

He was right , I was still fuming about missing the putt , but it's only golf ! Try to control yer breathing


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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We have all been there.
Time will make all the difference,you will get there.
There is a difference between caring and beating yourself up about it.
How often do you play?
It is very hard turning up week in week out without playing or practising.
As has been said its not as if theres anything major riding on your result.
Try to enjoy,have a laugh,worse things happen at sea.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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To the op, try and find a pretty shot routine and stick to it, doesn't matter what it is. If I'm feeling the pressure I sing hum or whistle what ever song it was I heard last or is in my head, brakes the tension


Tour Winner
Apr 2, 2009
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I certainly feel your pain, been there many times myself.

What I try and do is forget about adding up the score, just play each shot and if it's a bad one, forget it and try to get back in play without going for the miracle shot. Try to keep in the present and concentrate - think for a few seconds about club selection, "Am I choosing the right club for the shot"? For a while forget about hitting a flying high wedge, and instead just chip and run with a 6,7 or 8 iron.

Don't add up your score after 9 and tell your playing partners not to give you your score 'til the end. Your nerves on the tee will pass after you've played a few more comps - and remember - Rome wasn't built in a day 'n all that.:)

Good luck and keep us posted. :thup:


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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It comes with experience. Two bad competitions doesn't make you a bad golfer. The more you do it the better it comes. Why not try and get involved with a regular roll up for a few quid a person each week. That creates a bit of pressure and gets you use to playing for something rather than just knocking it round for fun.


Nov 16, 2011
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To the op, try and find a pretty shot routine and stick to it, doesn't matter what it is. If I'm feeling the pressure I sing hum or whistle what ever song it was I heard last or is in my head, brakes the tension

Don't you just love predictive text!:D

Sentiment is fine too.

Forget the fact that it's a comp. And as soon as you've introduced yourself and shaken their hands, they are your friends - at least no longer strangers!

It's also one of the 'interesting' things that golf 'tests'! So 'enjoy' the experience.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 22, 2012
The wettest village in Scotland
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Yep, the more you play, the easier it gets.

Every shot you hit is worth 1. The first shot counts exactly as much as the last one, and any others in between, so you shouldn't feel any additional nerves.

Also, even if you make a mess of the first, it's not the end of the round. There are plenty on here with stories of screwing up the first hole and going on to shoot great scores.

Just relax, it's only a game and the worst thing that happens is that you get 0.1 back.

srixon 1

Journeyman Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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I've been playing generally well recently apart from a wee blip last week which I seem to have resolved.

Today I entered my second comp ever the first one was a nightmare as I seem to fall to pieces off the first tee as soon as I play against strangers. I duffed my shot on the first today and ended up with an 8 (par4) after that my game was over I couldn't recover and walked onto the 2nd very nervous. Hit a 7 followed by a 9. It was game over by then.

My issue is nerves I lose all memory how to swing and just hack round like an idiot. Hit 114 today that's how bad I was.

This afternoon I feel like ****, I love the game I just get the nerves.

Any help appreciated.

It gets easier after a few comps. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself or expect too much as it will come together eventually. If you have a range, try practicing the shot that you will hit on the first tee a few times before you go to the tee.

I remember playing in my first comp at my club nearly 25 years ago and my legs were literally shaking inside my trousers.


Assistant Pro
Mar 18, 2013
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I remember my first comp, I was literally shaking with nerves on the first tee & proceed to top my tee shot 10 yards left over the path into a fence.
The rest of the round was horrendous, I came of the course shell shocked.
My 2nd medal wasn't much better.

The thing was, I just wasn't ready for comps.
My whole game was rubbish & I knew it.
I didn't play in any more comps for about 3 months after that.

What I did was to practice hard at my game & get more confidant in my ability, I then joined in lots of roll up's & played with as many strangers as possible to learn the rules & get comfortable playing with people I didn't know, without the added pressure of having a medal card in my hand.

I now love playing in comps & I play in nearly every one at the club.
Once you know you have the ability to keep the ball in play it's all about confidence.


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2010
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Its only your second comp so the nerves will still be there. Ive only been entering the comps last season and this so not exactly full of experience myself but have learnt to just treat them as another round of golf with the bonus of a cut or at worst 0.1 back. Its not our living just something we do for fun so don't take the knocks to heart but do learn from them. I had a great week practice wise this week and really felt it was coming together, well it didn't! Yes i was annoyed but accepted the fact and moved on, theres always next week. On the bright side i won a sleeve of balls in the ball sweep for last weeks comp.


Tour Winner
Jan 26, 2009
Costa Del Bol
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The more you play the easier it will get. Just play as many comps as you can and round by round you'll start to find things easier.
A good tip is to think about anything other than golf inbetween shots and just before you go out, and don't hover over the ball any longer than you normally would.
Dont overthink the shot, just go through your routine and hit it and always commit to every shot,Then switch off and relax.
It will get easier. Just remember why you play the game..and enjoy it.


Assistant Pro
Mar 15, 2013
I feel your pain. I am going throu the same just now. Played my first comp last week I hit a 8 (par 4) 8 (par 4) 6 (par 3) 7 (par 3) then I managed to pick up a few pars. Total for the round 102 ( par 70). Topped a ball of the first and went 5 feet away from the tee, and on the 2nd powered a ball right oob.

Yesterday I played a lot better, shot a 92, a lot calmer when out on the course. Hit a few pars on the 5's and a few on the par 5's. I felt more comfortable with my driver, and my short game. Just need to work on the putting.

good luck for your next round.



Assistant Pro
Feb 16, 2012
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I am the complete opposite I play much better with strangers as I don't want to make a fool of myself I concentrate more and play better I get nerves sure but just helps me to pay better attention to my swing to not cock up :)

played with to club important people for 8 holes the other afternoon had 5 pars and 2 bogeys (and 1 treble :() (h cap 26) played out of my skin ! because i concentrated loads :)


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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Too many people do this to themselves week in/week out.
Treat the Comp like you're going out for a game with mates - don't put yourself under pressure.
Most people do - what's the worst that can happen?
You get 0.1 back on your handicap.
Is that really worth worrying about?
Just go out and play Golf - add up the score at the end and put the card in.
Whatever will be will be!

The man talks sense


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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If its any consolation to you im nearly down to 13...Its my 4th year playing.....And you'll always feel a little bout of butterflies on the 1st tee but it goes away eventually once the round is underway...You wouldnt be human otherwise.....

I played competitive football at high club level for until i got injured 3 years ago and for someone thats playing ball since he was 8 years old (38 now) i always had the flutters before kick off in big games.....As soon as i clattered the centre forward i was fine.:lol:

I was stood on the first tee three weeks ago with around 30 players about in a medal.....I was hitting my driver very well the few weeks previous but decided as it was stroke to hit a hybrid off the tee......Only went ant topped it about 50 yards in front of me.....With everyone still looking on for my 2nd you can imagine what was going through my head....I pulled the 3 wood out of my bag...Creamed the resulting shot chipped on for my 3rd and walked off smiling with a Gross Par...Happy days....

So dont worry as has been said it gets easier....... Oh and if you ever get the time....Before you tee off in the comps try getting to the club an hour or 2 earlier some week and grab a cuppa and sit on the bench if there is one near the first tee.....Have a listen to some of the handicaps as lads are introducing themselves to each other and watch the results groups and their shots....

You'll be pleasantly eased at how many other players might do the same as you...It affects everyone.