Played a cheat yesterday


Club Champion
Jun 19, 2012
Much Hadham, Herts
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Was really shocked yesterday, we had a match against an associated club yesterday at their place & I was drawn against a 9 handicapper. I played him in the match before & he beat me 2&1 while giving me 11 shots. Off my new handicap of 14 (I've had a purple patch !) I thought I would be up against it after losing 6 shots to him. With a complicated pairs match going on as well & the same time, he was trying to confuse the issue & mix up the scores & allowances, I nipped it in the bud & I played some quality golf to be 5 up at the turn. On the 10th tee , I've skied one to only about 120 yards, but at least it was straight. He's hooked one left, through trees & towards the 9th green. I saw it land & told him if he got through the crap he might be on the green, he played a provisional pulled it into the trees but not as bad & was in light rough about 50/60 yards further up. He goes looking for the ball & of course there's one on the green. The group playing the 9th, hadn't yet reached the green so I'm thinking he's ok there, take relief from the green & play his shot. He picked up the ball & said that was his provisional because it had a different number than his 1st ball !!!
I was so disgusted & shocked, I just thought (Mod Edit) him, if you want to cheat carry on. I got a 6, he got his par for 4 & still wound up I let him get back to just 1 down on the next few holes. I did manage to get my head straight though & beat him 3&1 in the end, but the whole incident ruined the day for me.
Sorry it's long winded, but I was wondering if many other guys have witnessed something similar.
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Fozzie, personally I'd have confronted him, if cheats don't get pulled up they'll continue to cheat.

On the other side of the coin, well done on the win and well done on the HC cut, you played well when I saw you at Spalding and its been on the cards :thup:
Fozzie, personally I'd have confronted him, if cheats don't get pulled up they'll continue to cheat.

On the other side of the coin, well done on the win and well done on the HC cut, you played well when I saw you at Spalding and its been on the cards :thup:

Cheers, after Spalding I started creeping up again back up to 20 & I couldn't putt to save my life, often have five 3putts in a round & missing too many from within 3ft. I then watched a couple of Dave Pelz videos on YouTube, changed back to a more conventional grip, spent 90 mins up the club one night trying out some drills & everything fell into place.
Well done on getting settled and going on to win.

I don't subscribe to the cheats only cheat themselves idea. When they win/pick up the money they are cheating everyone in the field. It may well be that their score even affects CSS enough to stop someone getting the cut they always wanted. Yes, they lose friends and playing partners but they've 'stolen' the money, taken someone else's glory and damaged this wonderful game - hate 'em with a passion.

Call them a cheat to their face and refuse to sign their card.
Move on, cheats never win in the long run......

Unfortunately cheats do win and it seems to be getting worse. Players taking free drops off paths don't realise its the nearest point of relief not back on the fairway even if the NPR puts you behind a tree and don't mention handicap massagers!!!
I don't subscribe to the cheats only cheat themselves idea. When they win/pick up the money they are cheating everyone in the field. It may well be that their score even affects CSS enough to stop someone getting the cut they always wanted. Yes, they lose friends and playing partners but they've 'stolen' the money, taken someone else's glory and damaged this wonderful game - hate 'em with a passion.

Call them a cheat to their face and refuse to sign their card.

+1 If you don't deal with it, you are just letting them get away with it and passing the problem on to someone else.
.....they only cheat themselves and they are always found out eventually......

That's simply an excuse for doing nothing!

Taking the two parts of your statement separately.
If a guy cheats and wins, surely he's cheated someone out of a win! So definitely cheating someone else!
The second part of the statement is simply illogical. Try proving it!

Btw. The description in the OP isn't enough for me to decide whether there's cheating involved. Picking up the Provisional must have meant that he'd found his original? So there's no issue there anyway. Otherwise I'm confused. How did he actually cheat? Seems like the incident got to you somewhat - it shouldn't - but well done on the win.
That's simply an excuse for doing nothing!

Btw. The description in the OP isn't enough for me to decide whether there's cheating involved. Picking up the Provisional must have meant that he'd found his original? So there's no issue there anyway. Otherwise I'm confused. How did he actually cheat? Seems like the incident got to you somewhat - it shouldn't - but well done on the win.

I think the op suggests the player decided he preferred the position of the provisional so declared that to be his original ball?
That's simply an excuse for doing nothing!

Taking the two parts of your statement separately.
If a guy cheats and wins, surely he's cheated someone out of a win! So definitely cheating someone else!
The second part of the statement is simply illogical. Try proving it!

Btw. The description in the OP isn't enough for me to decide whether there's cheating involved. Picking up the Provisional must have meant that he'd found his original? So there's no issue there anyway. Otherwise I'm confused. How did he actually cheat? Seems like the incident got to you somewhat - it shouldn't - but well done on the win.

I had a perfect line on his 1st tee shot & told him, that will be on the last green we played. His provisional, although also a poor shot was straighter. I knew which ball was his first. I'm just annoyed with myself that I didn't confront him there & then, being 5 down he was probably trying to save himself from further embarrassment. Both balls were also Wilson staffs, only difference was apparently the numbering. When I play a provisional, I always use a different brand but with my same marking. Saves any confusion then.
That's simply an excuse for doing nothing!

Taking the two parts of your statement separately.
If a guy cheats and wins, surely he's cheated someone out of a win! So definitely cheating someone else!
The second part of the statement is simply illogical. Try proving it!

Btw. The description in the OP isn't enough for me to decide whether there's cheating involved. Picking up the Provisional must have meant that he'd found his original? So there's no issue there anyway. Otherwise I'm confused. How did he actually cheat? Seems like the incident got to you somewhat - it shouldn't - but well done on the win.

Excuse for doing nothing! Is that right!! If you seriously think cheats win you must come across a lot of them by your statement! Wonder if you confront them all like some cheating vigilante, or is it it all assumption and hearsay on your part!!!
I had a perfect line on his 1st tee shot & told him, that will be on the last green we played. His provisional, although also a poor shot was straighter. I knew which ball was his first. I'm just annoyed with myself that I didn't confront him there & then, being 5 down he was probably trying to save himself from further embarrassment. Both balls were also Wilson staffs, only difference was apparently the numbering. When I play a provisional, I always use a different brand but with my same marking. Saves any confusion then.

So are you saying he claimed that his 2nd ball (the real provisional) was his first?
I destest cheating with a passion, and will call penalties on myself, even if no-one has seen it, because that's what I should do. Wouldn't want to win anything through intentionally breaking or ignoring the rules.

To play devil's advocate though, what if his provisional ball had hit a tree, and bounded on to the green, and his first bounced back off a tree? I wasn't there, so can't be sure, of course, but could this have happened?

Did he declare, when hitting his provisional, the make and number on the ball, and then announce it a provisional? Or did he say, I'm hitting a "make and model" and not announce as provisional? If the latter is the case, as soon as he hits the 2nd ball, it becomes the ball in play, and his first is "dead". If he announces provisional, he must also declare make and number.

If he's announced the number on the provisional, then check the number of the ball when he holes out, or when he's marking it on the green, and you can be certain 100% whether he's cheated or not.