Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
I prefer a brand that'll hold its value as well as perform. Would never touch a lesser brand again even if they have a cult following as you'll get pumped when you try to trade in or trade up.
Good luck all you whale lovers.
I suspect that all Orkalites are having a little chuckle to themselves, especially about the "lesser brand" bit
Craw you are totally missing the point, these are not mass produced items, these clubs are bespoke, made for YOU and therefore by definition, are not made for someone else. they are clubs that you shouldnt need to sell on after a few months coz they dont work.
They should last you for years and years and when the time comes to upgrade, it will be because they are worn out and would have a nil resale value anyway, rather like the rusty example you quoted earlier.
Besides with graphite shafts, i got less to go rusty