Official WHS Survey

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Playing out of turn ? We always play ready golf

There are a lot of people playing in swindles and general play putting cards in that will have side bets using 4bbb whether that’s matchplay or stableford etc
Your post from yesterday implies that your swindle plays 4BBB as the format but then submits individual cards.

But the system is there for you to put cards in 🤷‍♂️ swindles up and down the land play 4bbb but putt out and put cards in - why would it slow things down

That is against the Rules of Handicaps hence the scores are invalid.
Your post from yesterday implies that your swindle plays 4BBB as the format but then submits individual cards.

But the system is there for you to put cards in 🤷‍♂️ swindles up and down the land play 4bbb but putt out and put cards in - why would it slow things down

That is against the Rules of Handicaps hence the scores are invalid.
So you are saying the limited times I've put in a GP score and before we tee off we say "let's have a game of doubles for a pint" then proceed to play the round to the rules, putt everything out and enter the score that is invalid because we played a doubles game as a side bet?
If you’re playing 4BB properly, i.e. playing as a team, using partners advice if necessary, going for putts if you need them to halve the hole, playing in an order that might suit the team not the individual etc. etc. then it is against the rules.
If you are playas 4 individuals, trying to achieve the best score possible on each hole, with no regard or in put from your partner and just compare cards in the bar afterwards to see which team had the best score on each hole, then that is ok - in fact you could choose to have this sort of side bet even if you weren’t playing together.
I would hazard a guess that most 4BB rounds are played in the first way not the second and these are not acceptable.
If you’re playing 4BB properly, i.e. playing as a team, using partners advice if necessary, going for putts if you need them to halve the hole, playing in an order that might suit the team not the individual etc. etc. then it is against the rules.
If you are playas 4 individuals, trying to achieve the best score possible on each hole, with no regard or in put from your partner and just compare cards in the bar afterwards to see which team had the best score on each hole, then that is ok - in fact you could choose to have this sort of side bet even if you weren’t playing together.
I would hazard a guess that most 4BB rounds are played in the first way not the second and these are not acceptable.
Just to pick on a small point from the wider ones made - surely the order you played in is irrelevant? Since we have ready golf etc, so for an individual strokeplay card you could have played in any order you want?
Just to pick on a small point from the wider ones made - surely the order you played in is irrelevant? Since we have ready golf etc, so for an individual strokeplay card you could have played in any order you want?
It depends whether the order played in is to show your partner the line or so your partner can ‘go for’ a putt to win the hole etc. basically the order being dictated to work best for the team not for both individual’s scores. Which is how you should play a team game if you’re doing it properly.
It depends whether the order played in is to show your partner the line or so your partner can ‘go for’ a putt to win the hole etc. basically the order being dictated to work best for the team not for both individual’s scores. Which is how you should play a team game if you’re doing it properly.
Seems very pedantic to me. I've told a mate who's nearer to putt first before, to save him marking it etc. If it also happens to show me the line then that's by the by. 👀

None of it is worth losing sleep over. Whether you're playing individual or betterball you're still trying to play the hole in the lowest score you can, so it makes no different in my opinion. As I say, the minute differences in 'going for putts' etc (which is nonsense anyway) are just pedantry.
Well I voted pretty favourably on every question, apart from I think the system is slightly too easy to manipulate. I never played when the old system was in place but it does seem that most people just like a moan about it. I really don't see much of a problem.
If you've nothing to compare it to, how can you possibly judge?
Seems very pedantic to me. I've told a mate who's nearer to putt first before, to save him marking it etc. If it also happens to show me the line then that's by the by. 👀

None of it is worth losing sleep over. Whether you're playing individual or betterball you're still trying to play the hole in the lowest score you can, so it makes no different in my opinion. As I say, the minute differences in 'going for putts' etc (which is nonsense anyway) are just pedantry.
Yep. Like advice makes any difference to the carnage that ensues when I'm holding a putter.
Well the questions are, "do you think WHS accomplishes x", not, "do you think WHS does x better than the old system?"
So you don't know whether the old system accomplished "x" better or not then?

Yes some people like a moan, me, I didn't moan about UHS, I thought it was a very good system, it's one flaw was course ratings (or SSS in old money), ironically that's the ONLY part of it retained by WHS o_O

We've adopted a system largely driven by Americans who rarely play competitive club golf but rather hold their handicaps from casual play, it does not work for the UK country's competitive club golf
Seems very pedantic to me. I've told a mate who's nearer to putt first before, to save him marking it etc. If it also happens to show me the line then that's by the by. 👀

None of it is worth losing sleep over. Whether you're playing individual or betterball you're still trying to play the hole in the lowest score you can, so it makes no different in my opinion. As I say, the minute differences in 'going for putts' etc (which is nonsense anyway) are just pedantry.
What it boils down to for me is “which rules of handicap or golf are you prepared to deliberately ignore’. If you ignore one ( and it is irrelevant which one), how does that reflect on how others perceive your integrity?
What it boils down to for me is “which rules of handicap or golf are you prepared to deliberately ignore’. If you ignore one ( and it is irrelevant which one), how does that reflect on how others perceive your integrity?
No one in the real world will care if your handicap-counting round included you putting 'out of turn' and hearing 'advice' from someone that you probably ignored or failed to follow anyway. None of these affect the score in any discernible way. Just relax. 😄

This whole notion of "if you ignore one rule what others do you ignore!" that we always get is just whataboutery and nonsense. It's like saying if you park on a double yellow line then you're also capable of murder. It's absurd.
So you don't know whether the old system accomplished "x" better or not then?

Yes some people like a moan, me, I didn't moan about UHS, I thought it was a very good system, it's one flaw was course ratings (or SSS in old money), ironically that's the ONLY part of it retained by WHS o_O

We've adopted a system largely driven by Americans who rarely play competitive club golf but rather hold their handicaps from casual play, it does not work for the UK country's competitive club golf

Irrelevant, really, for the purpose of the survey. But that's why you're allowed to give your answers. Sorry I didn't ask you what I should put before I entered my answers :rolleyes:

That aside, I'm interested to know why you think course ratings are a flaw. Do you mean their presence, or their implementation?
No one in the real world will care if your handicap-counting round included you putting 'out of turn' and hearing 'advice' from someone that you probably ignored or failed to follow anyway. None of these affect the score in any discernible way. Just relax. 😄

This whole notion of "if you ignore one rule what others do you ignore!" that we always get is just whataboutery and nonsense. It's like saying if you park on a double yellow line then you're also capable of murder. It's absurd.
Remember, perfectly legal to hire Sheffler's caddie for your Sunday Stableford and have him advise you on every shot; outright cheating if Bob the plasterer tells you he used a 7-iron of a totally different brand and loft to yours.
Rules of Golf innit.
Remember, perfectly legal to hire Sheffler's caddie for your Sunday Stableford and have him advise you on every shot; outright cheating if Bob the plasterer tells you he used a 7-iron of a totally different brand and loft to yours.
Rules of Golf innit.
Mind you if Scheffler's caddie is looking for anything like the shot that Scheffler would give from me I think his advice would be disastrous.
Seems very pedantic to me. I've told a mate who's nearer to putt first before, to save him marking it etc. If it also happens to show me the line then that's by the by. 👀

None of it is worth losing sleep over. Whether you're playing individual or betterball you're still trying to play the hole in the lowest score you can, so it makes no different in my opinion. As I say, the minute differences in 'going for putts' etc (which is nonsense anyway) are just pedantry.
Far too much common sense in this post and your subsequent posts. Can't be applying common sense you know, after all this is golf, the most important thing in some peoples lives.
I don't necessarily mind WHS - I was off 5.5 prior to it's introduction, i'm now off 4.1 which gets me 6 shots at my course. I haven't fluctuated much and it probably represents my golf well.

Some quick fire observations about it;
  • Caused havoc with Opens, lots of vanity handicaps
  • Several instances of people using GP cards to knock a good score off, or increase handicap prior to matches
  • I'm not interested in general play cards - haven’t submitted one and will not submit one.
  • I feel sorry for the super low golfers - who spent years under old system grinding to +3 or +4… and a bad patch of form has them back closer to scratch.

Agreed that this system is reflective of form, not ability. I had some putting yips, but my all round game was improving. I went from 4 to 6, and everyone who played with me said 6 was a bit silly. Needless to say, I won the recent medal as I’ve resolved my putting woes and therefore 6 is not reflective of my ability but my form.

Primarily though, I wish the app did a bit more.
For example;

Select the format (medal, individual matchplay, 4BBB matchplay)

Select the course

Select handicaps of players, or even enter the players (as you can already search for people, using that functionality)

Then the app calculate and output the shots…

At the moment, it feels like… Lookup everyone’s index, use the chart, is it 90%, 95%, no one knows… often feels like fag packet maths on the 1st tee as we try to establish the shots!
I don't necessarily mind WHS - I was off 5.5 prior to it's introduction, i'm now off 4.1 which gets me 6 shots at my course. I haven't fluctuated much and it probably represents my golf well.

Some quick fire observations about it;
  • Caused havoc with Opens, lots of vanity handicaps
  • Several instances of people using GP cards to knock a good score off, or increase handicap prior to matches
  • I'm not interested in general play cards - haven’t submitted one and will not submit one.
  • I feel sorry for the super low golfers - who spent years under old system grinding to +3 or +4… and a bad patch of form has them back closer to scratch.

Agreed that this system is reflective of form, not ability. I had some putting yips, but my all round game was improving. I went from 4 to 6, and everyone who played with me said 6 was a bit silly. Needless to say, I won the recent medal as I’ve resolved my putting woes and therefore 6 is not reflective of my ability but my form.
Agree on this, it shouldn't be so transparent and easy to do this. Old system you'd only go up 0.1 anyway for a bad round. Now you see plain as day if one of your better scores is at the bottom and work out that you'd go up by 0.5 or 1.0 if you put a bad card in. Or, perhaps we on the forum live in a bit of a microcosm of understanding it because we've talked about it, and the vast majority of golfers don't really know how it works anyway? I'm not sure.
Agree on this, it shouldn't be so transparent and easy to do this. Old system you'd only go up 0.1 anyway for a bad round. Now you see plain as day if one of your better scores is at the bottom and work out that you'd go up by 0.5 or 1.0 if you put a bad card in. Or, perhaps we on the forum live in a bit of a microcosm of understanding it because we've talked about it, and the vast majority of golfers don't really know how it works anyway? I'm not sure.
I think there a lot of sense here .
But some people understand it all to well ,and use the ease of manipulation to their advantage
Agree on this, it shouldn't be so transparent and easy to do this. Old system you'd only go up 0.1 anyway for a bad round. Now you see plain as day if one of your better scores is at the bottom and work out that you'd go up by 0.5 or 1.0 if you put a bad card in. Or, perhaps we on the forum live in a bit of a microcosm of understanding it because we've talked about it, and the vast majority of golfers don't really know how it works anyway? I'm not sure.
That was my one complaint when I filled in the survey, it's just far too easy to manipulate your handicap upwards if you are that way inclined.

Before playing on Sunday I mentioned the email my club sent out about GP scores for next year to another member on the putting green and he said "Good, it's needed here. I can name guys who won a comp on Saturday and then put in terrible GP scores on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday so they would get their shots back for the next weekend comp again."

I understand under CONGU it maybe wasn't reactive enough for someone going through a terrible run or someone coming back from injury but they need to find some sort of happy medium.
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