That’s me paid up too junior! Good luck mate, you in NI?
Currently of 23.1 if you are game?
Count me in Brian.
Perfect, that’s me paid.
Good luck, not that you’ll need it against me 
12.0, I'll be easy pickings this year having just switched to full time vintage.
One challenger only, oh alright two, but that's the maximum.
I'm 12.3 so I don't mind taking you on.
You're on Mark! :thup:
Currently 20HC (19.6), just changed clubs so having to learn a new course and faster greens than I've been used to.
You can have a pop at me if you like (20)
Go one then, nothing ventured and all that
Khamelion - no compunction, but do you want to make it a threesome? Me & Old Skier are already hooked up.
Yeah why not I'll donate another £5
Donation made
Off 15 and happy to donate more money to a worthy cause.
Doubt I’ll play more than 5 or 6 rounds until the deadline so it’s an easy win for someone
I'll take you on if you like mate. I'm off 18.1 at the moment, so you'll have a big head start, but I like a challenge!