Not one shank,push or hook!


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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I hit the range last night for a bit and spent my time hitting fades with every club from a 6 iron down..... Took a little while to adjust.....
Their was a left to right wind also which was a bit of a hindrance in knowing how for left I needed to set up... Contact was better,divots were a little deeper, I had no thins.....
The only negative I saw was I was coming out of posture a little early after impact.... I'm guessing its the EE fault again.... Seems like its going to be a little tough to expel from my game.... Swinging in this was and setting up felt a lot more natural to me than the squared stance.....

Oh one other thing I did was to point my right knee in at the ball a little at address... Not sure what this did... But I got about 20 yrds extra on some clubs....