North west - Order of merit ???


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Hello all,

It’s just a kernel of an idea for now, but thought I would see if there is any interest, before finalising any plans.

The formula I’ve come up with is as follows:-

1. Played under stableford format over 6 courses throughout the northwest, with the best total points after 6 rounds being the winner.
2. We play 5 games at courses which get voted as the best options, after a vote on the forum., with it being fellow forum members courses, the final day being at Lee park in August/September.
3. You have to play all 6 courses between April and August/September, either at mini-meets or on an ad-hoc basis with that courses member.

Suggested example as follows:-

April – Lymm mini-meet over the weekend (Junior and Karl are both members)
May – Davyhulme mini-meet over the weekend or of a night (after work)
June – Bolton old links mini-meet over the weekend or of a night (after work)
July – Chorley mini-meet over the weekend or of a night (after work)
August – Ellesmere mini-meet over the weekend or of a night (after work)
August/September final day

We would need to pick courses that have forum members as members and they would have to be available after work or over a weekend, at certain points, with ideally more than 1 member available. If people can’t make the mini-meet, they can separately arrange with the said member to play at both their conveniences. Play all games off yellow tees, maybe 7/8 handicap (to be agreed). We would be playing at each other’s courses so at hopefully discounted rates, as in a mini-meet or with a member.

All rounds have to be advised as their dedicated round in advance, and the cards have to be marked by a fellow forum member.

I would be willing to collate all the scores and organise, but would also be looking for one person to give me a hand.

What do people think, any other ideas, criticisms, thoughts?

Best regards,
Great idea, someone tried to get this off ground last year up here :whistle:

If rounds are going to played on the whole mid week after work I may actually be able to do this if dates fit in.
That's a great idea LB, The member of each of the 6 clubs can take responsibility for organising the months Tee times etc and re organising for the those that can't play at the main weekend meet.
I suppose anyone that signs up has to be pretty flexible, the members of the clubs won't be able to keep playing separate rounds throughout the month with players that struggle to be available. Or I suppose there's no harm in some players missing a course, they'd just drop points.

Sounds like a great idea:thup:.....What does the winner Get?
That's a great idea LB, The member of each of the 6 clubs can take responsibility for organising the months Tee times etc and re organising for the those that can't play at the main weekend meet.
I suppose anyone that signs up has to be pretty flexible, the members of the clubs won't be able to keep playing separate rounds throughout the month with players that struggle to be available. Or I suppose there's no harm in some players missing a course, they'd just drop points.

Sounds like a great idea:thup:.....What does the winner Get?

Yeah we need people who are willing to be course organisers or so to speak to voulnteer themselves before we select courses possibly?

Winner gets a european tour card :)
Obviously, I'm an interloper from the NE region!

We had our first meet at the weekend and have decided to set up a kind of informal society and get together once a month to play a variety of local courses. Fun mainly, rather than an Order of Merit type thing, although that might develop.

I came across some really good online society management stuff at and signed up for the free trial (60 days free then £49 per year) and decided to give it a whirl and found it to be really good and dead simple to use. We've got all the scores posted from Saturday along with photo's quick write up, members contact details, handicap management etc etc.

Just thought I would point you in its direction in case you found it useful. I'm not linked to it in anyway !!
Like it LB.
Happy to put my place forward but would have to go on a few separate days as I can only sign in 3 guests at a time.
Think I'm the only member on here.
I like the idea. Reckon I could only make it if the ones in the summer months were after work though.

Hopefully everybody who offers their course as a host will be able to offer a few opportunities to get the relative card in at each course. I usually play a couple of times a week in the evening in summer so it wouldnt really be much of a change/effort for me in that sense.

Hopefully we get enough host courses/people to make this a success because its a quality idea. :)
Great idea. May be struggling at the weekends though as I normally only play one game and have to do my duty at home the other day !!
Depending how we do it, players could play as many through the week as you want i would imagine. Im sure LB will have some more thoughts to share when he has read all this feedback.

How about the final day being at a neutral venue, somewhere for a day out like? Could be an idea.
Bugger - had to type this out twice, as wasn't logged in. Grrrr

A few points first:-

Royal Ashton - we don't want to make it too hard...

Qwerty - Top shout, a "captain" for each venue.

Birchy - There to help, as always - top man.

MGL - Thanks for the society tip, but as a member will be sorting each game, we should be ok, I also have excel in work!

Valentino - More than welcome.

I think that 12-20 is manageable/ideal, but don't want to exclude anyone, but if we reach 20 names over a few weeks, maybe call that enough.

Birchy - In an ideal world we would have a neutral venue for the final match, but I doubt everyone would be available for that day, so would deprive them of fulfilling all their games, as out of say 16-20, there would always be 2-3 who could not make it on the day, I would have thought. It doesen't have to be Lee park, it can be one of the others, the only thing I would say is that it would ideally be a Saturday, and our club never has comps on a saturday (and I'm a shark). :)

Interested -

Louisea (off the reds)
GregBWFC Preston offered
Bluewolf new course a possibility, when sorted

As Qwerty said, if each member from the designated course becomes "captain" for that venue, than good stuff, as it lightens the organising load. The example posted was just that. If the captain organises a mini-meet and say 12-14 turn up, at least he has 5 months either side to hoover up the other 6-8 people. We would need the captains to be available for midweek (evening) as well as weekends. he may even do the other 6-8 in 2-3 games, so not too much of a bane.

I'll discuss prizes later on, but in the meantime, who is willing to be a host captain, and name your course. These will also act as committee members, if any problems with decisions, but hopefully it won't come to that.
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