Well as everyone is being shy i'm going to recommend we play at Northenden Golf Course (South Manchester), easily accessable and a fantastic round for only £35. Good parking and a decent practice area.
Yeah i would guess so, dont think everyone will agree on the same one so seen as mickey suggested that first i think we should go with it, otherwise we might be here forever deciding. If alot of ppl cant make it i suppose we could think of somewhere else. Feedback please from those of you with ya names down.
Yes mickey good idea, Anyone else is welcome, hey we could even have a north west vs rest of country game lol. Date should be ok thats more than enough notice. I can always bring along a mate of mine too to make up more numbers if he can get the time off!
Ok can people firstly put down any dates they cant make and mickey then could you try pick a date that someone hasnt mentioned, would this be a better idea?
List the dates in April and May you can do? then once everyone has responded we can colate the figures and by self deletion a shiny date should appear that everyone can do.
In all honesty a sunday morning is best for me as i'm quite busy at work (including saturdays) with meetings and training until August. But if a date in the week is prefered i may be able to wangle one day out of the office.
Hence the addict status eh TonyN? I am available any day subject to notice would prefer weekend as have to use holiday for weekday but prepared to go with the majority