New Year's Resolutions


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Nov 1, 2016
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I don't normally make new year's resolutions as I can't think of anything, but I'm strongly considering a couple this time.

Alcohol - I'm actually really considering giving up alcohol completely. I recently drank far too much on a work day and ended up writing off my following day's activities with a hangover, which made me feel like a prize fool to be honest. I just don't see any benefit in it anymore. Now I'm past the age of going on nights out getting drunk regularly - I can go out and drink 4 pints and still end up with the hangover, it just doesn't feel worth it at all. I don't need it from a social aspect, I just don't see a single benefit to drinking these days so I might as well cut it out altogether. I probably won't see much health benefit because I don't drink very much as it is, but it still feels like something I just don't need anymore.

Full sugar drinks - I genuinely think I prefer the Coke Zero/ Pepsi Max versions to the full sugar versions now, so again, no real benefit to having the extra sugar. Might as well cut them out too.

Weight - setting a goal amount of weight to lose is a less tangible goal as there are multiple factors to achieve it, but I'm a shade over 14 stone now when a decade ago I was two stone lighter than that. I really want to be under 13 stone again. Need to think hard about how to achieve that though.

(I need to get my handicap back in the 13 point somethings as well but we'll save the golf stuff for the other forum.)

So what are your new year's resolutions and why?
Far back in the mists of time I made a New Year Resolution to not make any more New Year Resolutions ever again...
40+ years on and I'm still hanging tough.....💪
Just to try and eat better, say it every year and it works for a while then falls back into the same old crap. Takeaways, chocolate, crisps, fizzy juice etc. Was actually doing okay there for about a month before the festive period but that’s well and truly out the window now.

Terrible at work during the week in particular, all good intentions of making nice lunch/sandwiches to take and it usually gets swerved for the nearest snack van.

Thing is I know it’s more just the thought and laziness a lot of the time, yesterday morning I grabbed a McDonald’s breakfast passing in the car, greasy sausage McMuffin, hash browns etc.
10 minute later feeling rotten, got home and partner’s having nice bit of toast, poached egg, avocado. Looked great and probably took about 5 minute to make and 5quid difference in price.

Start really realising not just health/head benefits of eating better, but add up all those fivers/tenners (or sometimes more when it comes to takeaway dinners) over the course of weeks,months or a year say, it would be scary to see a total £££.
Last year I resolved to eat at least one piece of fruit or veg a day. Shocking I had to resolve to do it but there you go - otherwise I'm slightly obsessed with being healthy. Here we are on 30/12 and I've kept to it. Maybe I'll make that to try for 2 a day!!

Main resolution for 2025 it's to speak to my sister in the USA at least once a month. Not message. Speak.
New Year is a time to kickstart something - nothing wrong with it at all.

I'm restarting the healthy eating - lost 2.5 stone this (goal was 3 stone) year and added half a stone back on in the last quarter, so a stone to lose by the halfway point is my goal.

I'm not tee total, but do not home drink, so cutting out the alcohol when out. It also helps the weight loss.

Practice more golf and commit to lessons, instead of turning up to a comp once a week and being crap. Lower my handicap - no set goal, just down.

One less day at the office - do 4 now, so dropping to 3.

Booked two separate holidays yesterday, as I often get to November and realise I forgot.
Drink is my only vice.

I do drink too much (in terms of medical recommendations) but rarely am I "drunk" and I never suffer from hangovers. I drink most days and most of what I consume is beer that I have brewed myself. I enjoy brewing as it allows me to explore a vast array of different styles of beer that are otherwise simply unavailable to me. The flavours, aromas, visual aesthetics etc. of varying styles bring genuine pleasure. I enjoy drinking and have no desire to stop. I may however make some small modifications as to how much and how often I brew, now that I am retired and no longer constrained by the "traditional" 5 days work 2 days weekend structure, I should be able to restructure my brewing (frequency and volume) that would ultimately result in a minor reduction in consumption....e.g. I have a brew planned for this coming weekend but I dont feel that I MUST to brew this Saturday because its the only opportunity I'll get for the next X weeks...I can quite easily push the brewday back a few days.

So...alcohol will not feature in my New Years resolutions (not that I actively make any....they are more like unspoken "soft" targets).

I will however, play more golf....much more least twice a week in winter, and when the weather is better, 3 times a week....the additional exercise will do me a lot of good and the increased playing/practice will surely have a beneficial effect on my nice to get back to mid single figures by the height of the summer. Hell I may even start joining in with the Seniors and play in a few of their comps - I've technically been a Senior now for 4 years but unlike most of our mob, who are drawing their Crimean War pensions, my continuing membership of the rat race prevented me from previously joining in with them.

With the additional time available to me I will get to see more of my family....though whether they want to see more of me is another matter....wife is already making rumbling noises about me getting under her feet.

Lots of stuff needs doing around the that will keep me busy....I've got a list drawn up of little jobs that need doing....a bit of plastering here, some pointing there, some tidying up of stuff in the cellar, painting, some roof edging tiles that need replacing....currently got a list of a couple of dozen little things that need doing....and thats before the wife adds her list and tells me what my priorities are.

May even look to go back to college and do a part time course, or perhaps get involved in some volunteer charity work...was talking to one of the lads after playing golf yesterday who retired early a couple of years ago and he does an afternoon a week driving and collecting furniture on behalf of a charity.

So....perhaps not New Years resolutions....more of a manifesto for retirement.
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Drink is my only vice.

I do drink too much (in terms of medical recommendations) but rarely am I "drunk" and I never suffer from hangovers. I drink most days and most of what I consume is beer that I have brewed myself. I enjoy brewing as it allows me to explore a vast array of different styles of beer that are otherwise simply unavailable to me. The flavours, aromas, visual aesthetics etc. of varying styles bring genuine pleasure. I enjoy drinking and have no desire to stop. I may however make some small modifications as to how much and how often I brew, now that I am retired and no longer constrained by the "traditional" 5 days work 2 days weekend structure, I should be able to restructure my brewing (frequency and volume) that would ultimately result in a minor reduction in consumption....e.g. I have a brew planned for this coming weekend but I dont feel that I MUST to brew this Saturday because its the only opportunity I'll get for the next X weeks...I can quite easily push the brewday back a few days.

So...alcohol will not feature in my New Years resolutions (not that I actively make any....they are more like unspoken "soft" targets).

I will however, play more golf....much more least twice a week in winter, and when the weather is better, 3 times a week....the additional exercise will do me a lot of good and the increased playing/practice will surely have a beneficial effect on my nice to get back to mid single figures by the height of the summer. Hell I may even start joining in with the Seniors and play in a few of their comps - I've technically been a Senior now for 4 years but unlike most of our mob, who are drawing their Crimean War pensions, my continuing membership of the rat race prevented me from previously joining in with them.

With the additional time available to me I will get to see more of my family....though whether they want to see more of me is another matter....wife is already making rumbling noises about me getting under her feet.

Lots of stuff needs doing around the that will keep me busy....I've got a list drawn up of little jobs that need doing....a bit of plastering here, some pointing there, some tidying up of stuff in the cellar, painting, some roof edging tiles that need replacing....currently got a list of a couple of dozen little things that need doing....and that before the wife adds here list and tells me what my priorities are.

May even look to go back to college and do a part time course, or perhaps get involved in some volunteer charity work...was talking to one of the lads after playing golf yesterday who retired early a couple of years ago and he does an afternoon a week driving collecting furniture on behalf of a charity.

So....perhaps not New Years resolutions....more of a manifesto for retirement.
This could be quite worrying and maybe you are in the ‘functioning alcoholic’ bracket?
This could be quite worrying and maybe you are in the ‘functioning alcoholic’ bracket?
Its a reasonable point of debate...I dont feel I have a dependency on alcohol (but could argue, what drunk does?)...there are days when I choose not to drink and when I do so, I am not sat there wishing I had a beer in my hand. I'm not knocking back 3/4/5 pints every day but I will have a bottle or two most days. I've never missed work time as a result of booze and I've never neglected family relationships as a result of drinking. Thinking back, I drink far less now than I did in my late 20's/early 30's.
Saw a post on Insta saying someone wasn’t doing resolutions, they were going to do new year suggestions- much better to get others to change than try and change yourself 🤣
Last year I resolved to eat at least one piece of fruit or veg a day. Shocking I had to resolve to do it but there you go - otherwise I'm slightly obsessed with being healthy. Here we are on 30/12 and I've kept to it. Maybe I'll make that to try for 2 a day!!

Main resolution for 2025 it's to speak to my sister in the USA at least once a month. Not message. Speak.

I often subscribe to at least one piece of fruit a day, especially in the summer. Strongbow cider!

Today it’s grapes… I opened the wine earlier to give it time to breathe before lunch.

As to resolutions; make time to do the things that I enjoy. Don’t put them off.