New set of custom fit irons


Mar 2, 2016
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Hi I'm a bit puzzled to why my custom fit Lynx irons just won't work for me nearly every shot is fat thin out the toe, I've persevered for the last few rounds and been on the range to cure this problem but it's not made a lot of difference if at all.
I did keep my off the shelf benross hot speeds and took them to the range as well as the Lynx irons to see if I hit them any better and guess what I did, what really annoys me is both sets have same weight shaft and flex and lie angle my custom fit is a standard fit so I can buy most off the shelf clubs in my specification, I'm a 28 handicap so this problem with these irons isn't helping me much I'm just thankful I kept the benross irons. Any feed back to why I'm struggling with the new irons would be appreciated.
thanks Steve


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Hi I'm a bit puzzled to why my custom fit Lynx irons just won't work for me nearly every shot is fat thin out the toe, I've persevered for the last few rounds and been on the range to cure this problem but it's not made a lot of difference if at all.
I did keep my off the shelf benross hot speeds and took them to the range as well as the Lynx irons to see if I hit them any better and guess what I did, what really annoys me is both sets have same weight shaft and flex and lie angle my custom fit is a standard fit so I can buy most off the shelf clubs in my specification, I'm a 28 handicap so this problem with these irons isn't helping me much I'm just thankful I kept the benross irons. Any feed back to why I'm struggling with the new irons would be appreciated.
thanks Steve

1st port of call would organize taking say 8i thru 5i of both sets back to the Pro and asking him to have another look over whats taking place - hopefully on the launch monitor

but checking I'm understanding the drift good - the specs old set to new irons are identical, in shaft length, shaft weight & flex & lie angle?
grips the same diameter?

do the new clubs 'feel' any lighter during the swing so maybes feel you gotta put some more effort in?

is there a any change in clubhead design
- not meaning the cosmetic difference because of the different oem's but they changed any from being fairly big cavity backs to less cavity, so along that kinda difference, in any ways? so moved from 'game improver' kinda design to anyways thinner clubhead design?

going back to using the old irons (before the purchase) what was the average general flight pattern from decent kinda strikes, favoring high flight pretty straight? with some the variance tending to be shots curving left to right with say 5i/4i? or .... ?


Journeyman Pro
Nov 1, 2007
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Sorry to say this but all those problems you are having Fat, thin, out of the toe, are due to swing faults. Have a word with your pro.

That was quick Coach.


Mar 2, 2016
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Il answer best I can, the new Lynx are slightly smaller head but with the newer technology but still game improver irons they look like they have less offset than my benross irons and the cavity gets bigger on the longer irons.
They do feel like I have to put more effort in tho so I'm guessing the heads are slightly heavier.
i agree that all the faults I have are swing related, but why is it that I can use the benross with no problems.


Tour Winner
Jan 2, 2014
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Il answer best I can, the new Lynx are slightly smaller head but with the newer technology but still game improver irons they look like they have less offset than my benross irons and the cavity gets bigger on the longer irons.
They do feel like I have to put more effort in tho so I'm guessing the heads are slightly heavier.
i agree that all the faults I have are swing related, but why is it that I can use the benross with no problems.

As has been said, strike is down to you but if the weight, either swing weight or total weight are different it might be that there is an adjustment period or that the clubs do not suit you.

Usually when there is a good customer fit there is no adjustment period but everyone is different.

Talk to the fitter, just because the initial fit is done does not mean he cannot still help.

Tell us a bit about the fitting process please?


Mar 2, 2016
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I had one fitting on the range the usual lie angle shaft flex and length grip size, then I hit 3 types of irons till we found one that suited my swing, my ball flight is normally straight with a slight draw and mid to high. The other fitting was with trackman which backed up much of what was going on the range.


Head Pro
Jun 26, 2015
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Fats, thins and toe strikes have nothing to do with how much forgiveness the clubs provide but with how you deliver the club to the ball.

Especially the vertical mi***** (fat/thin) could point to you losing stability/balance in your swing which could be a result of a different weight.

When I had my clubs fitted the fitter had me try some super light iron shafts (Nippon Zelos 7), and I slammed the club in the ground several inches behind the ball several times in a row since I just couldn't get my rhythm right.

That being said - making sure something like this doesn't happen is one of the main purposes of a fitting, so it shouldn't come as the result of it when playing your newly fitted clubs...


Mar 2, 2016
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I'm guilty of losing my balance in my swing sometimes, so that could be something to look at. I've just booked a one to one lesson with the pro for tomorrow to hopefully find out what's gone wrong. I appreciate the advice and thanks il let you know tomorrow the outcome, and you can all say told you so.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Il answer best I can, the new Lynx are slightly smaller head but with the newer technology but still game improver irons they look like they have less offset than my benross irons and the cavity gets bigger on the longer irons.
They do feel like I have to put more effort in tho so I'm guessing the heads are slightly heavier.
i agree that all the faults I have are swing related, but why is it that I can use the benross with no problems.

would tend to think the issue lies to a greater extent with the smaller real-estate of the new clubheads the difference in cavity and depth/size of the sole and the offset difference - all this doesn't have to look a whole different to produce different shot outcomes

fats/amateur thins (as opposed to Pro thin) are both part of the same swing motion issue and a prevalence of toe hits can also often times be part of the same swing motion technique issues

smaller heads could intuitively 'look' a 'little less' so ways more difficult to 'feel' the head will deliver the 'strength' of a solid strike often times then means folks put more effort into attempting to swing faster as they feel the weight of strike is going to translate into less distance so causing more rhythm, balance swing issues maybes less connection arms to body encouraging more of an 'active hit' with the hands - very easy then to have strike location move over the face some

clubheads (like the old set) with marginally more 'help' can better help compensate for the clubhead delivery troubles so give little ways better shot outcomes

the new clubs would seem to have been fitted okay with length, shaft weight/flex etc and the overall swing pattern will still be pretty much the same - but only got to miss 'center strike' and deliver low point of the swings arc just overall a tad out to get some pretty unpleasant shot outcomes

worth a trip back to the Pro and the launch monitor - useful to have some instruction to get back on track

meantime would buy a can of footspray spray face of old 5/6 irons and with the same new irons - hit 5 balls each club and see just where the strike locations are - my guess the patterns would be a ways similar - so it would be swing technique tied into the difference in the design of the clubheads

ways to look to get back on track take new 6i (spray face) strike through 5 balls with the full swing at 50% effort only (so not a curtailed swing in length from norm but a much more smooth and controlled motion) (tee the ball up on a small tee so ball just 1/4" off ground takes worrying over ground before ball somewhat out of the equation) looking to see the strike pattern out of center - keep going until that's achieved - then up the swing effort to 60% same goals move to 70% effort when 60% effort with center achieved - don't achieve it drop back to 50% and start over - the goal to reach better 'quality center strike' from 50% effort up in 10's to 80% as the maximum - folks generally lose center strike trying to hit too hard resulting in loss of balance

but would look to a series of lessons to get better take on swing motion sequence control, rhythm, balance, and starting with sound hold on the handle, set-up etc - video the practice so able to monitor exactly what's happening as 'feel to real' is often times unreliable as a practice guide
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Mar 2, 2016
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Thanks the coach, for taking the time to reply in such excellent details and some useful technics to get me back to swinging correctly il shall take them on board.
homer, I'm back to see the pro tomorrow has to be the first port of call in reality.


Mar 2, 2016
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Update to my irons problem, had lesson with pro turns out I was turning shoulders far to much and moving my head back in swing causing my swing to go off the line why this should be a problem with new irons, I guess i was trying to hard. new swing has my arms moving first and the shoulders follow my head doesn't move as much so I can't turn my shoulders as much as I did before. Now starting to hit the ball out of the middle again, not all ways but it's a start. Thanks to all for there input. Oh and my golf pro as well.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Update to my irons problem, had lesson with pro turns out I was turning shoulders far to much and moving my head back in swing causing my swing to go off the line why this should be a problem with new irons, I guess i was trying to hard. new swing has my arms moving first and the shoulders follow my head doesn't move as much so I can't turn my shoulders as much as I did before. Now starting to hit the ball out of the middle again, not all ways but it's a start. Thanks to all for there input. Oh and my golf pro as well.

Glad you got it sorted. Enjoy the new irons now you've got them working again