New OB stakes


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
Visit site
Played yesterday and we noticed new out of bounds stakes around the edge of the course. Its always been a rule that if your ball goes over the course boundary/hedge then you are OB - fair enough.

These new stakes are 3 feet from the boundary - what are they trying to do??

If you mess up your shot and end up too close to the hedge all you can do is hack it out sideways making it in reality a one shot penalty. Now its 2!!

Anyone else got dodgy OB on their course??

We have a dog-leg left that is drivable but to do so you have to fire over the previous green. The powers that be have put internal OB to try to stop us going for the green but it mostly doesn't work and the other day someone nearly got decapitated!! A couple of trees would have been better.

Just to point out that I only go for the green if the previous one is clear!!!!!!!
We did have an internal OB on our 15th (par 5) which was actually on the 14th as you played 15th to stop players hitting back down 14 and leaving a shorter route (and therefore potentially going for the green in 2).

However under this years captaincy it has been taken out although players do face the prospect of being banned if they are reported for dleiberately violating this and aiming left. I know of one low handicapper and a couple of big hitting juniors who were deemed to have gone left on purpose and received various bans
Imurg, what's on the other side of the boundary? If it's a road or somebody's garden, etc and there are a lot of balls going over then maybe the new stakes are to encourage you to keep away.

I know what you're saying but over every boundary fence or hedge on our course is miles and miles of fields - meadows, crops, cows etc.

Going to see the General Manager this morning.
We have all sorts of o.o.b. on our course. The ones on the perimeter are as fair as you could wish. It's hard to say in your case whether 3 foot "in" is sensible or just a bit silly. At mine, the white stakes are are close as possible to the hedges/fences etc. If they bought them in, I think it would make no difference to the chances of a ball going over the perimeter.
As for internal.....I find it quite common to use o.o.b. stakes on internal short holes where there is chance to "cut off" corners....especially when there is genuine danger to other players. We have o.o.b. all down the right side of the hole next to the range.....this has become the S.I. 1 because of this. I wish it wasn't there, but safety is paramount.
Just back from seeing the General manager and he assures me that the stakes should be right up against the hedge/fences and not a yard out. Sounds like a green keeper moved them to strim under hedge and put them back in the wrong place.
Had a few holes dodging the showers today and was only 4 over gross for the front 9 - 2 doubles!!!! Played another 2 in 1 over then heard thunder so decided to call it a day. Striking the ball so well at the mo. And picking the right club. Just walking up to the ball, thinking "Ok 7 iron", getting it out and hitting it on the green.

Love this game sometimes...............