New H/C ruling on seven consecutive high scores outside the buffer zone


Medal Winner
May 6, 2013
Verwood, DorZ3t
When our ex H/C Secretary returned from a H/C workshop early on this year he said that from 1st January 2016 all handicaps from that date to 31st December would be prevented from increasing until the 1st January the following year when at the Annual Review they would be adjusted following the previous year's performance. They could go down but not increase unless the computer software recorded seven consecutive 0.1 increases then the H/C Committee could decide on how many shots his/her handicap would be increased.

Now, reading the changes that were announced recently it would appear as though the interpretation given by the ex H/C Sec was incorrect. H/C will go up or down as per scores recorded but that after seven consecutive 0.1 increases are implemented then it is flagged and the H/C Committee can review the performance of that player and manually adjust the H/C.

Can someone clarify this change in the Rules please? The Ex H/C Sec. insists he is correct but as it was about eight months ago when he attended the meeting he cannot be 100% sure what was said then. As they were proposals, there was no official handout just hearsay.

Because he announced this on his return to a lot of the members I am now fielding a number of questions regarding his probable erroneous statement.

Your thoughts would be appreciated.



Nov 16, 2011
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He may have been correct at the time (though I actually doubt it), but that's certainly not what will happen from 1/1/16!

7 consecutive 0.1s and it gets flagged for review.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
Visit site
Your h'cap sec either misheard or misunderstood. The original proposal described early last year was that normal adjustments would continue and that after 7 consecutive 0.1s a recommendation to review would be made by the software.

This was published immediately after all the workshops had been completed.

8. Continuous handicap Review – Introduction of a process to flag players with 7 consecutive 0.1 handicap increases so that Handicap Committees can review and apply an immediate handicap increase if required.
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Medal Winner
May 6, 2013
Verwood, DorZ3t
Hi Louise, I trust your workshop will be up north. I would like to have attended one but as there are only three places available I thought it best to send the new H/C Sec and Vice Captain. I have been involved in recent years with handicapping and find it fascinating. Amazing how prickly people get if they think you are looking too closely at their handicap.

Just been reading some of your blogs. Very interesting. I was thinking of keeping a record of my year in 2016 as Club Captain but I cannot find a suitable book to write in. So a blog could be the answer.

Happy New Year to you.


Medal Winner
May 6, 2013
Verwood, DorZ3t
uho, have I touched a nerve Chris?

i want to record my year in office. It is not necessarily a record that everyone would be interested in reading but some might. There is a choice whether to read or not to read. You could say the same for some threads or contributors on forums. Some find them interesting others do not and ignore them.

Each to their own.