My Trackman Driver Numbers

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Is it me or are my spin numbers high?

Speed 95.2MPH
Attack Angle +3.1
Club path +2.1
Face Angle -0.9
Face to Path -2.7
Ball Speed 134.3MPH
Smash Factor 1.41
Launch angle 17.1
Spin 3795
Spin axis +1.5
Average carry 219.6 yards
Total distance 240.6 yards
Best total distance 253 yards


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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yep the spin rate is a ways too high - in that spin rate in 3800 area for a speed of 95 mph is goin to hurt result wise
(where as someone with a bunch lower mph SS would need more spin to get optimum distance)

do you have the dynamic loft angle # ?

so it will be around strike location - that 1.41 is a tad low - was it a heel strike ?
(why it's useful if not trackman 4 to take a can of spray along to better able monitor strike - really got to know where on the face the strike location is)
as to maximize delivery need to be able to work on strike location

looking at the face angle means face tad closed to target line but path/club head moving out a tad rightfield

the number between the dynamic loft at impact and the AoA plus the off center strike is giving a tad large spin loft #
as spin loft is a 3 dimensional # any strike location off of center also adds to increase the spin loft # - larger spin loft # the higher the spin rate & lower the ball speed

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Thanks for the reply Coach.

Strike was fractionally left of centre, so yes, a little towards the heel.

Id love to know how youre getting 21 yards of run with nearly 4k of spin and +ve AoA

I'm just exceptionally talented Steve :thup:

Seriously, I have no idea. The above were all average readings over I believe 15 balls that were recorded. Some of the spin figures were in the high 2000's.

I know one went over 4000 with probably raised the average significantly.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Thanks for the reply Coach.

Strike was fractionally left of centre, so yes, a little towards the heel.

when you working with LM & driver again would ask for the spin loft & dynamic loft #'s on the display screen & look to see what these are through the number of shots hit

looking at static loft of driver (if still the 9º in the sig) then if there's a series of higher spin rate #'s being recorded if the AoA's are mostly positive - part of this will be about presenting tad too high dynamic loft at impact along with a strike location that's moving away from center

with mostly positive AoA numbers then dynamic loft #'s goin to have to be too high to give the larger spin loft # so higher spin rate #'s than would be ideal for that club head speed

- but if the dynamic loft so spin loft #'s are not too high most of the 'extra' spin rate issue will be around the strike being a tad too far away from center (horizontal & vertical axis)

one thing that might help is to remember with a driver ideally at impact the club head would be some degrees toe up (even with shaft droop) not looking to deliver the driver horizontal to ground - thinking more of this as a 'feeling' an 'intention' can help with both path - swing direction - & strike location

with irons yep the club head is more horizontal - leading edge n' grooves - to ground
but with driver this is not so
(even though that trackman video might show otherwise - but that's just because they were trying to show the graphics for dynamic loft & AoA a tad simpler to be able to see as a concept)
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