My swing


Journeyman Pro
Apr 26, 2011
Washington, Tyne and Wear
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Pre warning - if youre easily offended by bad swings please look away!

Heres a short clip of my swing with a sand wedge at the local pitch and putt.

Just wondering if you guys have any pointers?


Deleted member 15344

Doesn't look too bad - nice rhythm through the ball , maybe finish is a bit high. But as I was also told - it doesn't matter what your swing looks like - it's what the ball flight looks like :thup:


Nov 16, 2011
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If that's typical of other swings...

Nice rhythm. You look a little stiff (tense) though. Can't see grip so can't comment.

Takeaway is very low and on the inside.

No Peeking!!!


Journeyman Pro
Apr 26, 2011
Washington, Tyne and Wear
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If that's typical of other swings...

Nice rhythm. You look a little stiff (tense) though. Can't see grip so can't comment.

Takeaway is very low and on the inside.

No Peeking!!!

Would an inside back swing lead to short, high hits with my wedge? And more of a slice with longer irons? As they are my bad shots at times.


Nov 16, 2011
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Would an inside back swing lead to short, high hits with my wedge? And more of a slice with longer irons? As they are my bad shots at times.

Not necessarily.

The peeking certainly wouldn't help - as moving the head (normally pretty heavy!) tends to mean that you will lean back to counter it.

Tough to see of a single shot down the line with a SW - from rough. Better to see a 'Caddie View' shot with something like a 7-iron from fairway or mat for that sort of check.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Not bad set up, not bad rhythm, first two feet in takeaway on a good path, hands & wrists 'still' through this part of the takeaway which is good.

If you can get your grip checked by a Pro preferably or if not possible then a real good low Cat 1 player if you know any. As it may have some bearing on what happens after the first two feet (don't discount that you got the first two feet a small part of the swing to get right, right, it's hugely important & that, & your set up alignment & posture is good!)

It's after this it goes a tad out of kilter which could be to do with the grip or how you think the left wrist should set (or both).

If you just stand up straight, have the club in your grip with the left arm only, hold out your left arm straight in front of you around parallel to the ground the shaft will be at a slight upwards angle in this position.
Then keeping left arm still just move you hand upwards so your thumb points at the sky, you should be able to get the shaft to roughly 90º to your left arm with the club head pointing at the sky.

If you can't it'll be because of the grip either being too much in the palm of the hand (not fingers) &/or your left thumb is placed too far down the handle so the left thumb would be a good half inch or more past the knuckle of your left trigger finger. Both or one of these things means you can't set the angle 'upwards' in your left wrist.

So left hand grip needs to be more in fingers & with a 'short' left thumb thats only slightly down past your left trigger fingers knuckle, it also needs to be on top 'right' hand-side of the handle not bang in the center or to the right of the handle. All these things will stop your left wrist (so you right too) setting properly after the 'first two feet' of the takeaway which is what is happening to you in the swing.

If you pause your swing when your left arm is parallel to the ground you can see two things, one the arm is too much across your chest so it's pointing a ways behind you, which means your hands & the club are too far behind your back & because the left wrist is setting correctly (left hand more bent back, rather than left thumb setting upwards) the club shat is too flat.
The left hand/wrist isn't setting to give you the 90º angle to your left arm.

{The motion of the left wrist is the movement of using a hammer to hammer a nail in, thumb 'up' then down & not the movement side to side the left wrist would make with a paint brush.}

Club gets back at the top to far behind you but also you haven't made enough angle, set between your club shaft, wrist & left arm to be able to keep much angle working back to impact.
By the time you get nearer impact you've lost too much angle to be able to generate much speed, your weight is a little too much on your right side so you have to 'flip' your wrists forwards & upwards some through impact, they collapse through rather than having a firm flat left wrist.
Which is why you tend to hit to high balls as you are adding loft through the ball. The same thing happening at the longer end of the bag is giving you the slice & a weaker higher flight plus any fat or thin or topped shots you might have from time to time.
If you want advice as to how to go about stopping this let me know.

Always useful to have a DTL plus a face on view, if you record a face on view & have a look you'll better be able to see how your not making the angle between left arm & shaft going back properly & then how because of this & your weight being too much on your right side coming down, the angle (lag) has mostly disappeared as you come in to a position when your hands are by your right leg so then you have to collapse 'flip' hands through impact adding loft to the club face.
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