My Swing-Pick The Faults


Aug 18, 2007
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Hi, I'm currently trying to get back into the game after about 2/3 years out
I've been working away mainly at my short game but currently my major problem is a big fade, mainly with my irons
So, I've posted up a video of my swing for you all to pick to pieces, what I can see is too much hip/lower body rotation, a loss of height from the top and standing too close to the ball, I'm not sure the significance of these but please feel free to tell me!! Within this clip is a slow motion driver swing and then a slow motion 5 iron swing at the range
Thought I was looking at footage of a young Ballesteros! Can't see much wrong with your action. Footage is too grainy to see hands and picture is squashed vertically so it looks like a flat swing, though I suspect it's not. I would suggest if you're fading it that your grip may be weak or the ball position might be a little too far forward. Lot of motion with the head back and forward, maybe need to slow down a little and keep a more balanced swing.

Your address position looks pretty good and the swing seems nice and compact. I presume that you played to a decent level before giving the game up. A couple of thigs i would suggest are:

Let your weight move more onto your right side at the top of the backswing (there's a hint of a reverse pivot in there which could be causing the slice)

Allow your hands to release towards the target after you've hit the ball. At the moment you are cutting across it (your hands are going left) and this definitely creates left to right spin.

I'd also consider a custom fitting session as the shaft of your driver seems a bit long but that may just be how it looks on video.

I hope this helps.
Guys, all your comments are things I have thought about, so its nice to have them confirmed a bit

The most worrying aspect of my swing is definatly the hands across the ball, I defiantly need to let them release towards the target rather than pulling them across, I always feel when I'm swinging well I finish with my hands high, which would be a result of releasing them towards the target I guess

On the grip, its actually too strong at times so I can rule that out and I am 6'3 so the driver shaft shouldn't be too long, however I do recall the Burner driver is an inch longer than standard?

Reverse pivot is another likely source, I definatly feel my weight transfer is innefficient at the minute, so again its good to hear someone elses view!

Birdieman, I do set up with the ball very far forward , I thought this would cure a slice? I will try moving it back in my stance! My swing is quite fast and my head and spine angle need to remain more constant, so thanks for confirming that!

Thanks very much for the comments, its good of you to take the time to have a look, I will try and get a better quality video up in a bit after I make the corrections! I was single figures with y handicap coming down nicely before I gave up but the game got to me mentally and I really lost the will to ever touch a club again, but now I feel more determined than ever and love spending the hours practising again!

Thanks again,

If ball is too far forward you will end up with shoulders aiming well left which will accentuate an out to in swing path, this is one I have to watch out for; depending on how your club face is positioned at strike it will result in either a pull(like me) or a slice(like you).
In Tigers book he has a good thought tip Butchy taught him to 'shake hands with the target' - good way of extending through the swing to the finish.
Nice tip birdieman, thanks. Or should I be thanking Butch? :)

I'll keep an eye on my shoulders then. I saw a good drill where u put a tee in front of the ball....about 4-6 inches infront...and try to make sure to strike it after striking the ball. I guess this would keep my hands releasing towards the target and if I move the ball back a bit
this should correct the shoulders, which when I freeze the video frame by frame, look to be well out to the right on impact!
Well, congrats on getting this posted on the site!
Two comments (ignore these if you feel like it!!)
1) you look a bit squashed at address (stand a bit more upright) but it could be the camera angle.
2) the club comes back on the inside then by conclusion down on the outside (if you're fading/slicing). So you are the opposite of jim furyk!!!
It's an old-fashioned, but good looking swing, I bet you could hit draws with the right timing and attitude......
go to the range (not the practice ground), set up to the tee (without a ball) square (as normal) then swing down as if you were trying to hit a ball at the next flag along to the right (or a tree or something). Repeat a few times, clipping the rubber tee, place a ball and then feel the same action. Always worked for me....

I've got both, hook with the irons, slice with the woods. Never thought about ball position - I had thought it was forward for distance, back for up so have obviously got something wrong here.
Definitely got the out-to-in, as some of the tees show. Could this also be why I sometimes hit the ground before the ball off the tee?

what effect does it have if the ball is too far back?

7-months in and still trying!

(got a lesson booked for this as well)
It seems unlikely you would have both hook/slice. If your irons start straight-ish (perhaps a little left?) then turn over (hook) and your woods start straight-ish then slice right, you'd actually have the same swing path for both, but wouldn't be getting the face square with the woods.
For your woods have the ball "forward" (an inch or two) just inside your left foot (maybe level with your heel or the seam of your trousers). For mid irons just forward of "middle" (nearer towards between your feet) and centre for short clubs. If you set up with the ball too far back, you are going to get in all sorts of trouble. The changes allow the correct angle (launch trajectory) of the club head at impact. Because woods don't have a great deal of loft you are catching the strike just on the up. With all but the longest irons you want to hit as the club is reaching it's lowest point, and let the loft do the rest. Some folks admire their big divots and celebrate hitting the ball way before the lowest point....but let me say that even Tiger is looking to create only a gentle "shallow" divot the length of a five pound note (dollar bill), unless the situation demands otherwise. I hit most mid irons with only a grazing of the turf. The only time I put the ball back in the stance and hope to see a big divot is hitting punchy pitch shots into tight pins.
I could go on....try and get a good book....oh, and enjoy the lessons!!
I can almost remember being 7 months in.....keep at it mate!!

Thanks mate.
You were spot on, straight-ish then left or right - when I do get it straight I can get distance. Still learning how far I can hit the clubs though so choice of club can sometimes be interesting (where I play there are only about four holes that don't have water or OoB or both so getting it straight is crucial).
I had read the forward/middle/back ball positions but misinterpreted it - well forward, middle stance and back, not the couple of inches that seem to be required.
Hope to get out this evening and try your advice. Thanks again.
Firstly, beware of the extra roll in middle earth....if you hit a clean one it might go a little further!!! (come on dave, be sensible!)
With regard to club distance, in the early days I practiced a lot with just my 7 iron at the range, first off using the (low, please!) tee and then the mat. I got into a consistent 135 yd-ish distance, so based my whole game around that. I'd add or take off 10 yards per club. (I don't do this now). If you have to get over a hazard, just take one club more, and relax, even a £300 super 460cc graphite/space age/titanium matrix 10 degree driver ain't going to get you over the wretched pond if you a scared of it!!!!
I think it was David Leadbetter who always recommended going up a club if in doubt. Most greens are long enough to take a well hit club that's got 10-12 yds too much on it.

Get into working your clubs (distance) around your 6, 7 or 8 iron. I don't hit it far, ave 151 yds 7 iron and work around that. My 9 goes about 125, but my pitch only 105, if I have a short par three, I'll never take the pitch with bunkers or water in the way!!!!

Let us know. Incidentaly, check your grip.....often it gets cranked tighter and tighter (stronger) if the slice with woods is the scary shot......the best lesson I ever had was when I put it entirely neutral and had to learn to square the face with my hands.

Only got 9 holes yesterday, lousy weather and could barely see the ball. Hit all the drives straight-ish though (bit variable 200 - 240, best ever is 280!). I won't comment on the 5-wood off (well off) the fairway.

It's amazing how much water takes out of a club. On the flat I can get 150+ with a 7 (not consistently yet) but not over water. I can't get close to 170 with a 5 and the 6 is not much better than the 7. Still keep on plugging - I'm determined to break the ton this 'summer'.
