My Swing - Haplesshacker


Global Moderator
Oct 4, 2007
Bangor, Co. Down
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HH you seem to be swinging but not putting effort into it, how far were they going?
Ill let the other guys figure the rest out, I find when I ease off too much I cant hit the ball well at al and my timing goes out the window.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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For me, you don't get enough transfer onto your front foot, and this may be why a/ you hook it, and b/ why the harder you try to hit it, the worse it gets. Work on getting your left leg straight to hit into, and all of your weight over it on the follow through, such that you are almost toppling forwards.

Oh, and cut out all the vertical waggling. Ever see Tiger do this, no. It is not conducive to a good swing. Name one good golfer with a vertical waggle.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Actually dave despite the speed of my swing and the myriad of moving parts there is actually some proper weight transference going on in my swing. Its just the 1001 other issues. I thought HH's swing wasn't too bad. Definitely some areas to work on but the potential is clearly there.


Club Champion
Mar 19, 2009
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Haplesshacker (Hopefully you won't be one forever!!)

Thanks for all the info that you posted, it was really helpful for me.

The thing that I noticed straightaway was that it looks like you lose control of the club at the top of the backswing. This looks like it causes the clubface to close at the top of the backswing and you will obviously struggle to save it from there.
This will most certainly contribute to your inconsistent shape and ball striking.

I like all my pupils to be aware of and control the clubface throughout the swing so that they can deliver the clubface back square and online to the target everytime.

I would not make any changes straightaway to your swing but I would certainly develop a better awareness of your grip pressure and angle of clubface throughout the swing.

Try this.
Make swings on the range with a 9 iron.
Tee the ball up to make it a little easier.
From a normal address position, swing to the top and then stop.
Is your grip pressure/control of the club the same as it was at address?
If yes, continue with the swing, hit the ball and hold the finish until the ball lands.
If no, start again and with more practice I am sure you will develop more awareness of where the club is at the top of the backswing.

Would love to hear back from you to know how you get on

Neil Plimmer


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.

You could see that in the grainy video! If it was any worse I could have sworn their was a UFO in there!

Anyway, back to the prognosis.

Yep, spot on. My pro picked up on this 2 weeks ago. The shaft comes away from my left hand slightly and twists in my mitts. When the club gets back to the ball, the face is closed. Apparently caused by me holding it to much in my left palm, and not in my fingers. I also had a strong grip, which just made matters worse. I do actually notice this when playing, but I still take the shot. Doh!

I'll incorporate your tip into some practice and pre-shot routines. Many thanks.

Just to keep you up-to-date. Had another lesson today after my morning round. Spent ten minutes on the Explanar, and then another ten minutes with an inflatable 'T' shaped thing behind me. All meant to eradicate my inside take-away.

Instantly getting 150 yards drop with the 6 iron, but I wasn't taking any kind of divot most of the time, but the flight wasn't to low. Now working on the follow through and timing of the wrist break.
My stance is apparently closed when I set up with the 6 iron. Something else to work on!

I'll try to get a more up-to-date video, however the 'machine' at the driving range is apparently 'broken'.

Many thanks for your information. No need to go gently on me though, I tend to be able to cram it all in, even if it doesn't stick, I'll still realize that it's something else to consider.
