My lesson


Tour Rookie
Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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Iv got a new new pro as I ain't had a lesson for a while and I'm planning on having a lesson every two weeks and I thought I would just share the info he gives me with everyone else as it might help you.
If it don't help then

This is the email I got.

Driver hand position – keep the hands neutral to your body (shown below), avoid the hands being too far in front of the ball.
Takeaway – Keep it simple, move everything away together including left shoulder and hips, the club should be placed with the shaft horizontal to the ground, the leading edge pointing to the sky, the hands at waist height and the club opposite the hands.* Think about shaking hands as a good everyday example of this move.* Use the image below as a guide.* The SLOWER you complete this dill the better.
(I couldn't upload pics so follow the link)

Driver set up

My old takeaway

New drill ( this is a great drill)


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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i have the same problem. were you hooking the ball at all? i need to stop bringing the club too far behind me! must try that chair drill!

can i just point out that i think you have the ball at the heel of the driver rather than at the sweet spot. might just be the angle of the pic though.


Tour Rookie
Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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i have the same problem. were you hooking the ball at all? i need to stop bringing the club too far behind me! must try that chair drill!

can i just point out that i think you have the ball at the heel of the driver rather than at the sweet spot. might just be the angle of the pic though.

Yea it does look like that, got me thinking know ;) although that's one thing I think of to get correct when setting up.


Nov 16, 2011
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There are a couple of things I can see that don't look quite right (to me!), but not sure whether Driver set-up is old or new. Assuming it's new, I'd suggest that arms (in left pic) look a little too extended away from the body (overdoing the Pro's advice?). This tends to create bad tension in the arms. I've always been of the view that when you do the shake-hands bit - to get the neutral grip - then you lean your upper body forward (balancing with backside back) to create the correct posture (h'mm - can build lots of bad tension in legs and upper body!) then test how arms are 'set' by taking one off grip and letting it dangle. If it is at grip position, then fine, but yours would dangle quite a distance where they are in the picture - and they are also down the shaft quite a bit for some reason. You seem to be slightly on your heels too - rather than on balls of feet.The other thing that doesn't look right is what has happened to your head in your 'new' takeaway. I think that efforts to get the club above the chair have encouraged your left shoulder to drop and there is huge potential for a Reverse Pivot - shoulders and head left of hips - which can destroy a swing. There's a couple of ways of preventing that while still keeping the club at halfway back above and outside the chair (you may have slightly overdone that too). Hip turn is the simplest - you still don't seem to have much - and, rather more subtle but possibly more effective, instead of thinking 'push-turn the left shoulder', try thinking 'pull-turn the right shoulder'. Another thing you might try is to simply place your arms and body into the desired halfway back position (without doing the take-away) ensuring your head is still over/slightly behind where the ball would be. This gets your body used to the balance of that position and doesn't use the head to 'compensate'.Of course, the above could be a load of bollox! I'd also suggest that you send the pics to your coach and ask him to check that he's happy that you are doing what he wants. It's that sort of communication/feedback that makes progress faster imo!Good Luck!
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Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I'm not that bothered with the halfway back position (although it would be nice if it was correct), its the halfway down position I try to focus on.
What would you rather have, a perfect backswing and a rubbish downswing or a rubbish backswing and a perfect downswing?
Has your pro mentioned your weight distribution between your heels and toes? (looks a bit in the heels to me)



Tour Rookie
Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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Thanks for the advice. The pro did mention some of the things that have been said here but were gonna take it one step at a time and build a good swing in time. I'm planning to take a 30 minute lesson every two weeks or maybe even when I feel Iv moulded in what Iv been asked to do and I'm looking for the next step. I know the trick with the dangling hands but some reason I didn't do that here, I suppose it's one thing I need to keep check on.
And bob I get your point with having a better downswing as this is where were making contact but I don't mind in getting every trying reasonable good over a long period of time.

Thanks guys