My first win - so close, yet so far ...


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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Took part in our weekly 9 hole comp, the day before going on holiday. Played out my skin and got 23 points which is enough to win most weeks.

The result doesn't get announced until a few days later as for some reason we don't use HDID for this particular comp.

Got home on Sunday to find the all important email - I'd tied for first place out of 70 players, but got beat on a card countback!!

Gutted is an understatement, really thought I'd done enough to win my first ever comp.

Oh well, guess there is always next week ...


Journeyman Pro
Aug 12, 2012
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I played in a bogey comp weekend before last

walked off 6 up against the course, felt i had played ok but nothing amazing. Lad in the car park told me that the leader when he tee'd of was currently 2 up.

I got nervous then as it was a board comp and QWERTY was telling me i must have won it. I was bricking it...

Punched in the scorecard but saw the actual leader was now equal to me at 6 up. I pressed submit on my score and instantly lost on a count back.

Annoyingly the eventual winner NR'd a few holes on the front 9 only to absolutely shoot the lights out on the back. Fair play to him. Still gutted though ha ha

I feel your pain

No idea what ive won as ive not checked. might give them a ring now actually