Miles' Golf Swing - 240fps. Need advice/tip's.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I can see that your left arm starts to chicken wing as you come through impact, this is a symptom of you making a swatting action with your wrists. Your hands need to be further foward at impact and you then need to extend both arms as you release past the ball. Look at frame 0.09, you should see that your left arms is collapsing and your right flipping through with the right hand turned under.

I hope this makes sence to you.


Medal Winner
Jan 12, 2012
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Thanks guy's, good observations. Will try to increase/exaggerate that movement with my hips this week and also address the casting. Don't quite know how I'm going to get my hands further forward at impact but I'll experiment. Those video's highlight nicely what I need to do. Again, I'll keep you posted with improvements.

Thanks, Miles


Medal Winner
Jan 12, 2012
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With regards to chicken winging specifically, I think I do it less with the iron's. In this video i'm still a bit floppy (first tries with new move) but the left arm looks straighter after impact. [video=youtube;A2XCXuJw-Vc][/video]


Aug 5, 2011
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very useful thread this, been wanting to video myself for ages. When I saw my swing with the pro last year I immediately saw a poor flat takeaway plus other issues. We think we have one swing but the camera doesnt lie.

Need to get myself one of these cameras and grip to put on the golf bag. What do you recommend Miles?

P.S not a lot wrong with your swing IMO, wrist cock a bit late on backswing and a bit early on the downswing, fix that and your lag and power will increase


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Still letting the clubface get infront of your hands which will loose power and create high shots, this creates the chicken wing. Try setting up with your hands a little more ahead of the ball, making a small forward press in the takeaway may help. Try to maintain the backward bend in your right wrists through impact.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009

Here's Luke Donald working on a drill to get his hips more forward....



Medal Winner
Jan 12, 2012
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Great find just one, will definitely be trying that drill.

Well, I played my first round in 2 weeks today, struck the ball well off the tee and with my shorter iron's, but my longer clubs off the deck cost me 2 doubles and I shot 81. Felt great up until the fifth when I hit my 5 wood all wrong and then I started tinkering :(

79% fairways
50% Gir

My normal miss is a fade, but with this new swing when I missed a green it was left. Will take some time getting used me thinks.


Medal Winner
Jan 12, 2012
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Hi all, I tried that Luke Donald drill, it feels odd but it helped. Whilst at the range I tried to work on my pivot/turn. From looking at the videos it's evident that when I have the club in my hand my right shoulder pulls it back to the top. This affects my spine angle and causes the left hip to come round. Knowing this I did a few swings in the mirror last night on my knees. It's really evident then, my right shoulder pulls back and the left pushes forwards tilting my spine. Problem is I don't do this without a club in my hands, without the club I turn back fine! When I do various b/s drills at home I turn to the top correctly with the spine tilt maintained.

Here's a picture to show this fault in my swing. I still need to shorten the b/s (haven't been focusing on this) but you can see that my shoulders just turn far too quick. Their 90 by halfway and nearly 110/120 at the top of my b/s.

However, I did work on/improve my impact. I was focusing on turning the outer part my left hand over towards the floor like a topspin backhand in Tennis. Launched lower and gained 10 yards distance. Not bad, could still improve further but this poor turn is my main focus now.

I'll add the video on youtube asap.



Medal Winner
Jan 12, 2012
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Forgot to mention, did a direct comparison with that swing video of Luke Donald from front on. Seem's I need to widen my stance and move the ball further forward. Even on a relatively short iron he had the whole of his head behind the ball at address and maintained this throughout his swing. I, on the other hand start with it behind and quickly have it target side because of my poor shoulder turn.



Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Big shoulder turn is no problem but it is if you're practically standing up straight with your head lifted by your left shoulder wedging itself under your chin. Can you get a video from 'down the line' aswell, would like to see swingplane and posture.


Medal Winner
Jan 12, 2012
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Hi all, I've been busy working solidly on my pivot, it's bloody difficult to change your swing!! After trying different methods and feelings in order to improve my backswing I've settled with a rotary motion into my right side. It feels like I'm folding my left side into the right. This is getting me in the desired position at the top (with regards to my body) - it feel's a bit alien to me but that will come with time.

[video=youtube;_X3w8o0nPg8] IxuELhz6_Oil8894WNUt[/video]

The arms are still doing the wrong thing so that's next on the list. I'm going to focus on the correct spot to put them in at the top and consciously move them into to position to ingrain it. At the moment the hands start swinging inside until the club is parallel to the ground, then they move up. The left arm also bends a little when I get to the top, this is due to me slightly overswinging so I'll focus on shortening it.



Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Great swing. Have been watching your progress well done. I'm only going to add one thing. You should have a full wrist cock when your hands are halfway back (parallel to the ground) that should sort the lack of lag and the slight casting from the top. Only my opinion though.


Medal Winner
Jan 12, 2012
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Great swing. Have been watching your progress well done. I'm only going to add one thing. You should have a full wrist cock when your hands are halfway back (parallel to the ground) that should sort the lack of lag and the slight casting from the top. Only my opinion though.
Hi Dave, Thanks for the compliment. I've been giving up all of my spare time (fiancee doesn't approve) to improve and the pivot is starting to get there. I tried a few swings the other day with an immediate wrist cock. The hands/arms looked 100% better but I reverse pivoted! Lol, I watched the video back, "oooh that's better" and then when I got to the top "oooh, that's hideous!" I'll pop it up in a second for a laugh.
If you look at the L Donald video that "just one" posted, his hands stay outside his right foot at the top. That's my goal for next week. I plan to stand at the range solidly putting my arms up to that end position and I won't go home till I can swing up to it. Then I plan to slowly introduce the wrist cock that seems to trigger the reverse pivot. :S



Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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Great swing. Have been watching your progress well done. I'm only going to add one thing. You should have a full wrist cock when your hands are halfway back (parallel to the ground) that should sort the lack of lag and the slight casting from the top. Only my opinion though.

great looking swing

i agree with dave on this, only because i had a lesson just this weekend, one of the things the pro picked upon was this, he got me to drill my backswing so my wrists are fully cocked half way back, from there only a small movement to the top


Medal Winner
Jan 12, 2012
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great looking swing

i agree with dave on this, only because i had a lesson just this weekend, one of the things the pro picked upon was this, he got me to drill my backswing so my wrists are fully cocked half way back, from there only a small movement to the top

Thanks Tim, I'm really going to focus on my arms next week so hopefully I'll be able to add some videos with me successfully hinging earlier.
