Mentally recovering from that nightmare round.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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At the weekend we had our annual lads trip and this year was the belfry, Saturday we upgraded from the derby and played the PGA course in some quite strong gusty winds and i come in with a medioka 26 points. It wasn't a case of a bad game, just seemed one of the days where i couldn't score. Ball striking was good, direction was good, but little mistakes hindered a possibly good card.

Not happy with the score on the card i was out for revenge on sunday on the brabazon and with near on no wind i thought a score would have been a bit easier, yes i know that the brabazon should be a harder course(which in my opinion it isn't) but my driving on saturday was good, and most of my bad scores come from miss judged winds. anyway.....

sunday, i still cant find words to describe what was a poor attempt at our sport, the swing left town, in fact flew out on a plane never to be seen again, the golf was that poor i walked 4 holes in total disbelief that my game had vanished and that fact that such a poor swing had locked my back completely, all my old swing faults arrived on the same express train, and my swing was that bad it left me in alot of lower back pain,

Quick, no tempo, all hip slide and no body turn with a very armsy swing resulted in 15 points from 14 holes. On reflection walking back to the car i had the thought that i'd had enough of this game.

Why is it for the last 3 weeks ive been constantly shooting to h/c give or take a point around all of my locals off the whites, one of which id played off 10hc in a group game, in 2 midweek lessons i was ripping everything you put in my hands, even blades which i havent hit in years, yet come saturday/sunday when its on a great course all the work from september last year has gone...

Seriously struggling to find any sort of motivation to pull the club out the car and hit a ball, so far i've cancelled tonight's playing lesson, cancelled sundays medal, oh and ive had to send a 52* off for a re-shaft due to a total explosion..... not good.


Assistant Pro
Feb 7, 2011
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Oddsocks, can I ask whether the lads weekend away included much alcohol and a trip to the belair?

Tottaly understand the frustration though mate, and I probably concur that the PGA is very tough when the wind blows...


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Yikes, you sound pretty low brother, it happens to us all.

You've been playing well, hitting well, h/c steadily falling and you probably think you've hit some sort of wall.

That swing you had last week is still there, you probably diagnosed it yourself when you said "no tempo". Once you lose that, everything else collapses. You might feel like you're doing ten things wrong, like old swing is coming back etc. The old swing only came back because you needed to fall back on it when things weren't going well, thats what we do, fall back on the familiar. All that happened was you lost tempo for a day or two, once that goes everything you do in your swing doesn't fit together any more and disaster ensues. Maybe you lost it cos you were away with the lads and wanted to show them how good you are, maybe you put too much pressure on yourself to do great, maybe a late night the night before, probably just one of those things chap.

Give yourself a couple of days to cool down and gain some perspective, then go back to the range, realise you are A) lucky to be able to play golf and B) actually pretty good at it on your day. Forget about swing thoughts etc and just send a few balls out there, you'll find your tempo and nice swing was there all along, just got distracted.

Its a blip, don't give it any more qualification than that, get back on the horse and shoot the lights out, you're capable of it and you know you are. Chin up fella.


Money List Winner
May 26, 2010
Gloucester, UK
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Stop being a fanny, eat a (hot) curry, build a bridge and get over it.


No, but in all seriousness, EVERY golfer experiences this. Just a bad day at the office mate. You'll probably go out there this weekend and shoot a PB. That is golf. Try and accept it and move on. If you dwell on it, you'll end up playing worse, not enjoying it and worst case, giving up through not enjoying the game.

I understand it's more frustrating when you shoot ar$e scores on an away day, because it's your only chance to play the course (unless you go back!), so you want to play well.

Maybe it's because of the history of the course that you REALLY wanted to do it justice, tried too hard (subconsciously) and made you play like a knob?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Oddsocks, can I ask whether the lads weekend away included much alcohol and a trip to the belair?

Tottaly understand the frustration though mate, and I probably concur that the PGA is very tough when the wind blows...

6 of the 8 hit the belair, i was one of those who didnt.


Totally sympathise, I'm off 3 and 2 weeks ago stood on the range hitting horrendous fat shots(sore off mats), shanks, thins, necked drivers going 150yds :mad:
I stood there like you and thought WTF has happened and seriously thought about cancelling all golf for a few weeks.
Anyway, key was tempo and rhythm was non existent, prob the same for you, plus some complacency sets in when your playing well and stop concentrating.
SO.......get to the range and start with a 6 iron small stance and swings no higher than waste height and slow rythym, do this until comfortable and confident to swing a bit higher but KEEP TEMPO AND RYTHYM the same.
You'll find things start to click back into place and some sweet sounding and feeling irons will happen. Dont get too excited to pull out the driver and thrash it as that will set you back again, persevere and chin up, as the guys have said we ALL go through this, let us know how you get on :cool:


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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That was last week, this is this week. Never look back unless it's good!

Not playing for a while isn't the answer



Head Pro
May 18, 2011
Cheshire, UK
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Stop being a fanny, eat a (hot) curry, build a bridge and get over it.


Great advice.

Putting your clubs away isn't the way forward.

Buy something nice and shiny to take your mind off it.




Tour Winner
May 16, 2011
South West Surrey
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Looking at your signature, handicap has steadily improved all year. That's excellent and should be the reason why you should carry on.

I suggest its purely the expectation level that has made you feel so poor. Three weeks of good scoring, good lessons and good practice automatically leads you into thinking "I've cracked it" and therefore I am definitely going to score well. Every person in golf from hackers to Tiger knows that golf is a pain the ar$e and bites you when you don't need it or expect it.

Get back on the saddle asap and manage the expectation!! Good luck :)


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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and if that goes wrong im at the golf shop saturday collecting the repair wedge so i can drop the other 12 snapped ones from tonight off for a re shaft too, :eek: