Lost my mojo


Challenge Tour Pro
Jun 30, 2011
North Ayrshire
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Need some advice. Never hit the ball very far but managed to get down to a reasonable h/cap, but now lost so much distance that i'm not sure if i've tinkered once to often and lost it, or i need to start from scratch and go see someone for a complete rebuild, totally frustrated at the moment. Any thoughts or input appreciated.


Global Moderator
Nov 19, 2008
Exeter..ish - Devon
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Have you had a look in the For Sale Section? I'm sure I saw one in there a couple of weeks ago. :D

Not very helpful I know, but playing off 6 you must be half decent I'm sure it will come back.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Somewheres along the line, sounds as if you've lost your 'timed sequencing'. So possibly just need a session simply focussing on your rhythm, tempo & importantly, your balance.
Could have started out by simply getting some small misalignments in setup & posture & ball position (ball position only really has to be half a ball out to throw stuff out of sync.)

So first off really check your basic alignments, posture, ball position any of these only has to be a real small ways out, for you to start having to make small compensatory moves in your swing motion which can then throw timing, rhythm out, before you know it tempo is a good ways too fast, you're not properly completing the shoulder/body pivot going back then transition is a ways out so then is impact.

Best ways I've found to help folks,(after really checking those setup fundamentals) is simply take your 8i a very small tee & a bunch of balls.

Tee it up but just so it's only just off the ground, just because it's one less problem to worry about. Then simply starting at swinging at 50%, the focus is all on timing, rhythm, balance & solid contact (How far it goes doesn't come in to it. Whether it's right on line doesn't come in to for the first 10 or so shots anyways)

When you're getting good timed solid contact & finishing in balance, make your self count to three as you hold the finish, sense where you balance is, do this until your balance at finish is right on it.
Then start to do the same at 75% (again how far you're not interested in) but now you pick a spot some 6 feet in front of your ball on your aim line (or if on the practice ground as opposed to range, actually put a towel, rod down) Focus again on timing, rhythm & balance but this time as you do this aim to get the ball starting over this 6 foot target, just see how far this 75% swing is sending then out. Don't try to speed up or hit them further, but at this 75% flying the balls over the starting line target aim to get them all landing in twenty feet diameter of where the 75% swing is landing them, get 20 or so grouped tightly, all the time still holding finish counting to three.

You should now be back a ways into your rhythm & striking the ball pretty good, just up it from 75% to 85% (still with the 8i) but again the focus is on solid contact (still off of the tee) on starting line over intermediate target (not distance, but if you're doing this right you should now be a ways around about normal 8i distance but right now this still isn't the goal) Keep your focus on timing, rhythm & holding that balanced finish.

Once you've got these 85% swings the contact, timing, rhythm & balance, you should notice they are starting out right on line & grouping pretty well. You'll be tempted to hit other lower number irons & the 3 metal, driver etc, don't, just finish the session & walk away with that timing, rhythm, balance & solid contact in your head.

Next time you're practicing just start by hitting a few 50%, then 75%, then 85% 8i's off the ground with that same feeling, they should be going good, just then move up to 6i same feeling at 85%, same then with the longer stuff.
You should be good to go. good luck.
Last edited:


Aug 5, 2011
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Somewheres along the line, sounds as if you've lost your 'timed sequencing'. So possibly just need a session simply focussing on your rhythm, tempo & importantly, your balance.
Could have started out by simply getting some small misalignments in setup & posture & ball position (ball position only really has to be half a ball out to throw stuff out of sync.)

So first off really check your basic alignments, posture, ball position any of these only has to be a real small ways out, for you to start having to make small compensatory moves in your swing motion which can then throw timing, rhythm out, before you know it tempo is a good ways too fast, you're not properly completing the shoulder/body pivot going back then transition is a ways out so then is impact.

Best ways I've found to help folks,(after really checking those setup fundamentals) is simply take your 8i a very small tee & a bunch of balls.

Tee it up but just so it's only just off the ground, just because it's one less problem to worry about. Then simply starting at swinging at 50%, the focus is all on timing, rhythm, balance & solid contact (How far it goes doesn't come in to it. Whether it's right on line doesn't come in to for the first 10 or so shots anyways)

When you're getting good timed solid contact & finishing in balance, make your self count to three as you hold the finish, sense where you balance is, do this until your balance at finish is right on it.
Then start to do the same at 75% (again how far you're not interested in) but now you pick a spot some 6 feet in front of your ball on your aim line (or if on the practice ground as opposed to range, actually put a towel, rod down) Focus again on timing, rhythm & balance but this time as you do this aim to get the ball starting over this 6 foot target, just see how far this 75% swing is sending then out. Don't try to speed up or hit them further, but at this 75% flying the balls over the starting line target aim to get them all landing in twenty feet diameter of where the 75% swing is landing them, get 20 or so grouped tightly, all the time still holding finish counting to three.

You should now be back a ways into your rhythm & striking the ball pretty good, just up it from 75% to 85% (still with the 8i) but again the focus is on solid contact (still off of the tee) on starting line over intermediate target (not distance, but if you're doing this right you should now be a ways around about normal 8i distance but right now this still isn't the goal) Keep your focus on timing, rhythm & holding that balanced finish.

Once you've got these 85% swings the contact, timing, rhythm & balance, you should notice they are starting out right on line & grouping pretty well. You'll be tempted to hit other lower number irons & the 3 metal, driver etc, don't, just finish the session & walk away with that timing, rhythm, balance & solid contact in your head.

Next time you're practicing just start by hitting a few 50%, then 75%, then 85% 8i's off the ground with that same feeling, they should be going good, just then move up to 6i same feeling at 85%, same then with the longer stuff.
You should be good to go. good luck.

Great advice for any of us 'losing it'.

The don't part will be the hardest not to do once you start swinging better.

This advice from the_coach is very similar to a lesson I had from a well known European tour coach- it works!


Challenge Tour Pro
Jun 30, 2011
North Ayrshire
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Somewheres along the line, sounds as if you've lost your 'timed sequencing'. So possibly just need a session simply focussing on your rhythm, tempo & importantly, your balance.
Could have started out by simply getting some small misalignments in setup & posture & ball position (ball position only really has to be half a ball out to throw stuff out of sync.)

So first off really check your basic alignments, posture, ball position any of these only has to be a real small ways out, for you to start having to make small compensatory moves in your swing motion which can then throw timing, rhythm out, before you know it tempo is a good ways too fast, you're not properly completing the shoulder/body pivot going back then transition is a ways out so then is impact.

Best ways I've found to help folks,(after really checking those setup fundamentals) is simply take your 8i a very small tee & a bunch of balls.

Tee it up but just so it's only just off the ground, just because it's one less problem to worry about. Then simply starting at swinging at 50%, the focus is all on timing, rhythm, balance & solid contact (How far it goes doesn't come in to it. Whether it's right on line doesn't come in to for the first 10 or so shots anyways)

When you're getting good timed solid contact & finishing in balance, make your self count to three as you hold the finish, sense where you balance is, do this until your balance at finish is right on it.
Then start to do the same at 75% (again how far you're not interested in) but now you pick a spot some 6 feet in front of your ball on your aim line (or if on the practice ground as opposed to range, actually put a towel, rod down) Focus again on timing, rhythm & balance but this time as you do this aim to get the ball starting over this 6 foot target, just see how far this 75% swing is sending then out. Don't try to speed up or hit them further, but at this 75% flying the balls over the starting line target aim to get them all landing in twenty feet diameter of where the 75% swing is landing them, get 20 or so grouped tightly, all the time still holding finish counting to three.

You should now be back a ways into your rhythm & striking the ball pretty good, just up it from 75% to 85% (still with the 8i) but again the focus is on solid contact (still off of the tee) on starting line over intermediate target (not distance, but if you're doing this right you should now be a ways around about normal 8i distance but right now this still isn't the goal) Keep your focus on timing, rhythm & holding that balanced finish.

Once you've got these 85% swings the contact, timing, rhythm & balance, you should notice they are starting out right on line & grouping pretty well. You'll be tempted to hit other lower number irons & the 3 metal, driver etc, don't, just finish the session & walk away with that timing, rhythm, balance & solid contact in your head.

Next time you're practicing just start by hitting a few 50%, then 75%, then 85% 8i's off the ground with that same feeling, they should be going good, just then move up to 6i same feeling at 85%, same then with the longer stuff.
You should be good to go. good luck.

Thanks Coach, really good advice, I'm just heading out to the practice ground.