Hacker Khan
Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
The services and the police have very good sports and golf teams, events etc.
I used to play with an ex army golf champ and he had a wonderful time for a few years representing the Army at golf around the world and the rest of the time playing with the senior officers.
I also know a few ex services guys who moved into golf management and have been very successful.
Jack, when I was your age most of the golf courses in Britain were run by retired Winco's and Colonels.
Perhaps that is an area you may wish to consider. You do seem to 'lighten up' when the services are mentioned.
The more strings to your bow the better.
Speaking of which I saw a van displaying a good business model for those who say they can't afford to start their own business.
It read........Garden services/ window cleaning/ car valeting.
Clever stuff, three bites at the same cherry.
I know the police golf society round me plays the best courses a lot for not much money. Well done I say. No idea if freemasonary is involved in the arrangement but it sounds a sweet gig to be in the policy golf society to me.