Is my swing to steep?


Head Pro
Dec 22, 2014
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So I took my phone and tripod to the range today and to me it looks like my swing is very very steep!

5i Slow Motion


Not sure if such a steep swing is a good thing or not. Any comments on my swing?

Deleted Member 1156

I would work on the overswing and the out to in swingpath before worrying about anything else :thup:

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Have a look at these two images at similar points in the downswing.



Luke Donald:


Look at the angle of your shaft compared to LD.

Notice where the shaft is in relation to his body. Now look where your shaft is.

Edit. Are you having lessons currently?

Guessing your bad shot is a pull/slice?

Bob and theCoach may pop in shortly :thup:
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Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Holy flying elbows batman. I'd calm that down first.



Head Pro
Dec 22, 2014
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Hmm "Flying elbow" that definitely looks like it.

Any ideas how to calm that down?

OnePlaner, finished some lessons earlier this year, booking a load more in over winter for exactly this reason.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Hmm "Flying elbow" that definitely looks like it.

Any ideas how to calm that down?

OnePlaner, finished some lessons earlier this year, booking a load more in over winter for exactly this reason.

Put a glove under your right armpit and try not to let it fall out until the follow through


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I think you'd potentially make so many things (flying elbow, steep, cutting across the ball) better just by stopping your backswing around here.....


Any further and bad things happen that you have to make compensations for in the downswing.

From there you just need to set your wrists and the club will point down the line more.

A face on view would be interesting.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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a conscious effort to stop that right elbow raising up as much should naturally stop the backswing earlier.

I do wonder what some pros are doing if you have already had a series of lessons. surely any kind of help with cutting that back swing would have a massive effect on you being able to control the club better.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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So I took my phone and tripod to the range today and to me it looks like my swing is very very steep!
Not sure if such a steep swing is a good thing or not. Any comments on my swing?

often times what's goin not so well in a swing motion has it's origin with how the hands are positioned on the handle along combined with some issues within posture set-up at address, ball position

until these issues are sorted a little ways better the current swing motion both back & through will tend on the whole to give similar results as it has a direct correlation to the motion that's being produced

in a nutshell the handle in the lead hand is little ways too much in the palm & probably a little 'weak' (rotated too much counter-clockwise) while the right hand is too much 'under' the handle (rotated too much clockwise with the thumb against the trailside of the handle)

this is pretty common issue with some folks, as counter-intuitively this feels like a ways powerful hold on the club
but in essence it isn't as it stops the hands/wrists setting correctly 'upwards' which limits by a good ways any real opportunity of a good 'wrist set angle' which in turn decreases the ability for true clubhead speed so distance, plus restricts accuracy of 'squareness' & 'sweetspot strike' delivery of the clubface at impact

this difficulty in having a good 'set' angle between shaft & lead arm of 90º by the time the lead arm is horizontal to the ground is then responsible for folks feeling they have to continue to take the arms/club ways back so the overswing way out of plane at the top - from there any arm/hand/club connection with the upper/lower body is lost makes it real difficult to get back to the ball in any real kind of good shape

if you look at freeze of address position notice the angle between the spine & club shaft is a good ways from 45º - the spine is pretty upright, which in turn puts the chin 'down' on the chest plus meaning there then has to be little overbend in the knees to be able to put clubhead to ball at address
{can't really see from this angle but with the over & out swing shape, swinging left through impact to be able to 'get to' the ball it's very possible the ball is little ways too far forwards in the stance}

the issues with the right elbow, the overswing, the downswing shape back to the ball so contact shot outcomes all stem from hands on the handle along with the set-up

need really to get grip & set-up in better shape so then the wrists/hands 'set' in a good ways so when the lead arm is 1st parallel/horizontal to the ground the angle between the club shaft & lead arm is at or pretty near to 90º - the wrist set is one of the big factors is both speed & accuracy of strike, of plane & AoA - with setting that angle then the arm/club can stop when the body stops turning so the top of the swing is little ways before the club gets to horizontal to the ground atop the swing so the connection remains easy then to deliver the clubhead to ball with some speed but much less physical effort


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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both address set-ups with 5i

you can see the difference in pelvic angles so spine angle - 'belt' on the left pretty much horizontal to the ground so body a ways upright look at angle between body & shaft plus head/chin to chest

on the right look at the 'belt' so the pelvic angle so spine angle to 5i club shaft plus the \room' from chin to chest
this a posture that's not 'butt' sitting down with extra knee bend
look close you can also see the difference in (from this angle) the right hand position which is in place more on top of the handle as the previous video



Head Pro
Dec 22, 2014
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I do wonder what some pros are doing if you have already had a series of lessons. surely any kind of help with cutting that back swing would have a massive effect on you being able to control the club better.

To be fair I only started golf a year ago and had lessons in January. Going to get make getting a lesson or two a regular occurrence to keep things in check.


Head Pro
Dec 22, 2014
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I've no idea what he's like as a teaching pro, but I gotta say the range is one of the worst I've ever been in.

It's really not great, you're right, I prefer the range at Canterbury or Stoneless but as Boughton is only 10 mins away its much more accessible.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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To be fair I only started golf a year ago and had lessons in January. Going to get make getting a lesson or two a regular occurrence to keep things in check.

Not having a go at you in any way bud. I resting the blame firmly at the door of the pro who has let you continue to swing like that after a couple of lessons. I just find it staggering.

With a little bit of work you could be hitting the ball x10 better.

Look up videos on

Grip as the coach mentions as this will allow the club to hinge. Grip in the fingers.
One piece take away.
Flying right elbow
Compact swing.

Most of this can be done at home to get the feelings even without hitting a ball. Your ball striking will be transformed in no time at all. At the minute you will only hit pulls and slices.

Watch the videos. Do slow motion drills in front of a mirror to make sure you are getting closer to where you want to be.